I have a dataframe, say
df = data.frame(x = c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y = c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6))
I want to remove only those rows in which one or multiple ts are directly in between a d and a c, in all other cases I want to retain the cases. So for this example, I would like to remove the ts on row 8, 18 and 19, but keep the others. I have over thousands of cases so doing this manually would be a true horror. Any help is very much appreciated.
One option would be to use rle to get runs of the same string and then you can use an sapply to check forward/backward and return all the positions you want to drop:
rle_vals <- rle(as.character(df$x))
drop <- unlist(sapply(2:length(rle_vals$values), #loop over values
function(i, vals, lengths) {
if(vals[i] == "t" & vals[i-1] == "d" & vals[i+1] == "c"){#Check if value is "t", previous is "d" and next is "c"
(sum(lengths[1:i-1]) + 1):sum(lengths[1:i]) #Get row #s
},vals = rle_vals$values, lengths = rle_vals$lengths))
#[1] 8 18 19
# x y
#1 a 2
#2 a 4
#3 b 5
#4 b 2
#5 b 6
#6 c 2
#7 d 4
#9 c 2
#10 b 6
#11 t 2
#12 c 4
#13 t 5
#14 a 2
#15 a 6
#16 b 2
#17 d 4
#20 c 6
This also works, by collapsing to a string, identifying groups of t's between d and c (or c and d - not sure whether you wanted this option as well), then working out where they are and removing the rows as appropriate.
df = data.frame(x=c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y=c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dfs <- paste0(df$x,collapse="") #collapse to a string
dfs2 <- do.call(rbind,lapply(list(gregexpr("dt+c",dfs),gregexpr("ct+d",dfs)),
function(L) data.frame(x=L[[1]],y=attr(L[[1]],"match.length"))))
dfs2 <- dfs2[dfs2$x>0,] #remove any -1 values (if string not found)
drop <- unlist(mapply(function(a,b) (a+1):(a+b-2),dfs2$x,dfs2$y))
df2 <- df[-drop,]
Here is another solution with base R:
df = data.frame(x = c("a","a","b","b","b","c","d","t","c","b","t","c","t","a","a","b","d","t","t","c"),
y = c(2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6,2,4,5,2,6))
s <- paste0(df$x, collapse="")
L <- c(NA, NA)
while (TRUE) {
r <- regexec("dt+c", s)[[1]]
if (r[1]==-1) break
L <- rbind(L, c(pos=r[1]+1, length=attr(r, "match.length")-2))
s <- sub("d(t+)c", "x\\1x", s)
L <- L[-1,]
drop <- unlist(apply(L,1, function(x) seq(from=x[1], len=x[2])))
df[-drop, ]
# > drop
# 8 18 19
# > df[-drop, ]
# x y
# 1 a 2
# 2 a 4
# 3 b 5
# 4 b 2
# 5 b 6
# 6 c 2
# 7 d 4
# 9 c 2
# 10 b 6
# 11 t 2
# 12 c 4
# 13 t 5
# 14 a 2
# 15 a 6
# 16 b 2
# 17 d 4
# 20 c 6
With gregexpr() it is shorter:
s <- paste0(df$x, collapse="")
g <- gregexpr("dt+c", s)[[1]]
L <- data.frame(pos=g+1, length=attr(g, "match.length")-2)
drop <- unlist(apply(L,1, function(x) seq(from=x[1], len=x[2])))
df[-drop, ]
I have two data frames(df1, df2) and performed full_join using the common column of interest col1.
df1 <- data.frame(col1=c('A','D','C','C','E','E','I'),col2=c(4,7,8,3,2,4,9))
df2 <- data.frame(col1=c('A','A','B','C','C','E','E','I'),col2=c(4,1,6,8,3,2,1,9))
df1 %>% full_join(df2, by = "col1")
# col1 col2.x col2.y
# 1 A 4 4
# 2 A 4 1
# 3 D 7 NA
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 8 3
# 6 C 3 8
# 7 C 3 3
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 2 1
# 10 E 4 2
# 11 E 4 1
# 12 I 9 9
# 13 B NA 6
As expected the full_join provides multiplicty of the joining column values and I wish to avoid it. I wish to arrive at the following output. What kind of post-processing approaches do you suggest?
