Find word (not containing substrings) in comma separated string -

I'm using a linq query where i do something liike this:
Select New SubViewModel With {
.SOMEVALUE2 = If(commaseparatedstring.Contains(a.SOMEVALUE1), True, False)
Now my Problem is that this does'n search for words but for substrings so for example:
commaseparatedstring = "EWM,KI,KP"
It returns true because it's contained in EWM?
What i would need is to find words (not containing substrings) in the comma separated string!

Option 1: Regular Expressions
Regex.IsMatch(commaseparatedstring, #"\b" + Regex.Escape(a.SOMEVALUE1) + #"\b")
The \b parts are called "word boundaries" and tell the regex engine that you are looking for a "full word". The Regex.Escape(...) ensures that the regex engine will not try to interpret "special characters" in the text you are trying to match. For example, if you are trying to match "one+two", the Regex.Escape method will return "one\+two".
Also, be sure to include the System.Text.RegularExpressions at the top of your code file.
See Regex.IsMatch Method (String, String) on MSDN for more information.
Option 2: Split the String
You could also try splitting the string which would be a bit simpler, though probably less efficient.
commaseparatedstring.Split(new Char[] { ',' }).Contains( a.SOMEVALUE1 )

what about:
- separating the commaseparatedstring by comma
- calling equals() on each substring instead of contains() on whole thing?

.SOMEVALUE2 = If(commaseparatedstring.Split(',').Contains(a.SOMEVALUE1), True, False)


How can I parse a quoted string with Parsers.jl

Julia’s CSV.jl parses csv files with quoted strings. It uses Parsers.jl to do this. Yet from the documentation of Parsers.jl it is not clear how to parse a double-quoted string on its own. How would I do that? As a secondary question, what is the supported set of escape sequences that Parsers.jl uses?
You can pass arbitrary characters to indicate quotation and escape characters via Parsers.Options. For example,
using Parsers
str = "{-1}"
oq, cq, e = UInt8('{'), UInt8('}'), UInt8('\\')
res = Parsers.xparse(Int64, str; openquotechar=oq, closequotechar=cq, escapechar=e)
x, code, tlen = res.val, res.code, res.tlen
print(x) validator regular expression and accented names / characters

I have a control that is using a regular expression to validate the users input for first name and last name. It works for up to 40 characters...and I think by the looks of the expression it also allows ' for names like O'Donald and maybe hypenated names too.
My problem is with accented names/characters e.g. Spanish and French names that may contain for example ñ are not allowed. Does anyone know how to modify my expression to take this into account?
You want
\p{L}: any kind of letter from any language.
\p{L} or \pL is every character in the unicode table that has the property "letter". So it will match every letter from the unicode table.
You can use this within your character class like this
Working C# test:
String[] words = { "O'Conner", "Smith", "Müller", "fooñ", "Fooobar12" };
foreach (String s in words) {
Match word = Regex.Match(s, #"
^ # Match the start of the string
$ # Match the end of the string
", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
if (word.Success) {
Console.WriteLine(s + ": valid");
else {
Console.WriteLine(s + ": invalid");

xQuery substring problem

I now have a full path for a file as a string like:
However, now I need to take out only the folder path, so it will be the above string without the last back slash content like:
But it seems that the substring() function in xQuery only has substring(string,start,len) or substring(string,start), I am trying to figure out a way to specify the last occurence of the backslash, but no luck.
Could experts help? Thanks!
Try out the tokenize() function (for splitting a string into its component parts) and then re-assembling it, using everything but the last part.
let $full-path := "/db/Liebherr/Content_Repository/Techpubs/Topics/HyraulicPowerDistribution/Released/TRN_282C_HYD_MOD_1_Drive_Shaft_Rev000.xml",
$segments := tokenize($full-path,"/")[position() ne last()]
For more details on these functions, check out their reference pages:
fn:replace can do the job with a regular expression:
This can be done even with a single XPath 2.0 (subset of XQuery) expression:
string-length($fullPath) - string-length(tokenize($fullPath, '/')[last()])
where $fullPath should be substituted with the actual string, such as:
The following code tokenizes, removes the last token, replaces it with an empty string, and joins back.
)[position() ne last()],
It seems to return the desired result on Does this help?

What is the regular expression for "No quotes in a string"?

I am trying to write a regular expression that doesn't allow single or double quotes in a string (could be single line or multiline string). Based on my last question, I wrote like this ^(?:(?!"|').)*$, but it is not working. Really appreciate if anybody could help me out here.
Just use a character class that excludes quotes:
(Within the [] character class specifier, the ^ prefix inverts the specification, so [^'"] means any character that isn't a ' or ".)
Just use a regex that matches for quotes, and then negate the match result:
var regex = new Regex("\"|'");
bool noQuotes = !regex.IsMatch("My string without quotes");
Try this:
string myStr = "foo'baa";
bool HasQuotes = myStr.Contains("'") || myStr.Contains("\""); //faster solution , I think.
bool HasQuotes2 = Regex.IsMatch(myStr, "['\"]");
if (!HasQuotes)
//not has quotes..
This regular expression below, allows alphanumeric and all special characters except quotes(' and "")
#"^[a-zA-Z-0-9~+:;,/#&_#*%$!()\[\] ]*$"
You can use it like
[RegularExpression(#"^[a-zA-Z-0-9~+:;,/#&_#*%$!()**\[\]** ]*$", ErrorMessage = "Should not allow quotes")]
here use escape sequence() for []. Since its not showing in this post

removing special characters in asp

I want to identify special characters and remove that special characters from my string or a word
for example
O'neil - i want to remove (') from this word.
Muñoz, A. Patrick - i want to remove above character of n (ñ)
similarly i want to remove all special characters from my strings.
I want to do this in asp
How can i do this
You could use a regular expression and then run the following. You'll need to change the regular expression accordingly.
Const PATTERN = "\W"
Dim objRegEx
Dim strReplacedString : strReplacedString = ""
Set objRegEx= New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = PATTERN
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
strReplacedString = objRegEx.Replace(strToProcess,"")
Set objRegEx = Nothing
