Remove all whitespace from string AX 2012 - axapta

PurchPackingSlipJournalCreate class -> initHeader method have a line;
vendPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId = purchParmTable.Num;
but i want when i copy and paste ' FDG 2020 ' (all blanks are tab character) in Num area and click okey, write this value as 'FDG2020' in the PackagingSlipId field of the vendPackingSlipJour table.
I tried -> vendPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId = strRem(purchParmTable.Num, " ");
but doesn't work for tab character.
How can i remove all whitespace characters from string?

Version 1
Try the strAlpha() function.
From the documentation:
Copies only the alphanumeric characters from a string.
Version 2
Because version 1 also deletes allowed hyphens (-), you could use strKeep().
From the documentation:
Builds a string by using only the characters from the first input string that the second input string specifies should be kept.
This will require you to specify all desired characters, a rather long list...
Version 3
Use regular expressions to replace any unwanted characters (defined as "not a wanted character"). This is similar to version 2, but the list of allowed characters can be expressed a lot shorter.
The example below allows alphanumeric characters(a-z,A-Z,0-9), underscores (_) and hyphens (-). The final value for newText is ABC-12_3.
str badCharacters = #"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]"; // so NOT an allowed character
str newText = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex::Replace(' ABC-12_3 ', badCharacters, '');
Version 4
If you know the only unwanted characters are tabs ('\t'), then you can go hunting for those specifically as well.
vendPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId = strRem(purchParmTable.Num, '\t');


How to extract n characters from a string of undefined length using regex in varnish?

I am writing a varnish module (VCL) for my backend server. It requires a logic of extracting n characters from a string of undefined length.
I tried regsub() function of vcl with a regex to replace part of the string with empty space.
I need to extract first 20 characters of string. When the string length is 36, i used regex to replace last 16 characters to empty space.
But when length of the string is undefined say 40. i get 24 characters instead of 20. How do i achieve this?
set req.http.mysubstr = regsub(req.http.mystring, ".{16}$", "");
set req.http.mysubstr = regsub(req.http.mystring, ".{($variable)}$", ""); # $variable should be the length of the string - first 20 characters
Use capturing groups:
regsub(req.http.mystring, "^(.{20}).*", "\1")
test it on

Find word (not containing substrings) in comma separated string

I'm using a linq query where i do something liike this:
Select New SubViewModel With {
.SOMEVALUE2 = If(commaseparatedstring.Contains(a.SOMEVALUE1), True, False)
Now my Problem is that this does'n search for words but for substrings so for example:
commaseparatedstring = "EWM,KI,KP"
It returns true because it's contained in EWM?
What i would need is to find words (not containing substrings) in the comma separated string!
Option 1: Regular Expressions
Regex.IsMatch(commaseparatedstring, #"\b" + Regex.Escape(a.SOMEVALUE1) + #"\b")
The \b parts are called "word boundaries" and tell the regex engine that you are looking for a "full word". The Regex.Escape(...) ensures that the regex engine will not try to interpret "special characters" in the text you are trying to match. For example, if you are trying to match "one+two", the Regex.Escape method will return "one\+two".
Also, be sure to include the System.Text.RegularExpressions at the top of your code file.
See Regex.IsMatch Method (String, String) on MSDN for more information.
Option 2: Split the String
You could also try splitting the string which would be a bit simpler, though probably less efficient.
commaseparatedstring.Split(new Char[] { ',' }).Contains( a.SOMEVALUE1 )
what about:
- separating the commaseparatedstring by comma
- calling equals() on each substring instead of contains() on whole thing?
.SOMEVALUE2 = If(commaseparatedstring.Split(',').Contains(a.SOMEVALUE1), True, False)

Substring with Multiple Arguments

I have a dropdownlist that has the value of two columns in it... One column is a number ranging from 5 characters long to 8 characters long then a space then the '|' character and another space, followed by a Description for the set of numbers.
An example:
12345678 | Description of Product
In order to pull the items for the dropdownlist into my database I need a to utilize a substring to pull the sequence of numbers out only.
Is it possible to write a substring to pull multiple character lengths? (Sometimes it may be 6 numbers, sometimes 5 numbers, sometimes 8, it would depend on what the user selected from the dropdownlist.)
Use a regular expression for this.
Assuming the number is at the start of the string, you can use the following:
var theNumbers = RegEx.Match(myDropdownValue, "^[0-9]+").Value;
You could also use string.Split to get the parts separated by | if you know the first part is what you need and will always be numeric:
var theNumbers = myDropdownValue.Split("| ".ToCharArray(),
Either of these approaches will result in a string. You can use int.Parse on the result in order to get an integer from it.
This is how I would do it
string str = "12345678 | Description of Product";
int delimiter;
delimiter = str.IndexOf("|") - 1;
string ID =str.substring(0, delimiter);
string desc = str.substring(delimiter + 1, str.length - 1);
Try using a regex to pull out the first match of a sequence of numbers of any length. The regex will look something like "^\d+" - starts with any number of decimal digits.
Instead of using substring, you should use Split function.
var words = phrase.Split(new string[] {" | "},
var number = word[0]; validator regular expression and accented names / characters

I have a control that is using a regular expression to validate the users input for first name and last name. It works for up to 40 characters...and I think by the looks of the expression it also allows ' for names like O'Donald and maybe hypenated names too.
My problem is with accented names/characters e.g. Spanish and French names that may contain for example ñ are not allowed. Does anyone know how to modify my expression to take this into account?
You want
\p{L}: any kind of letter from any language.
\p{L} or \pL is every character in the unicode table that has the property "letter". So it will match every letter from the unicode table.
You can use this within your character class like this
Working C# test:
String[] words = { "O'Conner", "Smith", "Müller", "fooñ", "Fooobar12" };
foreach (String s in words) {
Match word = Regex.Match(s, #"
^ # Match the start of the string
$ # Match the end of the string
", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
if (word.Success) {
Console.WriteLine(s + ": valid");
else {
Console.WriteLine(s + ": invalid");

removing special characters in asp

I want to identify special characters and remove that special characters from my string or a word
for example
O'neil - i want to remove (') from this word.
Muñoz, A. Patrick - i want to remove above character of n (ñ)
similarly i want to remove all special characters from my strings.
I want to do this in asp
How can i do this
You could use a regular expression and then run the following. You'll need to change the regular expression accordingly.
Const PATTERN = "\W"
Dim objRegEx
Dim strReplacedString : strReplacedString = ""
Set objRegEx= New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = PATTERN
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
strReplacedString = objRegEx.Replace(strToProcess,"")
Set objRegEx = Nothing
