I would like to find the optimum value of a for the following integration which is a function of x
integrand <- function(x,a) {
I can do the integration for fixed value of a. For example, if a=5
> integrate(integrand,0,5,a=5)$value
[1] 3.490687
But I want to find the optimum value using the optim() function in R or any available built-in optimization function. I have tried the following code, unfortunately it is not working,
optim(5,integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 5))
Any help is appreciated.
You can use the 'optimize' function, which is ideal for one-parameter optimization:
optimize(f = integrand, interval = c(0, 5), a = 5)
Roughly speaking, I seek to solve a maximation problem in R, where the objective function has the following structure: log[f(theta)*g(theta)]. Thus I want to solve
Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)]
The problem comes from the fact that g(theta) is obtained from another (minimization) problem in theta with restrictions. g(theta) is defined as:
g(theta) = argmin {Min h(x,theta)*g}.
Since h(x,theta) depends on theta, the optimal g that minimizes h(x,theta)*g must be a function of theta.
My approach, so far, has been to first define the function constrOptim(.) such that I can tell R that I want to minimize h(x,theta)*g subject to some restrictions, and then I incorporate that optimal g(.) into the second function (in theta). With this, I use the function optim(.) to try to max log[f(theta)*g(theta)].
Here is my code:
First, the function problem_min, which is a function of theta, gives the optimal g(theta), which is obtained as a solution to the minimization problem with constraints (sol_min).
problem_min <- function(theta_est){
reg_theta_int <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:(n*T)){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
L_1[i,j] = exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i])/(1+exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i]))
y_tilde <- full_data$y - L_1[,1]
L_1_tilde <- L_1[,-1] - L_1[,1]
eval_funct_g <- function(g){
sol_min <- constrOptim(theta = g_int, f = eval_funct_g, grad = NULL, ui = R, ci = r, mu = 1e-04,
method = "Nelder-Mead",
outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 1e-05,
hessian = FALSE)
g_theta = c(1-sum(sol_min$par), sol_min$par)
Once I have the optimal g(theta), which is a vector of numbers, I plug in log[f(theta)*g(theta)] to maximize the whole expression using optim(.) :
funct_f_g <- function(theta_est){
full_data$reg_theta_est <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:n){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
for(t in 1:T){
product[t] = exp(full_data$y[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]*(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))/(1+exp(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))
L_ml[i,j] = prod(product)
sol_ml <- optim(par = theta_int, fn = funct_f_g, method=c("Nelder-Mead"),
lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
hessian = FALSE)
theta_opt <- sol_ml$par
sol_ml intends to solve Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)] while incorporating the fact that g(theta) should be previously chosen optimally.
A variable_int means that it gives an initial value.
When I run the previous code R tells me that the objective function in optim(.) cannot be evaluated. Nevertheless, when I evaluate funct_f_g at some give theta_est it runs perfectly. Thus I think that there is something wrong with the optim(.) function regarding how I am trying to tell R that the problem has the previous structure.
If you have a different approach to approach my problem, or an explanation about what I am not doing correctly, it will be great!
I know that I am not giving a description of all the matrices and operations that are involved in the previous problem. I skip this for simplicity, hoping that the general structure of the problems can be understood.
I'm a newbie to R programming and I have an assignment to submit so my prob is the following:
I wrote the following function :
and I should be using integrate () function to calculate phi(x) for all x
of the vector quantiles and store them in a vector named probs.
I started the following and I got blocked
Rep <- function (x) {
vector <-integrate (phi, lower = Inf , upper = x)$Value }
Not sure if this is the right way to apply the function integrate() to a vector.
Your help is much appreciated
You could do the following:
phi <- function(x)exp(-x^2/2)/sqrt(2 * pi)
quantiles <- seq(from = 0, to = 5.5, by = 0.01)
fun<-Vectorize(function(x)integrate(phi,-Inf, x)[[1]])
I am having issues with an optimization problem involving numerical estimation of an integral which contains an unknown variable.
