How to convert "im" pixel image to raster? - r

I am trying to convert an "im" pixel image I've produced into a raster image. The "im" was created with the following code:
# read ebird data
ebd_species <- ("ebd_hooded.txt") %>%
# extracting coordinates
latitude_species <- ebd_species$latitude
longitude_species <- ebd_species$longitude
#convert to spatial object
coordinates1 <- data.frame(x = longitude_species, y = latitude_species) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"))
# converting to point pattern data
coordinates <- as.ppp(coordinates1)
# density image
a <- density(coordinates,2)
This is the plot I get:
What I want to do is convert this into a raster. I wanna then use the coordinates of the ebird data to extract the values of density from the raster.

Here is a minimal, self-contained, reproducible example (based on the first example in ?im):
mat <- matrix(1:1200, nrow=30, ncol=40, byrow=TRUE)
m <- im(mat)
r <- raster(m)

Looks like you are using geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) directly in spatstat. Are you sure this is OK in your context? For regions away from the equator this can be quite misleading. Consider projecting to planar coordinates using sf::st_transform() (see other of my answers on this site for code to do this). Also, in newer versions of sf you can convert directly from sf to spatstat format with e.g. as.ppp().
If you want a kernel density estimate of the intensity at the data points you can use the option at = "points" in density.ppp():
a <- density(coordinates, 2, at = "points")
Then a is simply a vector with length equal to the number of points containing the intensity estimate for each data point. This uses "leave-one-out" estimation by default to minimize bias (see the help file for density.ppp).


R raster::crop() The upper boundary of my cropped raster is always horizontal- why?

I'm trying to crop a large multipolygon shapefile by a single, smaller polygon. It works using st_intersection, however this takes a very long time, so I'm instead trying to convert the multipolygon to a raster, and crop that raster by the smaller polygon.
## packages - sorry if I've missed any!
## load files
shp1 <- st_read("pathtoshp", crs = 27700) # a large multipolygon shapefile to crop
### image below created using ggplot- ignore the black boundaries!
shp2 <- st_read("pathtoshp", crs = 27700) # a single, smaller polygon shapefile, to crop shp1 by
## convert to raster (faster than st_intersection)
projection1 <- CRS('+init=EPSG:27700')
rst_template <- raster(ncols = 1000, nrows = 1000,
crs = projection1,
ext = extent(shp1))
rst_shp1 <- fasterize(shp1, rst_template)
rst_shp2 <- crop(rst_shp1, shp2)
When I plot shp2, the upper boundary is flat, rather than fitting the true boundary of the shp2 polygon.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Maybe try raster::mask() instead of crop(). crop() uses the second argument as an extent with which to crop a raster; i.e. it's taking the bounding box (extent) of your second argument and cropping that entire rectangle from your raster.
Something important to understand about raster objects is that they are all rectangular. The white space you see surrounding your shape are just NA values.
raster::mask() will take your original raster, and a spatial object (raster, sf, etc.) and replace all values in your raster which don't overlap with your spatial object to NA (by default, you can supply other replacement values). Though I will say, mask() will likely also take awhile to run, so you may be better off just sticking with sf objects.
I would suggest moving to the "terra" package (faster and easier to use than "raster").
Here is an example.
r <- rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra"))
v <- vect(system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra"))[4]
x <- crop(r, v)
plot(x); lines(v)
As edixon1 points out, a raster is always rectangular. If you want to set cells outside of the polygon to NA, you can do
x <- crop(r, v, mask=TRUE)
plot(x); lines(v)
In this example it makes no sense, but you could first rasterize
x <- crop(r, v)
y <- rasterize(v, x)
m <- mask(x, y)
plot(m); lines(v)
I am not sure if this answers your question. But if it does not, then please edit your question to make it reproducible, for example using the example data above.

