On zsh shell (remote shell), I am seeing an unexpected path being displayed on the right hand side. I don't have any such component in the prompt variable. What can be the cause?
function parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'
export PROMPT='[dev] %~ $(parse_git_branch)
# '
Prompt at the right side of terminal is displayed in zsh if the variables RPROMPT or RPS1 are set. Check if they are set by running echo $RPROMPT or echo $RPS1. If one (or both) is non empty, then it's possible that it is getting set somewhere else.
Add the lines export RPROMPT='' and export RPS1='' at the end of the file ~/.zshrc.
I need a way for .zshrc to automatically be sourced each time a command is executed. PROMPT needs to be updated each time a command is executed in order to show relevant information in the prompt.
I use Watson cli for tracking time. On my previous bash setup, I prepended my prompt ($PS1) with a symbol that indicates whether the timer is running or not (red/green). I have mimicked this functionality with Oh My Zsh, as follows (in the theme file):
WATSON_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/watson"
watson_status() {
local txtred="${fg_bold[red]}"
local txtgrn="${fg_bold[green]}"
local txtrst="${reset_color}"
# Started
local status_color="$txtgrn"
# Stopped
if [[ $(cat "$WATSON_DIR/state") == '{}' ]]; then
echo -e "$status_color""◉""$txtrst"
PROMPT="╭── %{$(watson_status) $fg_bold[green]%}%~%{$reset_color%}$(git_prompt_info) ⌚ %{$FG[130]%}%*%{$reset_color%}
╰─➤ $ "
Current issue
The icon will indicate the color of the state at the time that .zshrc was executed. For example, if the timer is running and the icon is properly indicating green, stopping the timer will not cause the icon to turn red. In order to see the icon change color, I have to source .zshrc.
This indicates that the function watson_status() needs to be run each time a command is executed, to give the latest status at the time of the command
I recently ported some prompt code from bash to zsh - on OSX Big Sur - and these were the two big "things to know" for me:
add setopt PROMPT_SUBST to your .zshrc. This "allows for functions in the prompt"
use single quotes when defining your PS1 / PROMPT. If you use double quotes, then the whole string will be evaluated once when the terminal starts, and then that evaluated value is "re-executed" every time the command changes. But you want the functions to be re-evaluated, not the output of the function at the time when the terminal is created.
Easiest example I used to confirm I had it working:
# print_epoch() { date '+%s' }
# this is what you want
# export PS1='$(print_epoch) > '
# this is not what you want
# export PS1="$(print_epoch) > "
Also worth noting PS1 and PROMPT are interchangeable
While we are sharing here is my fairly minimal echo my user, directory, and git branch PROMPT with some colors and a pretty leaf:
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'
autoload -U colors && colors
export PROMPT='%n %~ %F{blue}🌿$(parse_git_branch)%f > '
noting that:
%n prints name
%~ prints directory relative to home
%F{blue} changes text to blue
%f resets color
Documentation: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Visual-effects
I want to use preexec() to modify certain commands before they are run but I need to be able to evaluate the current entered command. Is there a variable that contains the entire command before it is executed? I know !! is the last command but I need the current line before it's saved to history.
An example of what I want to do would probably help
ls -l /root please
And then I want preexec to see I wrote "please" at the end and replace it with
sudo ls -l /root
I think something like
preexec() {
if [[ $CURRENT_LINE =~ please$ ]]; then
$CURRENT_LINE="sudo ${CURRENT_LINE% please}"
Would work but I can't find a variable in zsh that gives me the correct $CURRENT_LINE
For bonus points I also want to be able to enter please on a line by itself and have it run sudo !! but I could probably do that with some form of alias.
I think it might be better to make a please function that I can pipe a command to but I don't think that'll work as well because the command will run and fail (before piping) before it is run again with sudo.
As far as I know that the preexec is not for the right place to modify the command to be executed though. We can not change the commands to be executed from inside of the preexec function…
Although the actual command to be executed are passed as $1, $2 and $3.
Executed just after a command has been read and is about to be executed. If the history mechanism is active (and the line was not discarded from the history buffer), the string that the user typed is passed as the first argument, otherwise it is an empty string. The actual command that will be executed (including expanded aliases) is passed in two different forms: the second argument is a single-line, size-limited version of the command (with things like function bodies elided); the third argument contains the full text that is being executed.
-- zshmisc(1) 9.3.1 Hook Functions
For example:
alias ls='ls -sF --color=auto'
preexec () {
print ">>>preexec<<<"
print -l ${(qqq)#}
If I have above in ~/.zshrc then I will get follows:
% echo test preexec<Esc-Return>
;# outputs below
"echo test preexec
"echo test preexec; ls -sF --color=auto"
"echo test preexec
ls -sF --color=auto"
test preexec
total 1692
You could add your own zle widget functions to the zsh line editor for manipulating the line editor buffer. (zshzle(1))
You could add the zle widget function to change the behavior for hitting Enter.
my-accept-line () {
if [[ "$BUFFER" == *" please" ]]; then
BUFFER="sudo ${BUFFER% please}"
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line my-accept-line
The above snippets changes the functionality for accept-line from the built-in behavior to my-accept-line defined here.
