Installing RStudio using Anaconda Navigator in Windows 10 - r

I tried to install RStudio from Anaconda Navigator GUI. I ran the Anaconda Navigator with administrator privileges. Once the installation is started, a pop-up appears to create 'rstudio' environment in C:\Users\bipin\Anaconda3\envs\rstudio. The installation went on for sometime. So when the installation was over, the button beneath RStudio icon shows 'Install'(instead of 'Launch'). Hence I went to the very folder(C:\Users\bipin\Anaconda3\envs\rstudio) to check for the installed files. I was startled to discover that the 'rstudio' folder was missing in the 'envs' folder.
I repeated the process several times, however the result was same.
Should I install R from ''?
I would appreciate feedback to rectify this issue.


Not a conda environment

i am trying to launch conda from the terminal on windows.
From the relevant folder ('Desktop > Course'), i installed the jupyter notebook ('pip install jupyter notebook') and 'nb_conda' ('conda install nb_conda'). Then i open the jupyter notebook by entering the command 'jupyter notebook'.
So far so good.
But when i go in the 'Conda' tab on the jupyter notebook, after 2 second i get the message ''EnvironmentLocationNotFound: Not a conda environment: Desktop > Course'
Why is that ?
It worked for me as well on Windows 10.
Some time ago, I installed Python. Later on, I installed Anaconda to run pandas_datareader, etc. It didn't work. Reinstallation didn't help, either. Then I cleaned all installation of Python and Anaconda and started from scratch.
I made a fresh new installation of Anaconda:
Then I ran the command line as admin
I proceed:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
I waited for it to finish
Then, I went back to "Home" and launched the Jupyter
It seems like the environment was inconsistent, at least that was the message of conda update.
Not saying this is the right answer but this worked for me:
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
Waited for it to finish and went back to "Home"
Was able to launch Jupyter Notebook just fine.
There are two solutions-
1 - (not personally recommended) This is because you have probably not created the conda environment. For creating a new environment with all the dependencies look here-
2 - (personally recommended) Install the complete anaconda distribution from here- (check for windows and download for the python of your choice). After that either you can create a virtual environment and launch your jupyter from there or directly launch from the base environment. This will take care of all the dependencies and also it will help in all your future endeavors.
While following 2nd suggestion, make sure to uninstall all your previous python installations. Give it a fresh installation and while installation make sure to tick the box where it asks for adding conda to the system path.
Good Luck.
You could try using the command prompt from anaconda. This might solve your problem
I had the Not a conda environment error when re-installing conda while having the environment activated.

Cannot open rstudio from command line though installation worked

I can't start rstudio from my linux terminal. It always shows me this message:
Unable to determine real path of R script /home/remi/anaconda3/bin/R (system error 2 (No such file or directory))
I have Kubuntu 18 and anaconda installed on it.
I had trouble with installing curl and other libraries that need curl.
Since it was maybe due to a problem of paths, I removed R and RStudio from my conda environment in order to work only on the R and RStudio installed in Kubuntu. Something must have gone wrong.
I have tried to remove and reinstall both R and RStudio but it didn't work.
Weirdly, I can launch RStudio from my application launcher and I was able to install all the libraries I needed.
I would like to be able to launch RStudio from the terminal without any problem.
Does someone know what the problem is ?
Thank you !

Anaconda Navigator Install Issues for RStudio

I recommended to my class (2 sections) that they use Anaconda Navigator for a quick and easy way to install both python and R on their machine. I have had success with this recommendation in the past but recently this proved to be very problematic. At least on macOS, installing RStudio via the GUI does not work. It appears to stall.
In addition, attempting to create a new environment ,with both R and Python (3.7), the environment does not get created. It appears in the GUI for < second and then goes away without any other warning visible to the student.
Is there a bug in the recent version or perhaps version collisions across the environments?
I believe there is a bug. I installed Anaconda navigator, then RStudio in navigator. RStudio installed, but when I relaunch navigator I don't get the 'launch' tile, only the 'install' tile for RStudio. When I click the install tile (just to humor myself I suppose) it appears that it is reinstalling RStudio, but really it's just a hung process.
My environment is Windows 10 1909

Cannot launch RStudio 1.2.1335 on Fedora 29

I used RStudio Desktop 1.1.463 on my Fedora 29 without problems. I use R version 3.5.3. A new version of RStudio is available (1.2.1335) and after installation through .rpm and clicking on app symbol in Menu, like before, nothing happens. I get no error, no message, nothing, so cannot really pinpoint to anything. I know that the installation was successful since the icon logo was updated.
Download the Zip/Tarball from the rstudio website
Open a terminal and extract e.g.
tar xzfv rstudio-1.2.1335-x86_64-fedora.tar.gz
Then run
Check if you get any specific error.
It runs fine for me on Fedora 29 with 5.1.11-200.fc29.x86_64

R package "repmis" crashes R on library(repmis)

I tried installing a list of packages this morning and had an error which crashed R when I ran library(repmis)
I've uninstalled & reinstalled R (on my mac by deleting the app and downloading the new build), but still get an app crash when I run library(repmis).
Can anyone tell me why? And/or how I can more effectively uninstall R to get this package to work again?
Problem solved, I restarted the computer and repeated the procedure above and this time received a prompt to install a Java 6 runtime.
I'm guessing that the dialogue box had issues displaying earlier because of some system printer windows I had open.