Convert a column value(s) in SpatialpolygonDataframe into raster image

I need help with converting a variable or column values in a spatial polygon into a raster image. I have spatial data of administrative units with income(mean) information for each unit. I want to convert this information into raster for further analysis.
I tried the code below but it didn't work.
r <- raster(ncol=5,nrow=15) <- rasterize(DK,r,field=DK#data[,2],fun=mean)
Where SP is the spatial polygon and the mean income for each spatial unit stored in column 2 of the SpatialPolygonDataframe. Can anyone help with a function or code of how to rasterise the values in the column of interest? An example of the spatialpolygondataframe (created) and my attempt to rasterize the data are below
url = ""
geofile = tempfile()
download.file(url, geofile)
DK <- rgdal::readOGR(geofile)
DK#data = subset(DK#data, select = c(navn))
DK#data$inc = runif(11, min=5000, max=80000)
r <- raster(ncol=5,nrow=15) <- rasterize(DK,r,field=DK#data[,2],fun=mean)
Thank you.
Acknowledgement: The code for creating the sample SPDF was sourced from Mikkel Freltoft Krogsholm (link below).
Here's something that makes a raster.
url <- ""
geofile <- tempfile()
download.file(url, geofile)
DK <- rgdal::readOGR(geofile)
r_dk <- raster(DK, nrows = 100, ncols = 100) # Make a raster of the same size as the spatial polygon with many cells
DK$inc <- runif(nrow(DK), min=5000, max=80000) # Add some fake income data
rr <- rasterize(DK, r_dk, field='inc') # Rasterize the polygon into the raster - fun = 'mean' won't make any difference
The original raster was the size of the whole Earth so I think Denmark was being averaged to nothing. I resolved this by making an empty raster based on the extent of the DK spatial polygons with 100x100 cells. I also simplified the code. Generally, if you find yourself using # with spatial data manipulation, it's a sign that there might be a simpler way. Because the resolution of the raster is much larger than the size of each DK region, taking the average doesn't make much difference.

Line density function in R equivalent to Line density tool in ArcMap (arcpy)

I need to calculate the magnitude-per-unit area of polylines that fall within a radius around each cell. Essentially I need to calculate a km/km2 road density within a 500m pixel search radius. ArcMap has a quick and easy tool that handles this, but I need a pure R solution.
Here is a link on how line density works:
And this is how to use it in a python (arcpy) script:
I currently execute a backwards approach using raster::focal function, calculating a density of burned in road features. I then convert the km2/km2 output to km/km2.
#Import libraries
#Read-in an already created raster mask (cells are all set to 0)
mask <- raster("x://path to raster mask...")
#Make a copy of the mask to burn features in, keeping the original untouched
roads_mask <- file.copy(mask, "x://output path ...//roads.tif")
#Read-in road features (shapefile format)
roads_sldf <- readOGR("x://path to shapefile" , "roads")
#Rasterize spatial lines data frame ie. burn road features into mask
#Where road features get a value of 1, mask extent gets a value of 0
roads_raster <- gdalUtils::gdal_rasterize(src_datasource = roads_sldf,
dst_filename = "x://output path ...//roads.tif", b = 1,
burn = 1, l = "roads", output_Raster = TRUE)
#Run a 1km circular radius density function (be mindful of edge effects)
weight <- raster::focalWeight(roads_raster,1000,type = "circle")
1km_rdDensity <- raster::focal(roads_raster, weight, fun=sum, filename = '',
na.rm=TRUE, pad=TRUE, NAonly=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE)
#Convert km2/km2 road density to km/km2
#Set up the moving window
weight <- raster::focalWeight(roads_raster,1000,type = "circle")
#Count how many records in each column of the moving window are > 0
columnCount <- apply(weight,2,function(x) sum(x > 0))
#Get the sum of the column count
number_of_cells <- sum(columnCount)
#multiply km2/km2 density by number of cells in the moving window
step1 <- roads_raster * number_of_cells
#Rescale step1 output with respect to cell size(30m) and radius of a circle
final_rdDensity <- (step1*0.03)/3.14159265
#Write out final km/km2 road density raster
writeRaster(final_rdDensity,"X://path to output...", datatype = 'FLT4S', overwrite = TRUE)
After some more research I think I may be able to use a kernel function, however I don't want to apply the smoothing algorithm... As well the output is an 'im' object which I would need to write to as a 'tif'
#Import libraries
#Read-in road features (shapefile format)
roads_sldf <- readOGR("x://path to shapefile" , "roads")
#Convert roads spatial lines data frame to psp object
psp_roads <- as.psp(roads_sldf)
#Apply kernel density, however this is where I am unsure of the arguments
road_density <- spatstat::density.psp(psp_roads, sigma = 0.01, eps = 500)
See this question
Tried to mark as a duplicate but doesn't work because the other Q is on gis stack exchange
Short answer is use spatstat.geom::pixellate()
I also needed spatstat.geom::as.psp(sf::st_geometry(x)) to convert an sf lines object to the correct format and to convert a raster. I was able to convert the result to RasterLayer with raster::raster(pix_res)
Perhaps you can use terra::rasterizeGeom which is available in the development version that you can install with install.packages('terra', repos='')
Example data
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f) |> as.lines()
r <- rast(v, res=.1)
x <- rasterizeGeom(v, r, fun="length", "km")
And then use focal sum, but you would not have a perfect circle.
What you could do instead, if your dataset is not too large, is create a circle for each grid cell and use intersect. Something like this:
p <- xyFromCell(r, 1:ncell(r)) |> vect(crs="+proj=longlat")
p$id <- 1:ncell(r)
b <- buffer(p, 10000)
values(v) <- NULL
i <- intersect(v, b)
x <- aggregate(perim(i), list(id=i$id), sum)
r[x$id] <- x[,2]