Adding the abbreviations also could help which is described below:
Cloning vim's abbreviation feature
-- “examples:zleiab [ZshWiki]” - http://zshwiki.org/home/examples/zleiab
I have my aliases stored in ~/.zsh_aliases and sourced in ~/.zshrc:
# Access custom aliases in the shell
[ -e "${HOME}/.zsh_aliases" ] && source "${HOME}/.zsh_aliases"
However, when changing the name of an alias, I have to always close the current shell window and open a new one for the change to become active.
Can Zsh automatically reload aliases on change to make them available without having to close the shell window?
You do not actually need to close and reopen your terminal for that, just running source ~/.zsh_aliases (loads the new and changed aliases) or maybe exec zsh (replaces the current shell with a new one) would work, too.
If you really want to re-source ~/.zsh_aliases whenever it is modified, I would suggest adding the following to your ~/.zshrc:
# File containing aliases;
reload_aliases () {
# do nothing if there is no $ALIAS_FILE
[[ -e ALIAS_FILE ]] || return 1
# check if $ALIAS_FILE has been modified since last reload
# the modifier `(:A)` resolves any symbolic links
if [[ $LAST_ALIAS_RELOAD < $(stat -c %Y ${ALIAS_FILE}(:A)) ]]; then
# remove all aliases; optional!
# only do this if all of your aliases are defined in $ALIAS_FILE
# also affects aliases defined on the command line
unalias -m '*'
# load aliases
source $ALIAS_FILE
# update date of last reload
# make reload_aliases to be run before each prompt
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd reload_aliases
Note, that any changes will only be available on a new prompt. That means, if you modify ~/.zsh_aliases, you need to press at least Enter once in the all terminals for the changes to take effect.
I use an alias, thusly: -
alias vialias='vi ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/alias.zsh ; source ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/alias.zsh'
When I run vialias, I edit my aliases, then when I leave vi, the change(s) take effect.
To simplify the accepted answer add:
source ~/.zsh_aliases
in the ~/.zshrc below the plugins section.
Then add an alias inside the ~/.zsh_aliases like so:
alias f="exec zsh"
To refresh zsh & aliases type f
Lets say, the prompt is as below
run_scripts >
How to set that terminal tab title same as prompt
i.e Terminal tab tile also should be
So that terminal title should dynamically update when the prompt changes.
Many terminals emulators are able to understand the special escaping : "\033]0;foo\007".
I know its a old post but i saw it today :
Here is the answer:
title `pwd`
if title command does not works in your shell then:
write a shell script with follwing contents (filename = title)
#!/usr/bin/tcsh -f
echo "^[]2;$1^G^[]1;$1^G"
chmod +x title (give this script executable permission)
title `pwd` <enter>
This single line command will change the title of the tab.
Simply run the command from terminal tab which title need to change-
Some Info:
The PS1 is a primary prompt variable which holds the characters displayed at the terminal prompt. You can set it whatever you want. However the above command will make it only work for current terminal session. Once you close the terminal and opena new one, it'll be the default one.
To make it permenant edit the PS1 variable in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file.
It help us to easily navigate over the tabs.
zsh has a feature (auto_cd) where just typing the directory name will automatically go to (cd) that directory. I'm curious if there would be a way to configure zsh to do something similar with file names, automatically open files with vim if I type only a file name?
There are three possibilities I can think of. First is suffix aliases which may automatically translate
% *.ps
% screen -d -m okular *.ps
after you do
alias -s ps='screen -d -m okular'
. But you need to define this alias for every file suffix. It is also processed before most expansions so if
% *.p?
matches same files as *.ps it won’t open anything.
Second is command_not_found handler:
function command_not_found_handler()
emulate -L zsh
for file in $# ; do test -e $file && xdg-open $file:A ; done
. But this does not work for absolute or relative paths, only for something that does not contain forward slashes.
Third is a hack overriding accept-line widget:
function xdg-open()
emulate -L zsh
for arg in $# ; do
command xdg-open $arg
function _-accept-line()
emulate -L zsh
whence $FILE &>/dev/null || BUFFER="xdg-open $BUFFER"
zle .accept-line
zle -N accept-line _-accept-line
. The above alters the history (I can show how to avoid this) and is rather hackish. Good it does not disable suffix aliases (whence '*.ps' returns the value of the alias), I used to think it does. It does disable autocd though. I can avoid this (just || test -d $FILE after whence test), but who knows how many other things are getting corrupt as well. If you are fine with the first and second solutions better to use them.
I guess you can use "fasd_cd" which has an alias v which uses viminfo file to identifi files which you have opened at least once. In my environment it works like a charm.
Fast cd has other amazing stuff you will love!
Don't forget to set this alias on vim to open the last edited file:
alias lvim="vim -c \"normal '0\""