Can you send a packet without being visible to the receiver? - networking

Can you send data to a UDP receiver without your IP address or location visible to the receiver?

Yes. It's possible to create and send UDP packets with a spoofed IP address using a raw socket.
Raw sockets allow applications to create their own IP headers including the source address fields. Look around for examples in whatever language you write in.
However, creating and sending such a packet doesn't mean that the networks along the way to the recipient will actually deliver it. Some networks employ defensed like Reverse path forwarding to protect against IP spoofing. There's CAIDA a research project that tests for IP spoofing in networks around the world, you can find an up to date report here.


Why is it not possible to spoof an ip address (without using a proxy) and still receive a response?

I understand that if I tell my computer to send TCP packets from a fake ip address - say - then my computer will happily send the packets out but not receive them in response.
But why is no response received? At which point in the chain is the return packet dropped?
Or, to give the same question asked another way - if my internet provider assigns me some arbitrary IP address, why can't my computer tell the internet provider to give me a different, arbitrary, IP address?
It's like sending a letter with a return address in it that is invalid. The mail will still get there, but if they send it back the postman (router) will at best be able to deliver it to a fake return address.
Your internet provider gives you an address on internet that isn't arbitrary rather one of it's internet addresses it has allocated. You can't 'move house' by wishing it.
If you do move house by getting another valid address you still need to receive a response using address supplied.
The postmen (routers) are incorruptible AFAIK :)
To start with your question about why no response is received, it is because the response goes to the person whose IP you spoofed. This can be abused, and an example if this is a "smurf attack". You would need to control the spoofed IP in order to receive the response, and there would be no point to spoofing if you had this control.
As for your question about why you cannot make your ISP assign you an IP is because, firstly, your ISP has control of a range of IPs and cannot assign IPs out of its permitted range. Secondly, most ISPs won't take into account the IP that your device wants. It has full control and will control your IP how it wants, so you cannot change your external IP at will.
There are many reasons why an ISP will not give an 'arbitrary' IP address. These include
They themselves only have a block of IP addresses they are allowed to allocate to users, if the IP address you want to use is not in this block there's nothing they can do (even if they want to, which they probably don't)
You are mostly likely being assigned an IP through DHCP (unless your provider is very generous or you are paying for a static IP). This also means that your IP is frequently changing.
The reason you receive no response is, as you put it, because the spoofed address is not your IP address. You are in essence telling the receiver of the TCP packets to respond to a different user (e.g., you send a packet, and they respond to some random stranger).

Send TCP/UDP packets from the outside to a client behind a router

I want to send packets to a client on a lan, say, the public address is: and behind this, there are 3 machines:
How would format my packet so that, if I were to send it to this IP address, it'll be received, well, atleast redirected to say,
I know that there's, since it's one of my machines and I was wondering if I can build a notification system for something using no sockets whatsoever, but just a client listening for these. (Using scapy to parse packets)
So, for example: I send a packet from outside saying "Alert!" to and picks it up. Wrote this just to provide some insight!
Made this image to portray the process:
You can also implement a UDP hole punching, but you need a public server with real IP address to do that.

Where is the source and destination address fields in TCP header?

From what I've read, TCP sits on the layer between the application and IP, and handles setting up the packets, checking for errors, ordering etc so the application itself doesn't have to do it.
However, when I looked at the TCP header I became confused. From the way I understand it, some data is handed to TCP from the application, and is given a destination address to which to send the data. The TCP layer packages it up, and sends it on to the IP layer, who in turn hands it off, all the way on down to the physical layer.
But looking at the TCP header on Wikipedia, there is no mention of a destination address! There is only a destination port number which I am pretty sure is not an address.
So my question is, how does TCP get the addresses? And/or, how does IP get the address if TCP isn't passing them to it?
It's the Application that's running on top of Transport Layer that chooses everything.
If the Application is designed with reliability in mind, it chooses the connection oriented protocol like TCP.
The same applications tells TCP what the Source and Destination port should be, TCP alone cannot decide this.
Example: If you're accessing a website, your Application would be the browser, since accessing websites normally happens over HTTP/HTTPS and HTTP/HTTPS is designed to be reliable, it chooses TCP. Port 80(HTTP) or 443(HTTPS) are the standard ports used for accessing websites, so either of these ports are used in the Destination Port field while the Source Port can be any random higher number port.
This combination is used to identify something called Transport Layer VC(Virtual Circuit).
Coming to IP, the same application tells what the Destination IP address is, while the Source IP is the machine from where you are running the browser.
IP in Network Layer and TCP in Transport Layer cannot choose anything, it's the Application that tells them what to choose, considering they are the chosen ones.

