How to parse all dates in response in Integromat app? -

In response, I get a big object with many data fields. I need a function that will be going through all properties of an object, and if it is a date, apply iml.parseDate(value) for this field. This function must be universal for other modules.
I've noticed that typeof(date) returns " string" so I don't know how to do this.
"id": 13965629,
"updated_at": "2020-07-10 02:01 PM +0300",
"created_at": "2020-07-10 02:01 PM +0300",
"creator": {
"name":"Jon Doe",
"registered": "2020-06-22 12:31 PM +0100",

You can interate through your objects or arrays and match the date using regexp.
function convertDates(obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
let val = obj[key];
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
else if (typeof val === 'object') {
return convertDates(val);
else if (/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}\s+(?:PM|AM)\s+\+\d{4}/.test(val)) {
obj[key] = parseDate(val);
return obj;


Google Calender API - Get eventID In a Calender

I need to get eventID's of a Calendar. I list events and some information about them but i can not get their ID's. I used this doc:
// Print the next 10 events on the user's calendar.
$calendarId = '';
$optParams = array(
'maxResults' => 100,
'orderBy' => 'startTime',
'singleEvents' => true,
'timeMin' => date('c', strtotime("monday -1 week")),
'timeMax' => date('c'),
$results = $service->events->listEvents($calendarId, $optParams);
$events = $results->getItems();
if (empty($events)) {
print "No upcoming events found.\n";
} else {
//print "Upcoming events:\n";
foreach ($events as $event) {
$start = $event->start->dateTime;
if (empty($start)) {
$start = $event->start->date;
printf("%s %s\n", $event->getSummary(), $start);
The method events.list
Returns a response
"kind": "calendar#events",
"etag": etag,
"summary": string,
"description": string,
"updated": datetime,
"timeZone": string,
"accessRole": string,
"defaultReminders": [
"method": string,
"minutes": integer
"nextPageToken": string,
"nextSyncToken": string,
"items": [
events Resource
Which contains a list of Event Resources
An event resource has a field called id.
"kind": "calendar#event",
"etag": etag,
"id": string,
So depending upon which language you would be using it would just be a matter of looping though each of the items returned by the method and then accessing the id of that event.
C# example.
foreach(var event in response.Items){

How do I access data in GraphQL if not by the id?

I'm using GraphQL with Meteor and Pup v2, and I have a problem accessing the users data via a special ID provided to every user on signup, this ID will be used in a link ( so other users can view the searched users account. Problem is, I can't get the data with the special ID, I can't get any data back if I don't pass in the users _id provided by MongoDB. Below I have a bunch of the code used:
Attempt 1
I tried to use a custom on-the-go way just to be able to at least access the data to see if it works (and then implement it correctly later)
const GET_USER_DETAILS = gql`
query user($userId: String) {
user(userId: $userId) {
Here I export so I can get the data:
export default compose(
options: ({ match }) => ({
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
variables: {
// existing specialId for testing purposes, to be replaced with match.params.userId
userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn",
This returns a 400 error Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 400 error and after multiple attempts, I could not fix it, so I tried a different approach...
Attempt 2
I tried to go deep into the files and change the GraphQL. Created a new query:
query userById($userId: String) {
userById(userId: $userId) {
(Mentioned fragment)
fragment UserAttributes on User {
name {
roles {
settings {
Tried to add new item in API:
type Query {
userById(userId: String): User
resolvers: {
Query: {
userById: (parent, args) => {
// Assuming args equals an object like { _id: '123' };
return UserQueries.userById(args);
query.js, attempt 1:
userById: (parent) => queryUsers.find({ userId: parent.userId }, { sort: { createdAt: 1 } }).fetch()
Attempt 2:
userById: (parent, args, context) => {
return queryUsers({
userId: parent.userId,
And finally
Attempt 3
I tried to modify the get query
const getQueryModified = (options) => {
// console.log(options.userId)
try {
return options.userId
? { 'userId': options.userId }
: { userId: options.userId };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Here is the original query I tried to modify:
const getQuery = (options) => {
try {
? {
_id: { $ne: options.currentUser._id },
$or: [
{ '': },
{ '': },
{ 'emails.address': },
// { 'userId': },
{ 'services.facebook.first_name': },
{ 'services.facebook.last_name': },
{ '': },
: { _id: options.currentUser._id };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Unfortunately this was also unsuccessful, the best I get from these when executing the below query is null...
userById(userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn"){
All I want is to get the user data from their userId and not their _id, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it

botkit middleware - How to use sendToWatson to update context?

I use as my reference.
The context in my conversation does not update.
Here is my bot-facebook.js.
function checkBalance(context, callback) {
var contextDelta = {
user_name: 'Henrietta',
fname: 'Pewdiepie'
callback(null, context);
var checkBalanceAsync = Promise.promisify(checkBalance);
var processWatsonResponse = function (bot, message) {
if (message.watsonError) {
return bot.reply(message, "I'm sorry, but for technical reasons I can't respond to your message");
if (typeof message.watsonData.output !== 'undefined') {
//send "Please wait" to users
bot.reply(message, message.watsonData.output.text.join('\n'));
if (message.watsonData.output.action === 'check_balance') {
var newMessage = clone(message);
newMessage.text = 'check new name';
checkBalanceAsync(message.watsonData.context).then(function (contextDelta) {
console.log("contextDelta: " + JSON.stringify(contextDelta));
return watsonMiddleware.sendToWatsonAsync(bot, newMessage, contextDelta);
}).catch(function (error) {
newMessage.watsonError = error;
}).then(function () {
return processWatsonResponse(bot, newMessage);
controller.on('message_received', processWatsonResponse);
The JSON editor of welcome node in my watson conversation.
"context": {
"fname": "",
"user_name": ""
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Good day :) My name is Doug and I am a chatbot."
"selection_policy": "random"
"action": "check_balance"
I have tried multiple ways I could imagine.
Do I need to do something like fname: <?contextDelta.fname?> in the json editor?
You aren't checking context in your dialog.
Context object in JSON editor is used to store captured data in context,
so your node actually empties context variable.
Probably you need to remove that context initialization from your dialog,
To see value of context variable, you have to use it in the output
"Good day, $fname :) My name is Doug and I am a chatbot."