Numerical estimating an integral is simple enough, just use the integrate function in R. I am trying to estimate a rather unpleasant integral which requires optimization since it contains an unknown variable and a constraint. I am using the nlminb function but the result is highly incorrect. The idea is to evaluate the integral to constraint smaller or equal to 1-l, where l is between 0 and 1.
the code is the following:
integrand <- function(x, p) {dnorm(x,0,1)*(1-dnorm((qnorm(p)
-sqrt(0.12)*x)/(sqrt(1-0.12)), 0, 1))^800}
and it is the variable p which is unknown.
The objective function to be minimised is the following:
objective <- function(p){
PoD <- integrate(integrand, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, p = p)$value
PoD - 0.5
test <- nlminb(0.015, objective = objective, lower = 0, upper = 1)$par*100
Edited to reflect mistakes in the objective function and the integral.
Same issue still remains.
I think my mistake is not specifying which variable to minimise. The optimisation just gives the starting value in nlminb multiplied by 100.
The authors of the paper used dummy variables and showed that a l = 0,5 should give p=0,15%.
Thank you for your time.
Of course, since your objective function does not depend on p. Do:
integrand <- function(x, p) {dnorm(x,0,1)*(1-dnorm((qnorm(p)
-sqrt(0.12)*x)/(sqrt(1-0.12)), 0, 1))^800}
objective <- function(p){
PoD <- integrate(integrand, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, p = p)$value
PoD - 0.5
So I'm trying to maximize the likelihood function for a gamma-poisson and I've programmed it into R as the following:
lik<- function(x,t,a,b){
for(i in 1:n){
like[i] =
log(gamma(a + x[i]))-log(gamma(a))
-log(gamma(1+x[i] + x[i]*log(t[i]/b)-(a+x[i])*log(1+t[i]/b)
where x and t are the data, and I have n data rows.
I need a and b to be solved for simultaneously. Does a built in function exist in R? Or do I need to hard code an algorithm to solve the system of equations? [I'd rather not] I know optimize() solves for 1 variable and so does fminbnd(). I'm trying to copy the behavior of FindMaximum() in mathematica. In a perfect world I'd like the code to work something like this:
optimize(f=lik, a>0, b>0, x=x, t=t, maximum=TRUE, iteration=5000)
a 150
b 6
optim's first argument can be a vector of parameters. So you could try something like this:
lik <- function(p=c(1,1), x, t){
# In the body of the function replace a by p[1] and b by p[2]
optim(c(1,1), lik, method = c("L-BFGS-B"), x=x, t=t, control=list(fnscale=-1))
So the solution that ended up working out is:
attempt2d <- optim(
par = c(sumx/sumt, 1), fn = lik, data = data11,
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(fnscale = -1, trace=TRUE),
lower=0.1, upper = 170
However my parameters run out to 170, essentially meaning that my gamma parameters are Inf. Because gamma() hits infinity relatively quickly. And in mathematica the solutions are a=169 and b=16505, and R gets nowhere near that maxing out at 170. The known solutions are beyond 170 in some cases any solution for this anomaly?
I am trying to calculate the turning point of a a few functions where I have estimated the coefficient and constant from a regression. I'm using the optimize function for this as my curves are all linear.
My function looks like:
F<- function(x){
beta* x + alpha
mind: beta and alpha are both vectors here. When running the optimisation with optimize, I'm getting the following error:
Error in optimize(F, interval = c(10, 20), lower = (10), :
invalid function value in 'optimize'
Is this because optimize is running the optimisation mathematically, so the beta and alphas need to be single parameters? If anyone knows a better way of doing this please do contribute!
Thank you in advance :)
If the functions are linear, then they will be at a minimum at the lower end of the range where beta>=0, and at the upper end of the range if beta<=0 - no need to use optimize().
It's not entirely clear what you're expecting the code to do - if you want it to return an x for each set of parameters, look at optim() instead and have F return the sum, or run optimize on each set of parameters in turn using an apply() function or loop.
One other thing is that your syntax is a bit wonky - I imagine that you mean:
> F<- function(x){
+ beta* x + alpha
+ }
> alpha <- 1
> beta <- 2
> optimize(F,c(10,20))
[1] 10.00006
[1] 21.00011