Azerothcore sql assembler script isnt working - azerothcore

I followed the instructions in
keep getting this
my OS is windows 10

It looks like you have a space in your username. From my understanding the does not currently support spaces in the path. I would suggest moving your azerothcore source folder to a different directory.


How do I install pglogical extension on Windows machine?

I need to migrate an enterprise production database from a Windows source machine running Postgres 9.5 to an Ubuntu destination machine running Postgres 11.6 with < 15 mins downtime. I plan to do this with pglogical, which requires the extension being loaded on both source and destination. I am having trouble with the source side because it is Windows.
I have very little Postgres-Windows experience and can neither find any helpful literature on the specific situation nor can I figure out for myself how to presumably install from source.
I've dug and dug and so far the only answer I've been able to find is "ugh... Windows". It seems like the only way to build from source is using Visual Studio, which I don't have or know how to use.
Alex, the 2ndQuadrant article you link to in your own comment solves this. A few of the project or build options noted there have moved a little bit in the newer VisualStudio Community editions, so I can see where you got hung-up.
Just for kicks I compiled 32-bit DLL on my oldest Windows instance. I included the /Release path so you can grab my DLL & see if it works for you. It's (a) 32-bit because I'm assuming worst-case for an old v9.5 install, and (b) targets Postgres 9.6 because that's what I had installed. Unless there were major API changes though, it should connect to v9.5 without any issues:
If you find you need a version that entirely matches Postgres 9.5, grab my solution files & VS Community 20xx. Load the project & update the Additional Include Directories in Project Config to target your v9.5 paths. That should be all that's needed to link v9.5 Postgres libs.

Could not acquire management access for administration. Runtime Error: Unable to excute command chcp

I installed MySQL workbench 8.0 in windows 7. After the installation I just clicked server status its through the error like Could not acquire management access for administration. Run-time Error: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:Windows\System32 directory is in your path environment variable. How can I solve this error?
I solved the same problem on enable the parameter "Beta : Use UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in Control Panel > Region > Administrative > Change system locale...
It's disturbing because it's have nothing about the PATH environment variable. But it's work.
Notice that I working on french environment and MySQL Workbench 8.0.24 version.
To resolve this problem on 64 bit system we have to follow two steps.
add environment variable path to C:\Windows\System32
we need cmd file in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
copy it from C:\Windows\System32 path and paste in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
now close mysql workbench and reopen it.
Hope you got the answer.
I've reproduced the same issue by clicking server status:
Could not acquire management access for administration
RuntimeError: Unable to execute command chcp. Please make sure that the C:\Windows\System32 directory is in your PATH environment variable
and after click cancel was:
Error during ""
error calling Python module function WbAdmin.openAdminSection
using MySQL Server 8.0.23 & MySQL Workbench 8.0.23 for 64-bit OS Windows 10.
Notice: all environment variables were configured correct in my case.
Solved it only by reinstalling and using another version like MySQL Workbench 8.0.20, but I'd really recommend also downgrade version of server to MySQL Server 8.0.20 to avoid other bugs, e.g.: creating/deleting schemes and so on.
The same version should match all products to work correctly.
Found solution for system non english language users! After failing in all attempts seen issue here: Mysql Bug Forum, where told that the problem is in unicode python codec error. So mine solution as for cyrillic language user was to set Windows administrative language for the cases when utf-8 is unavailable, see screenshot below.
"System language old value was Russian, after changing to English (USA) everything started to work.
Also watched Workbench logs - there was a python exception for the ascii codec. Thats all, hope this will help.
Add the 'C:\Windows\System32' to the PATH environment variable.
Make sure you add it to PATH and not to Path.
The solution of this problem for me was this:
Start the workbench community installer after installing the program you will go to this window enter image description here then you start the option of MySQL Server the option of "Reconfigure" and you accept all the options and create a new password (if you didn't make it before), execute the final screen and you are ready to use workbench :D
Had the same error for Windows 10. For me solution was to reinstall MySQL Server 8.0.24 and to enable option in installer "Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service". Didn't have this option marked in the first installation, so I assume the problem was in this(there were no service for it, so after system restart MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE gave an error).
As mentioned before there are 2 possible fixes:
Change system locale to English(US)
Use Workbench ver. 8.0.22 or lower (error appears on vers. 8.0.23+)
Just add the C:\Windows\System32 to the Path, and the problem will be solved!
Don't forget to add ";" to separate addresses.

How to clear searchable history database in RStudio

In addition to the .Rhistory file,
RStudio maintains a database of all commands which you have ever entered into the Console. You can browse and search this database using the History pane. (source)
This one appears to still be searchable even when .Rhistory has been deleted.
How can I empty it? Cleaning it up might be necessary after, for example, installing from a private repo using a password, when I know other users have access to the computer. For example, I was a bit anxious seeing this popping up, after entering pass into the search field... (ノ゚0゚)ノ~
Thanks to Phann's hint, I found:
Deleting history_database seems to do the job. An empty database file is automatically recreated when starting RStudio again (tested on MacOS and Linux). The folder where to find history_database depends on your os and is described for the more general case here.
MacOS and Linux
Windows Vista, 7 and 8
%localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop # (i.e. Phann's path, I guess)
Windows XP
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\RStudio-Desktop
Linux RStudio-Server
On my Win7 system, I found the file history_database within C:/Users/../AppData/Local/RStudio-Desktop. It has a unix-like time stamp per line followed by a command.
I would guess that if you empty this file, the history is cleared. But I haven't tried the solution yet, so better make a copy of the file to be on the save side.
The file should be in a similar folder in Win10.

using R code on windows and unix with relative symlinks

I have a mapped drive from a *nix system on my windows 7 machine. I would like to work on code from work on my home computer. The problem is the directory structure at work has a bunch of symlinks which the R code references. Windows is unable to see those symlinks and so the entire thing crashes. Is there a way to make Windows/R recognize these links? The reason I say Windows/R is because WinSCP is able to see these links.

Where can I download older SQLite binaries?

I've got a problem with my web application. A query that completes in a few seconds in SQLite 3.7.4 on Windows takes a whole 6 minutes in SQLite 3.6.22 on Linux. On the very same database file. It contains a few WHERE NOT EXISTS parts so I can imagine something has been optimised there.
But the SQLite version is fixed on the Linux side, it's bound to the distribution so I cannot update it. When I tried a current Linux binary and uploaded it to the server, the shell just said the file would not exist. It was there, ls found it and it was mode 755 by my own user...
And I can't find that specific version for Windows as well to try it in the other direction. The SQLite download site only contains the very current version and nothing else. There's not even an archive of older releases...
Does anybody know where I can find older versions? Preferably as binary as I don't want to spent hours to get it compiled.
You can check out and compile older releases from the Fossil repository.