API Gateway and DynamoDB PutItem for String Set

I can't seem to find how to correctly call PutItem for a StringSet in DynamoDB through API Gateway. If I call it like I would for a List of Maps, then I get objects returned. Example data is below.
"eventId": "Lorem",
"eventName": "Lorem",
"companies": [
"companyId": "Lorem",
"companyName": "Lorem"
"eventTags": [
And my example template call for companies:
"companies" : {
"L": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.companies) {
"M": {
"companyId": {
"S": "$elem.companyId"
"companyName": {
"S": "$elem.companyName"
} #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
I've tried to call it with String Set listed, but it errors out still and tells me that "Start of structure or map found where not expected" or that serialization failed.
"eventTags" : {
"SS": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.eventTags) {
} #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
What is the proper way to call PutItem for converting an array of strings to a String Set?
If you are using JavaScript AWS SDK, you can use document client API (docClient.createSet) to store the SET data type.
docClient.createSet - converts the array into SET data type
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var params = {
"yearkey": year,
"title": title
"product" : docClient.createSet(['milk','veg'])

Can URI templates be used to match URIs to routes?

Frameworks like ASP.NET or Nancy provide a syntax that can be used for specifying routes, such as:
MapRoute("/customers/{id}/invoices/{invoiceId}", ...)
In ASP.NET routes work in two directions. They can match a request URI such as /customers/32/invoices/19 to a route, and they can resolve parameters such as { id: 37, invoiceId: 19 } into a URI.
RFC 6570: URI Templates also defines a similar, though much richer, specification for URI's that are often used to resolve URI's. For example:
UriTemplate("/customers/{id}/invoices{/invoiceId}{?sort}", { id: 37, invoiceId: 19, sort: 'asc' } )
// returns: /customers/37/invoices/19?sort=asc
My question is, can the syntax specified in RFC 6570 be used to match request URI's to routes? Is there a part of the syntax that would make it ambiguous to match a given URI to a given URI template? Are there any libraries that support matching a URI to a URI template?
I suspect it would be very difficult. Certainly things like the prefix syntax would make it impossible to regenerate the original parameters.
For things like path segment expansion
{/list*} /red/green/blue
How would you know which parts of the path were literals and which parts were part of the parameter? There are lots of fairly freaky behavior in the URITemplate spec, I suspect even if it is possible to match, it would be fairly expensive.
Are you interested in doing this for the purposes of routing?
It is simple regarding match but regarding resolve you need to replace the part by the RFC 6570.
Unfortunately I am doing this in node with express js and this might not be helpful, but I am sure something like (for resolving) is also available in ASP.
Here is some .js code to illustrate the rewriting of a hyperschema
USING RFC 6570 to use with express js (the advantage of the use within schema is that you could also define regexes for your uri templates):
var deref = require('json-schema-deref');
var tv4 = require('tv4');
var url = require('url');
var rql = require('rql/parser');
var hyperschema = {
"$schema": "",
"links": [
"href": "{/id}{/ooo*}{#q}",
"method": "GET",
"rel": "self",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"params": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {"$ref": "#/definitions/id"}
"additionalProperties": false
"additionalProperties": true
"definitions": {
"id": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "[a-z]{0,3}"
// DOJO lang AND _
function getDottedProperty(object, parts, create) {
var key;
var i = 0;
while (object && (key = parts[i++])) {
if (typeof object !== 'object') {
return undefined;
object = key in object ? object[key] : (create ? object[key] = {} : undefined);
return object;
function getProperty(object, propertyName, create) {
return getDottedProperty(object, propertyName.split('.'), create);
function _rEscape(str) {
return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
function getPattern(k, ldo, customCat) {
// ...* = explode = array
// ...: = maxLength
var key = ((k.slice(-1) === '*') ? k.slice(0,-1) : k).split(':')[0];
var cat = (customCat) ? customCat : 'params'; // becomes default of customCat in TS
var pattern = '';
if (typeof ldo === 'object' && ldo.hasOwnProperty('schema')) {
var res = getProperty(ldo.schema, ['properties',cat,'properties',key,'pattern'].join('.'));
if (res) {
return ['(',res,')'].join('');
return pattern;
function ldoToRouter(ldo) {
var expression = ldo.href.replace(/(\{\+)/g, '{') // encoding
.replace(/(\{\?.*\})/g, '') // query
.replace(/\{[#]([^}]*)\}/g, function(_, arg) {
// crosshatch
return ['(?:[/]*)?#:',arg,getPattern(arg,ldo,'anchor')].join('');
.replace(/\{([./])?([^}]*)\}/g, function(_, op, arg) {
// path seperator
//console.log(op, '::', arg, '::', ldo.schema);
return [op,':',arg,getPattern(arg,ldo)].join('');
return {method: ldo.method.toLowerCase(), args:[expression]};
deref(hyperschema, function(err, fullSchema) {
console.log('deref hyperschema:',JSON.stringify(fullSchema));
var router =;