# col1 col2.x col2.y
# 1 A 4 4
# 2 A NA 1
# 3 D 7 NA
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 3 3
# 6 E 2 2
# 7 E 4 1
# 8 I 9 9
# 9 B NA 6
More information:
Case 1: I do not need four rows in the output for two same values in both input objects:
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 8 3
# 6 C 3 8
# 7 C 3 3
instead, I want only two as:
# 4 C 8 8
# 5 C 3 3
Case 2: Similarly, I need same row for the difference in values:
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 2 1
# 10 E 4 2
# 11 E 4 1
instead, I want only two rows as below:
# 8 E 2 2
# 9 E 4 1
A possible solution in 2 steps using the data.table-package:
0) load package & convert to data.table's
1) define helper function
unlistSD <- function(x) {
l <- length(x)
ls <- sapply(x, lengths)
m <- max(ls)
newSD <- vector(mode = "list", length = l)
for (i in 1:l) {
u <- unlist(x[[i]])
lu <- length(u)
if (lu < m) {
u <- c(u, rep(NA_real_, m - lu))
newSD[[i]] <- u
return(setNames(as.list(newSD), names(x)))
2) merge and apply helper function
merge(df1[, .(col2 = list(col2)), by = col1],
df2[, .(col2 = list(col2)), by = col1],
by = "col1", all = TRUE
)[, unlistSD(.SD), by = col1]
which gives the following result:
col1 col2.x col2.y
1: A 4 4
2: A NA 1
3: C 8 8
4: C 3 3
5: D 7 NA
6: E 2 2
7: E 4 1
8: I 9 9
9: B NA 6
Another possibiliy with base R:
unlistDF <- function(d, groupcols) {
ds <- split(d[, setdiff(names(d), groupcols)], d[,groupcols])
ls <- lapply(ds, function(x) max(sapply(x, lengths)))
dl <- lapply(ds, function(x) lapply(as.list(x), unlist))
du <- Map(function(x, y) {
lapply(x, function(i) {
if(length(i) < y) {
c(i, rep(NA_real_, y - length(i)))
} else i
}, x = dl, y = ls)
ld <- lapply(du, as.data.frame)
cbind(d[rep(1:nrow(d), ls), groupcols, drop = FALSE],
do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(ld, make.row.names = FALSE)),
row.names = NULL)
Now you can use this function as follows in combination with merge:
df <- merge(aggregate(col2 ~ col1, df1, as.list),
aggregate(col2 ~ col1, df2, as.list),
by = "col1", all = TRUE)
unlistDF(df, "col1")
Say I have a dataframe like this:
n <- 20
df <- data.frame(ID = sample(1:5, n, replace = TRUE),
Fac1 = sample(letters[1:5], n, replace = TRUE),
Fac2 = sample(LETTERS[10:15], n, replace = TRUE),
Val1 = sample(1:10, n, replace = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(ID) %>% group_by(ID,Fac1) %>%
summarise(Val1 = sum(Val1),Fac2 = first(Fac2)) %>%
group_by(ID,Fac2) %>%
mutate(Val2 = sum(Val1))
ID Fac1 Val1 Fac2 Val2
1 1 b 9 N 9
2 1 c 9 O 9
3 2 a 4 K 4
4 2 b 10 M 18
5 2 c 4 L 4
6 2 d 8 M 18
7 2 e 10 N 10
8 3 d 14 N 14
9 4 b 8 L 22
10 4 c 14 L 22
11 4 d 9 K 9
12 4 e 6 N 6
13 5 a 13 M 13
14 5 b 3 N 3
ID is a grouping variable. Rows with an Fac1 value of e should have the Fac2 value changed to be that same as the other row in the group where Fac1 is either b or c and the sum of Val 2 for the two rows if greater than 20. (I've simplified this to the point where you probably don't get why but just work with me).
This is what I have tried so far:
result <- df %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(Fac2 = case_when(
Fac1 == "e" &
sum(Val2,ifelse(Fac1 %in% c("b","c"), Val2, 0)) > 20 ~
ifelse(sum(Val2,ifelse(Fac1 %in% c("b","c"),Val2,0)) > 20,
TRUE ~ as.character(Fac2)
It doesn't work properly because it is summing the first value of Val2 in the group rather than only doing so when Fac1 is b or c.
Any ideas?
Adding desired outcome:
ID Fac1 Val1 Fac2 Val2
1 1 b 9 N 9
2 1 c 9 O 9
3 2 a 4 K 4
4 2 b 10 M 18
5 2 c 4 L 4
6 2 d 8 M 18
7 2 e 10 M 10 **Changed to M b/c row 4 is M and 10 + 18 > 20
8 3 d 14 N 14
9 4 b 8 L 22
10 4 c 14 L 22
11 4 d 9 K 9
12 4 e 6 L 6 **Changed to L b/c row 10 is L and 6 + 22 > 20
13 5 a 13 M 13
14 5 b 3 N 3
I'm having a hard time following what you are wanting the values to be changed to.