Spatial interpolation (Kriging), polygon instead of raster output

Is there a (easy) way to convert a SpatialPixelsDataFrame (from krige) to e.g. a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (vectorgraphic instead of pixelgraphic).
It would be fine to set value ranges and interpolate the raster to a polygon or use another krige method that generates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. I'm looking forward to a simple example.
krige example: i.e. in the book 8.1.5 Spatial Interpolation, complete source
airGrid <- spsample(NO2sp, type="regular", n=1e5)
gridded(airGrid) <- TRUE
airKrige <- krige(mean ~ 1, NO2sp, airGrid)
col.regions=colorRampPalette(airPal)) + ...
Something like this might work:
x <- raster(airKrige["var1.pred"])
y <- cut(x, c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70))
z <- rasterToPolygons(y, dissolve=TRUE)

Export R plot to shapefile

I am fairly new to R, but not to ArcView. I am plotting some two-mode data, and want to convert the plot to a shapefile. Specifically, I would like to convert the vertices and the edges, if possible, so that I can get the same plot to display in ArcView, along with the attributes.
I've installed the package "shapefiles", and I see the command, but the help doesn't talk about how to assign XY coords to the vertices.
Thank you,
Ok, I'm making a couple of assumptions here, but I read the question as you're looking to assign spatial coordinates to a bipartite graph and export both the vertices and edges as point shapefiles and polylines for use in ArcGIS.
This solution is a little kludgey, but will make shapefiles with coordinate limits xmin, ymin and xmax, ymax of -0.5 and +0.5. It will be up to you to decide on the graph layout algorithm (e.g. Kamada-Kawai), and project the shapefiles in the desired coordinate system once the shapefiles are in ArcGIS as per #gsk3's suggestion. Additional attributes for the vertices and edges can be added where the and data frames are created.
# Create dummy incidence matrix
inc <- matrix(sample(0:1, 15, repl=TRUE), 3, 5)
colnames(inc) <- c(1:5) # Person ID
rownames(inc) <- letters[1:3] # Event
# Create bipartite graph
g.bipartite <- graph.incidence(inc, mode="in", add.names=TRUE)
# Plot figure to get xy coordinates for vertices
tk <- tkplot(g.bipartite, canvas.width=500, canvas.height=500)
tkcoords <- tkplot.getcoords(1, norm=TRUE) # Get coordinates of nodes centered on 0 with +/-0.5 for max and min values
# Create point shapefile for nodes
n.points <- nrow(tkcoords)
points.attr <- data.frame(Id=1:n.points, X=tkcoords[,1], Y=tkcoords[,2]) <- data.frame(Id=points.attr$Id, Name=paste("Vertex", 1:n.points, sep=""))
points.shp <-,, "Id", 1)
write.shapefile(points.shp, "~/Desktop/points", arcgis=TRUE)
# Create polylines for edges in this example from incidence matrix
n.edges <- sum(inc) # number of edges based on incidence matrix
Id <- rep(1:n.edges,each=2) # Generate Id number for edges.
From.nodes <- g.bipartite[[4]]+1 # Get position of "From" vertices in incidence matrix
To.nodes <- g.bipartite[[3]]-max(From.nodes)+1 # Get position of "To" vertices in incidence matrix
# Generate index where position alternates between "From.node" to "To.node"
node.index <- matrix(t(matrix(c(From.nodes, To.nodes), ncol=2)))
edge.attr <- data.frame(Id, X=tkcoords[node.index, 1], Y=tkcoords[node.index, 2]) <- data.frame(Id=1:n.edges, Name=paste("Edge", 1:n.edges, sep=""))
edge.shp <-,, "Id", 3)
write.shapefile(edge.shp, "~/Desktop/edges", arcgis=TRUE)
Hope this helps.
I'm going to take a stab at this based on a wild guess as to what your data looks like.
Basically you'll want to coerce the data into a data.frame with two columns containing the x and y coordinates (or lat/long, or whatever).
coordinates(meuse.grid) <- ~x+y
Once you have it as a SpatialPointsDataFrame, sp provides some decent functionality, including exporting shapefiles:
Relevant help files examples are drawn from:
At least a few years ago when I last used sp, it was great about projection and very bad about writing projection information to the shapefile. So it's best to leave the coordinates untransformed and manually tell Arc what projection it is. Or use writeOGR rather than writePointsShape.
