ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR when opening Notebook in JUPYTERLAB Azure ML Studio - jupyter-notebook

So our team created a new Azure Machine Learning resource, but whenever I try to add a new notebook and try to edit it using "JUPYTERLAB" i get ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR error, but the same notebook, when edited using EDIT IN JUPYTER works perfectly.
This is a blank and clean notebook, I also tried 2 different laptops and multiple browsers per laptop, same error. I also tried incognito and clearing cookies, but to no avail.
update: I seem to have accidentally replicated the issue and I now know what is causing it, the situation is that Im using my work laptop and constantly switching VPN connections, and some times, connecting to the AZURE PORTAl OUTSIDE the VPN. So, when you've worked on a notebook while inside a VPN, then you disconnected, and tried loading the notebook sometime later, you will encounter this

Have you tried creating a new Azure Machine Learning Compute Instance? Sometimes the VM has a fatal issue and a new one needs to be spun up.
Also try modifying the working Jupyter Notebook url by adding /lab to the end.

This problem has stomped me for hours, but I was finally able to fix it. What I did was I opened a terminal and did a Jupyter lab rebuild "jupyter lab build"


problem with kernel creation in vscode while connected to remote jupyter server?

I am trying to connect to remote jupyter server which is running in remote server inside a docker. from vs code (local machine) with the help of jupyter extension, and running a newly created notebook.
The problem seems to be the kernel creation via this method for this newly created notebook.
My Jupyter Server is running in remote server, inside a docker environment, with port forwarding enable.
I can access it via my browser by http://{remote_machine_ip}:{port}/, and I am able to create new jupyter notebook.
However when I use the vs code to open local notebook file, and connect to the remote jupyter server.
When I try to run the cells, it shows the following error:
Failed to start the Kernel.
'_xsrf' argument missing from POST.
View Jupyter log for further details.
Possible solution
However, if I try to open a new kernel in browser, and connect it to same kernel in vs code, the problem goes away.
This issue seems to be arising when vs code sends the request to create jupyter kernel to the jupyter server.
As, when I tested with already running jupyter kernel in vs code, it works fine.
The issue here is, security implementation of jupyter server, which don't allow cross site request to create a kernel, as it security vulnerability.
For more details about _xsrf token, you can read here, although it doesn't talk about specific to jupyter server, its very easy to deduce the logic.
In one post of jetbrains, I found the solution, to make jupyter ignore _xsrf token, by adding new flag while starting the jupyter server,
Or add it to your notebook config.
Also, to make sure your request are not been blocked, as suggested by vscode blog. Add the following flag too,

VScode showing raw source code instead of the remote jupyer notebook

I'm a bit puzzled of what goes wrong, and maybe someone here knows, or has had it before.
First, i got Docker on windows 11.
It runs a ubuntu python container, for all kind of AI stuff.
My local windows PC, has Vscode, i've made a connection to the local container (ssh).
When i open a .ipynb I see the raw file a Json like structure.
That is a bit strange because if i create a new ipynb on windows 11
Its is showing code/markdown cells normally like how vscode shows it normally.
VScode should know what Jupiter notebooks are
So Vscode knows python, everything seems installed in relation to jupyter and remote (localhost) connections.
Does anyone know perhaps what is going wrong here?.
Maybe its something i overlooked, missed.
Or some extra step that needs to be done at VScode, or i open it wrongly ?.
I open the file through the left pane open.. as shown:
I believe all related jupyter notebook stuff is installed in VScode
PS C:\python projects\test> code --list-extensions --show-versions

Kubeflow: Notebook server stuck on loading

Whenever I try to create a Kubeflow notebook server to build a pipeline from a jupyter notebook, it keeps loading forever without displaying any error.
I'm currently using a Kubeflow dashboard that's already up and running on a server, so I didn't deploy it myself and I'm not working on a local instance to use the terminal.
Any idea what the origin of the problem might be and how to solve it?
Here's a screenshot that might explain better.

Every time I use expo client, my http network fails to work

TCP connections work fine as I am able to converse with someone over zoom and teamviewer. However, whenever I attempt to access another webpage, I get a network error. Google seems to work fine for some reason but any webpage I go to listed by Google fails to connect. The only way I can open up my http connections is by ending a task called "init" inside of task manager. This shuts down my vscode as well as my ubuntu terminals I have running. If someone knows the solution please do tell. It's really annoying having to close out my vscode and terminals as well as my local servers to look up information and debug.
I found a fix to this issue.
So I was running a Windows Subsystem for Linux and my Windows Build was outdated as well as WSL. When I updated Windows and upgraded to WSL2, my issue was resolved and I don't seem to get any more network errors.

Disable TortoiseSVN project Monitor

I installed TortoiseSVN on my work laptop (win 7 Ent.) and tried to integrate Tortoise with R-Studio. But because of some known issues (see here), I did not take it further and disabled subversioning on R-Studio. Since then, when I start R-Studio client, the Tortoise Project Monitor opens up automatically and takes R-Studio into initialization stage until it crashes and I have to kill R-Studio client.
After playing around for few hours, I learnt that I have to open two instances of R-Studio to be able to run it. So, now, I open R-Studio and let it go into initialization stage and then in the meantime, I open another R-Studio and the 2nd one works fine; then I kill first one. But, it is kind of annoying as the trick does not work sometimes.
I uninstalled R-Studio and reinstalled it again and no change. I am afraid if I uninstall TortoiseSVN and then cannot install it again- as it is an open source and there is no support team to help in case of any trouble.
Wondering if anyone has any idea on how to disable project monitoring at all. I don't really need it at all.
Project Monitor can be disabled in Project Monitor Options.