How can I spoof the sender IP address using curl?

I need to make a request with a spoofed IP address for testing purposes. What's the easiest way to do this?
For my own purposes, changing the HTTP header was enough, via the following:
curl --header "X-Forwarded-For:" ""
You can't.
In general, spoofing IP addresses for TCP is remarkably difficult. Unless you have control of a router quite near your target or near the IP you're spoofing, consider it impossible.
The reply packets need a path back to you in order to complete even the three-way handshake. The most reliable way to do this is to have control over a router in the most common pathway between your target and your spoofed IP address: this would let you capture packets between the target and the spoofed address and forward them on to you.
You could also try injecting bogus BGP route advertisements, but doing so would doubtless be noticed and cost you dearly when your peers drop you completely.
Can I make libcurl fake or hide my real IP address?
No. libcurl operates on a higher level. Besides, faking IP address
would imply sending IP packet with a made-up source address, and then
you normally get a problem with receiving the packet sent back as they
would then not be routed to you!
If you use a proxy to access remote sites, the sites will not see your
local IP address but instead the address of the proxy.
Also note that on many networks NATs or other IP-munging techniques
are used that makes you see and use a different IP address locally
than what the remote server will see you coming from.

How Network Layer finds route for a packet

An HTTP application request for
This message is passed to Transport layer. Transport layer adds its header and sends the packet to Internet Layer.
The Internet Layer cannot see as it can only access the header which was appended by Transport Layer. Then how can Internet Layer decide route for this request packet.
How is the destination address field in IP header is filled, as only Application Layar and Transport Layer know about that field. (Application layer has no interaction with Internet Layer and Transport Layer mention port number in its Header.)
The application layer would have already retrieved the IP address of the host from the URL via DNS. The IP address as well as other data from the Application layer are sent down to the Transport layer which packetizes the data and then send it down to the Internet layer and then it goes.
The application, in this case the browser, did something that ended up calling the getaddrinfo library function or something equivalent, which made the system's resolver look up the name in the DNS and return a set of IP addresses.
The application somehow chose one of those (there's standard ways to do this, but the lovely thing is how many standard ways) and used the connect system call to make the connection, which started the transport layer in the kernel working on getting a connection to that IP address.
That ends up creating IP packets with that destination address and the local address as the source, next protocol set to TCP and the SYN bit on in the TCP header. Each router on the path consults its tables and forwards the packet.
TCP magic happens, a SYN+ACK comes back, then there's a connection, over which HTTP magic happens, and the page loads.
rfc791 IP - Addressing
A distinction is made between names, addresses, and routes [4]. A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there. The internet protocol deals primarily with addresses. It is the task of higher level (i.e., host-to-host or application) protocols to make the mapping from names to addresses. The internet module maps internet addresses to local net addresses. It is the task of lower level (i.e., local net or gateways) procedures to make the mapping from local net addresses to routes. Addresses are fixed length of four octets (32 bits).
Read more:
It is the task of higher level (i.e., host-to-host or application) protocols to make the mapping from names to addresses ???
If you want to know how the actual IP header gets the address. It occurs in the Kernel, when a socket is created. In this case a TCP socket, Check out
man 7 ip
The data is not inherited from the TCP packet, though the data is included in the checksum of the TCP header.
