Stop caching in Django - css

I am using Django with Bootstrap 4 in project with my own custom css for design.
Every time when I make new design change in css file I have to clear my browser cache and reload the page to view changes or if I rename the custom css file then my design changes are visible.
Is there any way I can disable caching just for development and I can enable while it is in live environment. I am new to this and Django is huge. Please share what is best practice to do this.

Append ?n={{random_number}} in your template to the css path.
You can write a custom template tag to get a random number like this


Afterlogic Webmail Lite custom theme / skin

I would like to make a custom dark theme for a web client.
I tried everything but no matter what I changed I cannot get any changes to take effect. I found out this page in the documentation but I cannot get it to work:
Does anyone have some experience with this webmail client?
The recommended option for creating a new skin is to clone and rename one of the existing skins, and upon making changes to it, run gulp styles --themes YOUR_THEME_NAME command. Once this operation is performed, check static/styles/themes/YOUR_THEME_NAME and see if you get your changes reflected there. If the changes are in place, then it's probably browser cache causing it, try clearing it and see if that helps.
In fact, it's not required to deal with .less files, you can simply create a copy of an existing theme under static/styles/themes directory - but in either case, you need to make sure the new theme is listed in ThemeList section of data/settings/modules/CoreWebclient.config.json configuration file.

Wordpress doesn't apply CSS changes

I was creating a custom template for a wordpress webbsite and for the first time after I add new classes in the style.css and I apply the changes, the website doesn't save them. I tried many times to delete the cache and change browser but nothing. When I open the style sheet from wordpress ACP I can see the changes but from google chrome with the webmaster tool I see nothing, like it shows the old css version. I am using WP Super Cache also.
Anyone knows the solution?
Adding a query killer at the end of the css file might also override any possible caching mechanisms.
Ie: should be accessed via

How to make changes in wordpress template. Css direct edit not working

I want to make small changes in wordpress template css, but despite I change desired values (for instance font-height), changes are not applied on actual page(I've tried multiple browsers, cleaned browser and wordpress cache...).
I've noticed that this theme is using Redux framework, so it seems that this "cause" this problem with all these changes.
I would not mind to delete this (or any other) framework and make all my custom changes directly with css, but I'm not sure how to do it properly.
I have knowledge of html & css, but not wordpress system.
try using this plugin :
Simple Custom Css

Where is css file of my menu?I have joomla site

Can't style my menu css,i tried to change in master-ccda(my site helps for 5 minutes than changed back.Please help me to find place where i can change it.
You use a rocketheme/gantry template. Your website has compression/caching enabled for the css. This is enabled either by the template settings or another compression/caching system plugin. Therefore what you get as a final css file, is a dynamically generated compressed css file. Any edits you are doing on this file are getting lost, as soon as the system will generate a new final master.css file.
You need to disable these functions while you are building your website. Doing so will stop the compression of all the css files into one and you will see what rules and from which files your menu and other elements/sections of your website inherit their styles.
In addition keep in mind that it is best to avoid making changes on the core files of your template/extensions.
Gantry templates allow you to create a custom css file where you can put your own css overrides.
The custom css file need to be place inside the css folder of your template and usually needs to have a name of this convention: rt_templatename-custom.css.

DNN Portal and Page relative images in custom skin css

I have a custom skin that I designed. It is used on more than one portal that I manage. I want to add the ability change a header image based on the page that is being displayed. This image is a background and I don't want to use a content pane to achieve this. Also, I would prefer to not use Java script either (but I have a feeling this will be necessary)
I know how to reference the skin path for resources, but this would put the same image on every portal and page. I want to have a default image like header_bg.jpg in an /images folder in each portal that uses the skin.
So I want to know if there is a way to get the relative root of the portal from the skin css file that is being used by that portal?
Thanks in advance
You could put the CSS into Portal.css for each of the portals, that gets loaded on every page of a DNN site, depending on which portal it is.
Portal.css loads after container and module CSS files.
