Based on below reproducible code, how to add Address column conditionally based on max(LeastNEmployees):
dat_url <- ""
dat <- read_csv(dat_url)
#2 convert EmployerSize
df = data.frame(EmployerSize=c('Less than 250','250 to 499', '500 to 999', '1000 to 4999', '5000 to 19,999', '20,000 or more'),
LeastNEmployees = c(1,250,500, 1000, 5000, 20000))
a <- dat %>%
left_join(df, c('EmployerSize' = 'EmployerSize')) %>%
group_by(ResponsiblePerson) %>%
across(where(is.numeric) & !starts_with("Least"), mean),
across(c("EmployerName","SicCodes"), ~toString(.x)),
LeastNEmployees = max(LeastNEmployees))
Here is one to do it with a which condition.
a <- dat %>%
left_join(df, c('EmployerSize' = 'EmployerSize')) %>%
group_by(ResponsiblePerson) %>%
across(where(is.numeric) & !starts_with("Least"), mean),
across(c("EmployerName","SicCodes"), ~toString(.x)),
LeastNEmployees = max(LeastNEmployees),
Address = Address[which(LeastNEmployees == max(LeastNEmployees))])
I am trying to tag the maximum value per group using dplyr. The following code works fine, but it is very cumbersome and involves merging datasets together which takes time. So I am looking for a code that will identify the maximum value in a simpler way.
year <- rep(2014:2015, length.out = 10000)
group <- sample(c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6), replace=TRUE, size=10000)
value <- sample(10000, replace = T)
dta <- data.frame(year = year, group = group, value = value)
dta2 <- dta %>% group_by(year, group) %>% top_n(n=1)
dta3 <- merge(dta, dta2, by=c("year", "group", "value"), all = TRUE)
For each year and group you can compare value to the maximum value in the group and assign 1 to it if they are similar or 0 otherwise.
dta %>%
group_by(year, group) %>%
mutate(tag = as.integer(value == max(value)))
If the maximum value is found at 2 places in the group this will tag both of them. You can use which.max to tag only the 1st value.
dta %>%
group_by(year, group) %>%
mutate(tag = as.integer(row_number() == which.max(value)))
With data.table
setDT(dta)[, tag := +(value == max(value)), .(year, group)]
I have data grouped by years. I would like to replace each data where x>(minimum+2) by NA. The minimum changes each year.
I was thinking to extract the minimum by year using ddply, but i don't know how to compare each value from each year to their specific minimum...
Thanks a lot.
New <- Ancian %>%
group_by(Years) %>%
mutate_if(New$Data1, ~ replace(., . > (min(., na.rm = TRUE) + 2), NA))
I tried this, but it doesn't work...
Also tried to do a "if" function after a group_by, but no results too...
group_by(Years) %>%
if(New$Data1 > (min(New$Data, na.rm = TRUE) + 2)) {
New$Data1 <- NA }
We can use mutate_if after doing a grouping by 'years'
df1update <- df1 %>%
group_by(years) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ replace(., . > (min(., na.rm = TRUE) + 2), NA))
If we need to do this only for a single variable
df1update <- df1 %>%
group_by(years) %>%
mutate(Data1 = replace(Data1, Data1 > (min(Data1, na.rm = TRUE) + 2), NA))
I want to create a summary table for some dichotomous variables using the expss package. Since the variables are dichotomous, one of the two levels would the sufficient to "show the picture".
I tried to use the function tab_net_cell, but was not able to get the right results. Here is some example code with BrCa (Breast cancer) with 1 or 0. I only want to show the number of patients with but not without breast cancer.
df <- data.frame(BrCa = c(1,1,1,0,0,0,NA,NA,0,0))
df$group <- c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
df %>%
expss::tab_cols(group) %>%
expss::tab_cells(BrCa) %>%
expss::tab_stat_cpct(total_row_position = "none",label = "%") %>%
expss::tab_stat_cases(total_row_position = "none",label = "N") %>%
expss::tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows")
df %>%
expss::tab_cols(group) %>%
expss::tab_cells(BrCa) %>%
expss::tab_net_cells("BrCa" = eq(1)) %>%
expss::tab_stat_cpct(total_row_position = "none",label = "%") %>%
expss::tab_stat_cases(total_row_position = "none",label = "N") %>%
expss::tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows")
The simplest way is to filter resulted table:
df <- data.frame(BrCa = c(1,1,1,0,0,0,NA,NA,0,0))
df$group <- c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
df %>%
expss::tab_cols(group) %>%
expss::tab_cells(BrCa) %>%
expss::tab_stat_cpct(total_row_position = "none",label = "%") %>%
expss::tab_stat_cases(total_row_position = "none",label = "N") %>%
expss::tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows") %>%
expss::where(grepl(1, row_labels))
Another way is to use mean and sum instead of cpct and cases:
df %>%
expss::tab_cols(group) %>%
expss::tab_cells(BrCa*100) %>%
expss::tab_stat_mean(label = "%") %>%
expss::tab_stat_sum(label = "N") %>%
expss::tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows")
I have the following script. Option 1 uses a long format and group_by to identify the first step of many where the status equals 0.
