Meteor login not working on mobile - meteor

I am working on a simple mobile web app and I am having trouble logging in...
I followed this little sample on making a custom login:
Nothing too tricky here.
So I run my meteor server locally. On my computer, through the browser, I can log in and create accounts -- no problem.
When I go to my local IP from my iPhone, the website successfully loads but for some reason I am not able to login or create accounts.
I have noticed that for Meteor.loginWithPassword and Meteor.createUser, the callback function NEVER gets called. I have {{loggingIn}} rendering a loading screen and the loading screen is only there for a fraction of a second before the form is reloaded. No errors are thrown (validation passes and the callback function doesnt fail).
Out of suspicion, I deployed the app and tried accessing the deployed website from my phone and the same issue persists...
Any ideas what I cannot log in or create accounts on my iPhone, but I can on my computer? Maybe its a cookies thing? Any ways of solving this?
Thanks a lot,
This works on both my desktop browser and iPhone simulator. Just not my iPhone. Could it just be a local network issue? -- No, even if I deploy the website, I have the same issues...
Also, check out my github post about recreating the issue:

Check to make sure that you are running the same version of iOS on all the devices you are testing on. I have seen iOS 7 misbehave when using Meteor apps. iOS 6 works just fine.


Firebase dynamic link not found in Flutter App

I'm reporting a very strange problem.
I have an app developed in Flutter and I have correctly integrated the Firebase library for using the Dynamic Links service.
The problem is when short links are open on a mobile device, it shows a screen with the message "Save my place in the app. A link will be copied to continue to this page", and a button OPEN to continue.
Using your link debugging tool everything seems ok
When I develop directly in debugging mode the problem does not present itself.
When I install the app from TestFlight sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It seems random.
the problem could be that the app is not yet available on the store ?

Recent breakage of google-sign-in with flutter on Chrome?

As of 1 day ago, I seem to have trouble with google sign in running inside a flutter app on firebase.
When loading the webapp, I see an exception with obfuscated stack traces:
Uncaught TypeError: t.gpT is not a function
at Im.$1 (google_sign_in_web.dart:113)
at Object.a4P (js_helper.dart:1060)
at Object.Yq (core_patch.dart:84)
at a6F (js_patch.dart:541)
at js_patch.dart:519
at e.zo (cb=gapi.loaded_0:200)
at lk (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at gk (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at _.Rj.hU (cb=gapi.loaded_0:203)
at Qj (cb=gapi.loaded_0:195)
This happens when deploying on firebase and on Chrome, not when running on localhost (same chrome), or when using the firebase deployment on Safari.
I'm properly stumped - I don't remember having upgraded the browser or changing anything in the code. Neither do I remember having fiddled with the oauth tokens.
Any ideas how to properly debug this ? I'm fairly inexperienced in dart/firebase/JS.
[Update]: I found that I can reproduce this even with the Google provided example at:
This works when I run it with flutter run -d chrome or flutter run -s web-server
When I do a firebase deploy, the app runs fine in Safari. In Chrome I get above exception. I tried to disable all extensions, same thing.
Aha! The culprit here was blocking of third party cookies. If I turn off third party cookie blocking, things work fine.
Yikes, this makes using Google-sign-in unusable for webapps whose customers are blocking third party cookies.

Firebase "Site Not Found" error on some devices and not on others

When I open my Firebase hosted site (built with Polymer Starter Kit) using my computer that I deployed (i.e., using $ firebase deploy) the app from, it works great. It works on all browsers too.
However, when I try to open it on my mobile device (an Android tablet in this case) I get a Site Not Found Error. The full error text message reads as follows:
Site Not Found
Why am I seeing this?
There are a few potential reasons:
You haven't deployed an app yet.
You may have deployed an empty directory.
This is a custom domain but we haven't finished setting it up yet.
How can I deploy my first app?
Refer to our hosting documentation to get started.
Obviously, none of the possible causes listed are actually the case because, as mentioned, the site tests fine on my deploying device. And on all browsers on that device.
What could be causing this?
TL;DR: User error. Problem fixed.
I just tested it again and it worked on the other devices. Since I was not clicking a link, but rather, typing it instead, I think that was what caused the problem.
I think what happened was the "en dash" character on some soft keypads looks like a different character (maybe em dash?) which causes the typed URL not to match the actual URL if the user is not used to typing out URLs and doesn't know how to tell the difference on a soft keypad between the different types of dashes.

offline web app fails to open after ios 7 upgrade

I have a webapp that I created well over a year ago, and running on iOS 6, it's been rock solid. It's designed to work offline and online, from the same home screen icon. I've got a manifest file that loads up the bootstrap javascript, all the js includes, and the core files. The app is designed to store data while offline (using SQLite) then transfer anything in the offline queue to a MySQL database once online. And again, all this was working on iOS 6 with absolutely no changes whatsoever to any of the files, the manifest, etc. for months.
Then I upgraded to iOS 7.
Now I have a host of problems, but they all seem to revolve around database issues. I'm getting a lot of code 6 errors in Chrome (in Safari, I get nothing, just a blank screen). In my reading up on this I found that Apple did make some sort of change to how SQLite runs, but not being an xcode developer I don't have access to the materials on Apple's site, and since I'm not running xcode in any case I don't know if that even applies to my purely HTML app.
My question, then, is this: with whatever changes Apple made on the app side, is there anything that would have affected the functionality of a pure HTML5/JS/SQLite offline web app, bookmarked to the home page via Safari?
IOS 7 limit browser DB size from 50MB to 5MB , is that the reason ? Also I met a end user turn on Private Browsing in their IPAD , also could cause this trouble, hope that helps.
you can check this :
I figgured it out.When you enter safari, a little button on the top left on the keyboard says "private", click it to disable it. The database will work fine. But! jquery mobile will not be able to use the back button. For this, you have to delete appcache from your code. jquerymobile 1.4 will fix this, but for now you will have to live without appcache!

In app purchase didReceiveResponse does not show my product

By some mysterious reasons I got myself a jailbroken iPhone 3GS from a vendor whom I am finding difficult to track.
My task is to test out in app purchase functionality on it.
Currently it has iOS 5.0.1 with cydia installed.
No, it does not have Appsync.
I am installing my build through testflightapp API which works without issues with my app so far.
However when I initiate in app purchase, I don't get anything in response.products so far.
I have added productIDs and all in itunes-connect already, checked twice that they are fine, since 48 hours.
I tried testing with iPhone simulator 5.1, but all I got was no values from storekit. I would love to hear if there is any workaround with simulator.
Worked around this finally - deleted my app from itunes connect, re-added it.
It complained about name being already used.
I changed the language of name. And it worked.
Maybe, my prior app setup was right, but I had something else messed up.
In between, I rejected my app. That maybe one of the reason behind this issue.
Don't developer reject your app.
