OROCRM - related entities not available in the "columns" part in reports and segments - report

Working on the 3.1.14 version of OroCRM, I don't have access to the "related entities" on the "Columns" part of the segment or report designer (see image 1 on the 3.1.14 version)
It was working on the 3.1.x-dev as you can see on the picture 2.
Please note that he related entities are still available on the filter part. (see picture 3 on the 3.1.14 version)
Can you help me to resolve this ?

This functionality was disabled intentionally as there are some issues related to UI performance and complexity, so it would not be supported officially anymore.
However, you can enable it back, at your own risk, with the simple form type extension for Oro\Bundle\MarketingListBundle\Form\Type\MarketingListType to override column_column_field_choice_options option. But in this case, you should handle the performance issues on your own.


TornadoFX: Label text not updating

One of the issues I'm currently experiencing is that I can't seem to change the text of a Label which is implemented in a dynamically loaded AnchorPane. I assume this might be related to the controller and how JavaFX/TornadoFX works, but I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong.
The issue itself occurs in this class, and happens in the showSystemDetails() method. What I would expect to happen is that upon pressing the "System Details" button in the sidebar, the labels would update to the required value, but this isn't happening for some reason.
Please feel free to point me to what I'm doing wrong, or provide any constructive criticism. The project is still in full development so a lot of things are still messy/broken.
The reason this isn't working is that you're manually loading a new version of the FMXL file every time you select something in your menu. The FXML file originally loaded by SystemDetailsViewProxy is updated correctly, but that's not the one you're showing on screen anymore.
To see the updated View, make sure you put the root node of the SystemDetailsViewProxy instance back.
You could for example change your DrawerMenuButton enum to contain references to SystemDetailsViewProxy::class instead of those two strings, and use add(viewClass) to add the correct root node to your view when clicking the menu buttons.
Furthermore, you should be using ViewModels and binding instead of manually updating the text property of the labels. You're doing an awful lot of manual/error prone work that the framework can help you with for free.
Your application is not using best practices in several important areas, and you're rolling your own solutions for stuff that the framework already does very well :)
Views are singletons when managed by the framework, but you instantiate them yourself instead of using inject/find. The result is that important life cycle methods are not being called.
I would also suggest looking into type safe builders instead of FXML.
Hope this helps :)

How to make MultiValueField with Composite Fields and i18n enabled work properly?

Have anyone tried to have a form with MultiValueField in Magnolia having Composite fields with i18n enabled and is working properly?
Currently, I'm encountering some weird behaviour when adding items to English then switching to other language and adding items again then switch back to English with items all gone. In one JIRA post it said it was already fixed but I still encounter this issue. Also encountered issues in sorting which apparently not supported by the DelegatingMultiValueTransformer.
If so, can you please show me the configuration you use to make this work properly? If needed customisation, can you give me ideas on how to do it?
Would really appreciate any help on this.
Btw, I'm using the latest release 5.4.6 now.
Maybe you don't want to put two questions in one request in the future ;)
Re language issue:
did you check that you have i18n enabled also on the subfields, since you are using deletage transformer? AFAIK with delegate you need to have them enabled on all fields in the hierarchy.
Re transformer & ordering:
IMO the only way out is to write custom transformer. Look at source code of MultiValueTransformer and in the part of the code where it goes just two levels down when checking child values, you need to go deeper.
You would also need to define different structure storage for your values there since one used by the MultiValueTransformer would not suffice for multiple levels.
Perhaps you can extend one of the more specialized MultiValue*Transformer or perhaps you try MultiValueJSONTransformer if storing all values in json array is enough for you (you would still need to extend it and to repopulate values back into dialog when opening dialog for editing).

dexterity related items - browse for items has no content

I'm having an issue with the "browse for items" overlay for the default widget for z3c.relationfield, which I believe is using plone.formwidget.contenttree. I've created a custom field using this but get the same problem using the IRelatedItems behavior - the overlay has no browsable content. I am still able to use the autocomplete component of this widget, and can set relations programmatically with no problem, so I don't believe there is a problem with the intids utility. I've also tested on my local machine and on a dev server and everything works perfectly, just not in production (of course).
I apologize for the vague nature of this question, but I'm stumped. Are there any common pitfalls I could look for here? Any configuration step I might be overlooking?
Take a look at the Dexterity documentation and note the following:
Relation support no longer included by default
Content tree and Autocomplete widgets no longer included by default
So maybe you need to install the widget packages manually.

Tool for Overlaying User Data on Government Form

I'm working on a project where user's submit data and then it is put onto a state form that they can print and submit. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, the form looks similar to an IRS 1040 form (https://www.healthykids.org/_img/document_1040.gif).
We've recently discovered that the form generated by our software isn't close enough to be accepted by some state's OCR process.
We're looking for some way to quickly create stylesheets or something similar so that the data can be overlayed on a scan of the original form and then printed. We've tested to ensure this works, however the lost time of trying to get the positioning right for every version of the form for each state has become a huge problem.
I'm looking for a tool or technique that would help me roll out each form faster.
The web application is based on Code Igniter. Our company prefers open source solutions but if a proven proprietary product exists we would certainly use it due to the critical nature of the issue.
Thank you very much for any help.
First, the obvious. Most web IDE's do this with ease (I know both Microsoft Visual Studio and Adobe Dreamweaver would allow you to visually position the elements above the image without problems).
I take it you are looking for a tool that lets you design the forms as part of the web application itself. One of the related links points to Suggestions for a JavaScript form builder?.
Other than that, if you know your Javascript and jQuery/extjs etc, it should be pretty quick to write a simple "put the textfields above the image" (absolute-positioning + drag and drop) type of web interface.

Interactive Graph Visualisations in ASP.NET Website (Drag/Select/Link/Unlink)

We have a requirements to create a Website (ASP.NET v4.0) which displays a Graph. It should be able to do:
Display nodes (with names and colours)
Display links between the nodes, with text on the link (e.g. '85%')
Interact with nodes/links to drag/move/select
Layouts out the nodes in a clear manner automatically
Can add/remove nodes (asynchronously) and link/unlink easily
Javascript interaction with events (onClick, onDrag)
Events must provide identification of selected nodes/links (Javascript).
Ability to zoom in/out (ideally)
Updates Asynchronously (rather than full postbacks)
Responsive when displaying >100 nodes
Flash is not supported
MUST support IE6 (just don't ask...!)
Development is Visual Studio 2010 on .Net Framework v4.0
We were currently using the Syncfusion Diagram tool (v. running on v2.0, but recently upgraded to v4.0 and a breaking change in System.Web ViewState management means we need to find an alternative. Its possible the latest version (v8.3) is much better, but we're reclutant to fork out a few thousand pounds for the licenses if its just as bad.
We found the Syncfusion tool ok, but it was very difficult to code against (without manual hacks) and it performed quite badly with large graphs when it loads 200 images from the server.
Really looking for some inspiration from your guys. Any suggestions or experiences shared would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance.
mxGraph is designed for this type of functionality (disclaimer - I do work for them). It does support IE 6 and is entirely written in JavaScript. It comes with .NET backend server classes to perform comms with the JavaScript client. In order to get responsive behaviour with over 100 nodes on IE 6, you need to switch to using a server side image over about 50-60 nodes, since IE 6 does perform very badly. We include an example to demonstrate how to do this. Give it a try, if you require evaluation support, there is a forum for that.