Another option (2) is to use apply to calculate this value for each row, and then transform the data to a long format.
The firs option does not scale well. The second does, but I was unable to get it into a dplyr pipe. I tried to solve this with purrr but did not succeeed.
Why does the first option not scale well?
How can I transform the second option in a dplyr pipe?
# example data
dat <-,1),
size = 9000000,
replace = TRUE,
prob = c(5,95)),
ncol = 9))
names(dat) <- paste("step",1:9, sep="_")
steps <- dat %>% select(starts_with("step_")) %>% names()
# option 1 is slow
dat.cum <- dat %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
gather(step, status,-id) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(drop = min(if_else(status==0,match(step, steps),99L))) %>%
mutate(status = if_else(match(step, steps)>=drop,0,1))
ggplot(dat.cum, aes(x = step, fill = factor(status))) +
# option 2 is faster
dat$drop <- apply(dat,1,function(x) min(which(x==0),99))
dat.cum <- dat %>%
gather(step,status,-drop) %>%
mutate(status = if_else(match(step,steps)>=drop,0,1))
ggplot(dat.cum, aes(x = step, fill = factor(status))) +
If you would like to map along rows you could do:
dat %>%
mutate(drop2 = map_int(seq_len(nrow(dat)), ~ min(which(dat[.x, ] == 0L), 99L)))
It could be that "gathering and grouping" is faster than Looping:
dat %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(starts_with("step_")) %>%
mutate(row_nr = row_number()) %>%
gather(key = "col", value = "value", -row_nr) %>%
arrange(row_nr, col) %>%
group_by(row_nr) %>%
mutate(col_index = row_number()) %>%
filter(value == 0) %>%
summarise(drop3 = min(col_index)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
right_join(dat %>%
mutate(row_nr = row_number()),
by = "row_nr") %>%
mutate(drop3 = if_else(, 99, drop3))
dplyr programming question here. Trying to write a dplyr function which takes column names as inputs and also filters on a component outlined in the function. What I am trying to recreate is as follow called test:
#test df
x<- sample(1:100, 10)
y<- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE)
date<- seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-01-10"), by =1)
my_df<- data.frame(x = x, y =y, date =date)
test<- my_df %>% group_by(date) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(y ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(date >= "2018-01-03")
The function I am testing is as follows:
cumsum_df<- function(data, date_field, cumulative_y, minimum_date = "2017-04-21") {
date_field <- enquo(date_field)
cumulative_y <- enquo(cumulative_y)
data %>% group_by(!!date_field) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(!!cumulative_y ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter((!!date_field) >= minimum_date)
test2<- cumsum_df(data = my_df, date_field = date, cumulative_y = y, minimum_date = "2018-01-03")
I have looked looked at some examples of using enquo and this thread gets me half way there:
Use variable names in functions of dplyr
But the issue is I get two different data frame outputs for test 1 and test 2. The one from the function outputs does not have data from the logical y referenced column.
I also tried this instead
cumsum_df<- function(data, date_field, cumulative_y, minimum_date = "2017-04-21") {
date_field <- enquo(date_field)
cumulative_y <- deparse(substitute(cumulative_y))
data %>% group_by(!!date_field) %>%
summarise(total = n(), total_2 = sum(data[[cumulative_y]] ==TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(cumulative_a = cumsum(total), cumulative_b = cumsum(total_2)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter((!!date_field) >= minimum_date)
test2<- cumsum_df(data= my_df, date_field = date, cumulative_y = y, minimum_date = "2018-01-04")
Based on this thread: Pass a data.frame column name to a function
But the output from my test 2 column is also wildly different and it seems to do some kind or recursive accumulation. Which again is different to my test date frame.
If anyone can help that would be much appreciated.