But when I have multiple conditions or decisions that need to be made in a sequence, I use a loop and a series of if statements to go through the data frame. I prefer while loops, so that's what I'll use in the example.
counter <- 1
stopper <- nrow(df)
while (counter <= stopper) {
fac1 <- df$Fac1[counter1]
if (fac1 == 'e') {
if ([INSERT NEXT CONDITION]) #Change whichever value your trying to change using the counter to reference the correct row.
else #Change whichever value your trying to change using the counter to reference the correct row.
counter <- counter + 1
For me, simplifying the code makes it a lot easier for me to keep track of what decisions are being made. It also allows for complex decisions that are difficult to get functions to work with.
I was able to get the desired result with this code. I made a new column containing the result of the test for what value to replace Fac2 with, which wasn't entirely necessary but makes it more readable and debugable.
The key thing was to use first(na.omit()) to get the value from a different row in the same group which met the condition.
result <- df %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(Max_bc_Val = ifelse(Val2 == max(ifelse(Fac1 %in% c("b","c"),
ifelse(Fac1 %in% c("b","c"),
as.character(Fac2),NA),NA)) %>%
mutate(Fac2 = case_when(
Fac1 == "e" ~ ifelse(is.na(first(na.omit(Max_bc_Val))),
TRUE ~ as.character(Fac2)))
This works but doesn't seem like the best solution. Any other ideas?
There are a number of questions here about repeating rows a prespecified number of times in R, but I can't find one to address the specific question I'm asking.
I have a dataframe of responses from a survey in which each respondent answers somewhere between 5 and 10 questions. As a toy example:
df <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:2, each = 5),
Response = sample(LETTERS[1:4], 10, replace = TRUE),
Weight = rep(c(2,3), each = 5))
> df
ID Response Weight
1 1 D 2
2 1 C 2
3 1 D 2
4 1 D 2
5 1 B 2
6 2 D 3
7 2 C 3
8 2 B 3
9 2 D 3
10 2 B 3
I would like to repeat respondent 1's answers twice, as a block, and then respondent 2's answers 3 times, as a block, and I want each block of responses to have a unique ID. In other words, I want the end result to look like this:
ID Response Weight
1 11 D 2
2 11 C 2
3 11 D 2
4 11 D 2
5 11 B 2
6 12 D 2
7 12 C 2
8 12 D 2
9 12 D 2
10 12 B 2
11 21 D 3
12 21 C 3
13 21 B 3
14 21 D 3
15 21 B 3
16 22 D 3
17 22 C 3
18 22 B 3
19 22 D 3
20 22 B 3
21 23 D 3
22 23 C 3
23 23 B 3
24 23 D 3
25 23 B 3
The way I'm doing this is currently really clunky, and, given that I have >3000 respondents in my dataset, is unbearably slow.
Here's my code:
df.expanded <- NULL
for(i in unique(df$ID)) {
x <- df[df$ID == i,]
y <- x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), x$Weight),1:3]
y$order <- rep(1:max(x$Weight), nrow(x))
y <- y[with(y, order(order)),]
y$IDNew <- rep(max(y$ID)*100 + 1:max(x$Weight), each = nrow(x))
df.expanded <- rbind(df.expanded, y)
Is there a faster way to do this?
There is an easier solution. I suppose you want to duplicate rows based on Weight as shown in your code.
df2 <- df[rep(seq_along(df$Weight), df$Weight), ]
df2$ID <- paste(df2$ID, unlist(lapply(df$Weight, seq_len)), sep = '')
# sort the rows
df2 <- df2[order(df2$ID), ]
Is this method faster? Let's see:
m1 = {
df.expanded <- NULL
for(i in unique(df$ID)) {
x <- df[df$ID == i,]
y <- x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), x$Weight),1:3]
y$order <- rep(1:max(x$Weight), nrow(x))
y <- y[with(y, order(order)),]
y$IDNew <- rep(max(y$ID)*100 + 1:max(x$Weight), each = nrow(x))
df.expanded <- rbind(df.expanded, y)
m2 = {
df2 <- df[rep(seq_along(df$Weight), df$Weight), ]
df2$ID <- paste(df2$ID, unlist(lapply(df$Weight, seq_len)), sep = '')
# sort the rows
df2 <- df2[order(df2$ID), ]
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# m1 806.295 862.460 1101.6672 921.0690 1283.387 2588.730 100
# m2 171.731 194.199 245.7246 214.3725 283.145 506.184 100
There might be other more efficient ways.
