How do i build Xamarin.Forms UWP AM64 App? - xamarin.forms

How do i build Xamarin Forms UWP app for ARM64.. is see the ARM but not ARM64. and the xappupload file does not build for ARM64
I have looked around and all i can find are some problems/bug fixes on ARM64, but not how to build it for ARM64, so i'm just lost on what to do. I want my app that is already on store, to be available for my Surface Pro X as well.

How do i build Xamarin.Forms UWP AM64 App?
Please check Windows 10 on ARM official document
Now, Windows 10 desktop can run on machines that are powered by ARM64 processors with the Fall Creators Update or newer. The power-saving nature of the ARM CPU architecture allows these PCs to have all-day battery life and support for mobile data networks.
To build your UWP application to natively target the ARM64 platform, you must have Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or later, or Visual Studio 2019. For more information, see this blog post.
We suggest you build your app with Visual studio 2019 latest version that could deploy ARM64 directly.


How to build, deploy and run a Xamarin forms GTK application on a Raspberry Pi using Visual Studio 2019

I have a situation where I need to develop a multi-platform app to run on windows and Raspbian (Raspberry PI OS). Currently, I have an application written in Xamarin Forms WPF for windows and one written in Xamarin Forms GTK for use on the RPI. The issue I am having is, when I deploy the GTK version, I get one of two exception:
Development System:
Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 Pro
Framework 4.7.2 and .Net Standard 2.0
Target Systems
Windows 10 (Xamarin.Forms.WPF)
Debian 10 "Buster" (Xamarin.Forms.GTK)
System.DllNotFoundException: libglib-2.0-0.dll : When trying to run with Mono
The library '' required to execute the application was not found. : When trying to run under dotnet.
The RPI is running Debian 10 "Buster". The OS is up to date and dotnet, mono and GTK have been installed successfully. A simple "Hello World!" console app was build on windows using Visual Studio and executed against both frameworks without issue on the RPI. However, any real app with UI fails with the above exceptions.
Can anyone please provide me with information or point me in the right direction on how to resolve these issues in detail? Most of the information on the web is partial and/or makes assumptions about subject matter knowledge. Which is not really helpful.
I've researched and followed many examples online. However, they either did not work as expected or did not cover the subject of deployment to the RPI (Raspberry Pi). The system has the required frameworks and tools on it. It appears there application is missing configuration files.

Submit Qt based app on Windows App

I have already created Qt based application which uses some third-party open source library like OpenCV, I have looked Windows Dev Center and seems the all the reference is using Visual Studios and other Windows tool. I have created my App using Qt creator. Is it possible to submit such an application on Windows App store?
Any help will be appreciated,
Bad news: Microsoft does not support Win32 apps on AppStore yet (but it has been announced, currently under development as "Project Centennial"). It looks like an "old-school" desktop applications cannot be submitted to the Windows App store.
Good news: Qt has support for WinRT (complete in Qt 5.6 which is currently in Beta and will be released in a few weeks). And qmake can generate a Visual Studio solution from your project (in case you need it for deployment or debugging; VS Community edition is free).
Qt WinRT tutorial:
OpenCV in WinRT:

Is porting QML based app easy to Windows Phone?

On the qt-project web-site there're available sources as for porting QML to iOS, Android.
It appears to be easy.
Is it so for Windows Phone as well?
Is it so for any other platform?
Qt Project has a Qt for WinRT tutorial providing a step-by-step process to build applications for Windows 8 based devices. Basically to resume the tutorial :
You need the appropriate windows runtime
You may have to build Qt from source for that runtime library
You develop and compile Qt as you would do for a desktop app
You have an additional step for packaging the application.

Qt Digia vs. Qt project

Qt Digia provides cross platform development targeting Mac, PC, Linux and on mobile iOS, Android, Windows mobile.
The Qt project also offers iOS, Android and PC, Mac, Linux builds. What is additionally there on the commercial version (i.e. Qt Digia)?
The core is the same which means the essential modules and some shared extension modules, aka. add-ons. There are a couple of things differing, however, e.g.:
Android injection
Qt Virtual Keyboard
Qt Quick Compiler
Qt Purchasing
... and so on, basically anything that Digia is working on under the Enterprise umbrella. You can follow their blog for further details.
Here you can also find the updates for 5.3.
On the new download page you can find a detailed table with a comparison about the available options.

Mobile operating systems which can be targeted by Qt, QtQuick, QML and QtMobility

The number of mobile operating systems or platforms supporting QT based app development keeps growing. Not for all of them QT is the standard framework for building apps, therefore it seems the Qt support can be categorized as follows:
Qt and Qt based technologies (QML, QtQuick, QtMobility) are the recommended way for building mobile apps and part of the SDK.
Qt or a subset of Qt is supported as a secondary way of developing or porting apps, and there is support for a subset of QT APIs within the SDK.
Unofficial 3rd party or open source extensions enable development of Qt based apps for a platform.
Which mobile operating systems or SDKs do support development of apps using Qt in either of the above listed ways?
Mobile operating systems with full Qt support in the SDK:
Nokia Symbian OS: Since Nokia discontinued Symbian, Qt for Symbian is a community effort now.
Nokia N9 / MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan: Full Qt support.
Mer (community Meego fork) and Sailfish OS: Qt/QML are both supported.
Canonical's Ubuntu Phone uses the Ubuntu QML toolkit and Qt Creator for native application development.
Mobile operating systems supporting a subset of the QT APIs:
Blackberry 10 OS and SDK: The Blackberry 10 SDK contains the Cascades UI framework, which is built on top of a subset of Qt 4.8 and QtMobility modules. Apps can be created using Qt, QtMobility and QML/QtQuick. Another approach is porting an existing Qt application that uses QtGui.
Digia, community driven (open source) and 3rd party extensions targeting mobile operating systems:
Android: QT 5 port by Digia (demoed at Qt Developer Days Berlin in Nov 2012), expected to be released by the end of 2013.
iOS: QtQuick 1.0 port by Digia (demoed by Qt Developer Days Berlin in Nov 2012), expected to be released by the end of 2013.
WinRT / Windows 8: (demoed by Qt Developer Days Berlin in Nov 2012) demo.
Qt for Android port Necessitas: Has been donated to the Qt project in Nov 2012.
Qt SDK for iOS devices by Mediator Software: The product website does not contain much information, but there are regular updates on Twitter Qt4iOS (links to apps in Appstore built using QT SDK for iOS are posted on Twitter).
