Firebase dynamic link not found in Flutter App - firebase

I'm reporting a very strange problem.
I have an app developed in Flutter and I have correctly integrated the Firebase library for using the Dynamic Links service.
The problem is when short links are open on a mobile device, it shows a screen with the message "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page", and a button OPEN to continue.
Using your link debugging tool everything seems ok
When I develop directly in debugging mode the problem does not present itself.
When I install the app from TestFlight sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It seems random.
the problem could be that the app is not yet available on the store ?


Xamarin Forms - iOS debug on actual device hangs on launchscreen. Workin on simulator

I have a XF app already published on the play store and now I am targetting iOS. During developpent I made sure the app was still working on iOS, using the simulator only.
On the simulator everything works as expected, the launch screen is shown then the MainPage starts. But when I debug on an actual IPhone device, the app get stuck on the Launchscreen.storyboard for about 20 sec then the app exits. I've no debug output and it seems that the AppDelegate is never hit. Breakpoints in AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching method are not hit for instance. I tried to F11 for start in debugging mode but I don't hit anything, still hanging on the launch screen. I was expecting the transition from simulator to device to be less painful.
My plist file contains the following permission requirements
<string>We need to use your location</string>
<string>We are using your location</string>
<string>This app needs access to photos.</string>
<string>This app needs access to the photo gallery.</string>
The only difference I saw is that location permissions are not asked on the device while in the simulator it asks for it at start. But this might be related to the fact that I can't reach AppDelegate, I am not sure yet.
The iOS project was generated via Prism templates. I am using VS 16.8.0 on Windows, XF, Prism, Xamarin iOS SDK and I am set to "don't link" for linkers option. The device is an Iphone 10.
Any idea how can I find out the root cause - or get some useful logs?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Here are the device log output during a new installation I am trying to go through them but kinda lost.

Ionic+Cordova : how to preview android local SQLite database from chrome browser? [duplicate]

I was searching for some trick to debug the database of an Android app in Ionic on a phone and I've encountered this project.
How can I use this with Ionic? If there is no way, can I use others tools?
If you are executing on a device and need to view the data stored by sqlite, install the "stetho" plugin, it lets you open a dev tool with sqlite data. connect the device on the computer, open the app, open the chrome and type in the navigation bar "chrome://inspect", and click the link related to "stetho".
Also don’t forget to reboot.

getting binary errror with Watchkit app on submission from Application Loader on Testflight

I am using Xcode 8 and trying to upload my watchKit app to Testflight but its failing all the far i have tried these options,
tried uploading it from Application Loader 3.6 and get invalid swift support, invalid watchkit support,and invalid executable error.
tried from Xcode 8. The app validates succesfully but upon upload to store, it just gets stuck. when i refresh, i do get an upload sccessful message but nothing is visible on testflight.
how to upload my watch app on testflight? please help
Have you enabled the version of your app to test on the iTunes Connect website?
I hope I'm not stating the obvious here, but if you:
Select your app in the "My Apps" section
Select the "TestFlight" tab at the top
Select "Internal Testing" on the left hand menu
Click on the "Select version to test" link in the page
Uploading an archive with a new version number doesn't automatically add it to TestFlight, so you have to go through this procedure every time you change version number (or on the first upload).
Once it's added, you should see the app appear in the TestFlight app on your phone. When it also has a Apple Watch app, and you have a watch paired with your phone, TestFlight will also install the app to your watch.
Hope that helps!

FCM/GCM for electron APP

I have been using FCM/GCM to send notifications to Chrome App, Chrome Extension, Android APP.
But, may I know how can I send notifications to an electron APP from FCM/GCM. I browsed through a lot of websites but did not find anything related to it.
PS: I don't worry about how the notifications are displayed. I just want the notification payload to be received by the electron app.
Thanks in advance.
There's nothing available out of the box with Electron but there is a Node package available here:
There's no boilerplate code available for using this package yet, but there is an open issue in the associated GitHub project requesting a working example:

Meteor login not working on mobile

I am working on a simple mobile web app and I am having trouble logging in...
I followed this little sample on making a custom login:
Nothing too tricky here.
So I run my meteor server locally. On my computer, through the browser, I can log in and create accounts -- no problem.
When I go to my local IP from my iPhone, the website successfully loads but for some reason I am not able to login or create accounts.
I have noticed that for Meteor.loginWithPassword and Meteor.createUser, the callback function NEVER gets called. I have {{loggingIn}} rendering a loading screen and the loading screen is only there for a fraction of a second before the form is reloaded. No errors are thrown (validation passes and the callback function doesnt fail).
Out of suspicion, I deployed the app and tried accessing the deployed website from my phone and the same issue persists...
Any ideas what I cannot log in or create accounts on my iPhone, but I can on my computer? Maybe its a cookies thing? Any ways of solving this?
Thanks a lot,
This works on both my desktop browser and iPhone simulator. Just not my iPhone. Could it just be a local network issue? -- No, even if I deploy the website, I have the same issues...
Also, check out my github post about recreating the issue:
Check to make sure that you are running the same version of iOS on all the devices you are testing on. I have seen iOS 7 misbehave when using Meteor apps. iOS 6 works just fine.