Another approach would be to use data.table.
Assuming you're starting with "DT" as your data.table, try:
DT[, list(.id = rep(seq(Weight[1]), each = .N), Weight, Response), .(ID)]
I haven't pasted the ID columns together, but instead, created a secondary column. That seems a little bit more flexible to me.
Data for testing. Change n to create a larger dataset to play with.
n <- 5
weights <- sample(3:15, n, TRUE)
df <- data.frame(ID = rep(seq_along(weights), weights),
Response = sample(LETTERS[1:5], sum(weights), TRUE),
Weight = rep(weights, weights))
DT <- as.data.table(df)
I have 8 columns of variables which I must keep column 1 to 3. For column 4 to 8 I need to keep those with only 3 levels and drop which does not qualify that condition.
I tried the following command
data3 <- data2[,sapply(data2,function(col)length(unique(col)))==3]
It managed to retain the variables with 3 levels, but deleted my first 3 columns.
You could do a two step process:
data4 <- data2[1:3]
#Your answer for the second part here:
data3 <- data2[,sapply(data2,function(col)length(unique(col)))==3]
Depending on what you would like your expected output to be, could try with the option all =TRUE inside the merge().
I would suggest another approach:
x = 1:3
cbind(data2[x], Filter(function(i) length(unique(i))==3, data2[-x]))
# 1 2 3 5
#1 a 1 3 b
#2 b 2 4 b
#3 c 3 5 b
#4 d 4 6 a
#5 e 5 7 c
#6 f 6 8 c
#7 g 7 9 c
#8 h 8 10 a
#9 i 9 11 c
#10 j 10 12 b
data2 = setNames(
sample(letters[1:10],10, replace=T),
sample(letters[1:3],10, replace=T)),
Assuming that the columns 4:8 are factor class, we can also use nlevels to filter the columns. We create 'toKeep' as the numeric index of columns to keep, and 'toFilter' as numeric index of columns to filter. We subset the dataset into two: 1) using the 'toKeep' as the index (data2[toKeep]), 2) using the 'toFilter', we further subset the dataset by looping with sapply to find the number of levels (nlevels), create logical index (==3) to filter the columns and cbind with the first subset.
toKeep <- 1:3
toFilter <- setdiff(seq_len(ncol(data2)), n)
cbind(data2[toKeep], data2[toFilter][sapply(data2[toFilter], nlevels)==3])
# V1 V2 V3 V4 V6
#1 B B D C B
#2 B D D A B
#3 D E B A B
#4 C B E C A
#5 D D A D E
#6 E B A A B
data2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(LETTERS[1:5], 8*6, replace=TRUE), ncol=8))
Say I have a data frame which looks like this:
x 1 3 4
y 5 4 6
z 8 9 1
And I want to replace the column names in the first based on column values in a second:
Low High
Such that I get:
x 1 3 4
y 5 4 6
z 8 9 1
How would I do it?
I have tried extracting the vector df.B$High from df.B and using this in names(df.A), but everything is in alphabetical order and shifted over one. Furthermore, this only works if the order of columns in df.A is conserved with respect to the elements in df.B$High, which is not always the case (and in my real example there is no numeric or alphabetical way to sort the two to the same order). So I think I need an rbind-type argument for matching elements, but I'm not sure.
You can use rename from plyr:
dat <- read.table(text = " A B C
x 1 3 4
y 5 4 6
z 8 9 1",header = TRUE,sep = "")
> new <- read.table(text = "Low High
C G",header = TRUE,sep = "")
> rename(dat,replace = setNames(new$High,new$Low))
x 1 3 4
y 5 4 6
z 8 9 1
using match:
df.A <- read.table(sep=" ", header=T, text="
x 1 3 4
y 5 4 6
z 8 9 1")
df.B <- read.table(sep=" ", header=T, text="
Low High
C G")
df.C <- df.A
names(df.C) <- df.B$High[match(names(df.A), df.B$Low)]
# D F G
# x 1 3 4
# y 5 4 6
# z 8 9 1
You can play games with the row names of df.B to make a lookup more convenient:
rownames(df.B) <- df.B$Low
names(df.A) <- df.B[names(df.A),"High"]
## D F G
## x 1 3 4
## y 5 4 6
## z 8 9 1
Here's an approach abusing factor:
f <- factor(names(df.A), levels=df.B$Low)
levels(f) <- df.B$High
## [1] D F G
## Levels: D F G
names(df.A) <- f
## Desired results