Blue when I click on links - css

On my website, when I click on a link that has a href or onclick reference, it gets a blue highlight that ends my design. How to remove? See an example in the menu icon that has an 'onclick' reference, I managed to take a print right from the time I click on it on my phone.
How can I remove this?
The icon is blue that I did not program, all links on the site look like this

If a media screen solution suit you. That can work:
#media screen and (max-width:500px) {
.selector:active, .selector:hover {
background-color: unset;
color: #999;

Given that we're working with an "a" element you can easily get rid of the blue highlighting with basic css:
a:hover, a:focus, a:active {
text-decoration: none;
color: #3c4146 /* Just a mild gray, you can change this to whatever you want */
In the case of a different element, which in your case looks like a btn/div with a set background, you can adapt the css to it.
You can set the bg back to its original color when you either hover, focus or set the element to active.
.element:focus, .element:active, .element:hover {
background-color: #000000; /* Use the original element background-color here */

a {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important;
outline: none !important;

I was testing my new pet project on my phone and I also had an issue with BLUE outline/highlight flashing effect upon TAP.
For me #RedhaBenKortbi answer worked.
After applying this CSS to tags, the links were no longer flashing with the blue-ish outline/highlight when you click.
.scaledImage a {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important;
Doc says:
-webkit-tap-highlight-color is a non-standard CSS property that sets the color of the highlight that appears over a link while it's being
tapped. The highlighting indicates to the user that their tap is being
successfully recognized, and indicates which element they're tapping


To change icon and text-color of button on mouse hover in menu component

I am using Menu with icons component in my project.On mouse hovering the menu items(ex: edit) i want to change both the text and icon color,something like this.
But i am able to give only background-color on mouse hover but unable to change the text-color on mouse hover.
I tried giving color: !important; also, still no result.
Here is the stackblitz link.
Use code as below:
color: purple;
.mat-menu-item:hover .mat-icon{
color: purple;
see here:
put on your css man! here's the code.
color: blue;
Use the simple code change background color..
background-color:blue !important;

Removing blue border around Contact Button, using Bootstrap 3

I've been implementing Bootstrap 3 onto my website, and I am currently experiencing this issue after having selecting the Contact button and closing the pop-up window that comes up:
I do not want Contact to be lit up or highlighted in any manner after closing the popup. What do I need to edit in my CSS file to make this work?
EDIT: Here is my code showing my nav-bar with all of my options. I believe I'm supposed to select something in here in order to edit the CSS of the Contact area.
In CSS, the focus pseudo class is used for styling an element that is currently targeted by the keyboard, or activated by the mouse.
By clicking on the button, Bootstrap adds styles to your button via btn:focus, btn-primary:focus, et cetera. One of the styles Bootstrap adds is a border around the button. In order to override this style, you can create a selector that hides the border of your button. For example, you could do something like this.
.btn:focus {
border: none;
If this doesn't work, try
.btn:focus {
border: none !important;
This will do it for you see example:
Add this to your CSS:
.btn:active {
outline: none !important;
Check this
input[type="submit"]:focus {
outline: none !important;
} /* for forms */
a:focus {
outline: none !important;
} /* for anchor */

Changing the background color on focused select box option does not work

This is specifically with the selectBoxIt jQuery plug-in, using the jQueryUI theme.
I have this set up for the hover action:
/* Individual Option Hover Action */
.selectboxit-option .selectboxit-option-anchor:hover {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #ff0000;
text-decoration: none;
That works fine. When I hover my mouse over the options, I get a red background with white text.
However, when I do this...
.selectboxit-option:focus .selectboxit-option-anchor:focus {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #ff0000;
text-decoration: none;
...nothing changes.
I see that all the demos on selectBoxIt's main web page DO have changing background colors with keyboard what am I missing?
Technically, each option doesn't use the focus event, which is why the focus pseudo selector is not working for you. For the jQueryUI theme, the "active" option adds the ui-state-focus class, so to change the "focus" CSS style, you could have a rule like this:
.selectboxit-option.ui-state-focus {
background: #CCC;

Android browser - remove outline border when anchor is focused

I am using on my Android app a webview which loades an external page.
It has a few anchors (<a> tags). When I press on it, yellow border appears.
How can I prevent it and remove this border ?
I've tried following tricks:
// jQuery
$(this).attr("hideFocus", "hideFocus");
// CSS
a, :focus {
outline: none;
but with no success.
Thanks !
Set the CSS property -webkit-tap-highlight-color as follows:
* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); }
Note: setting the color in other ways usually fails because of the way webkit renders the highlight. Depends on version/variant according to my experience.
according to this post it's better to use
textarea:focus {
outline: none;

css - user menu - two issues

when I hover the mouse over it, the cursor doesn't change into hand until you actually over over the text. (For example, if you pay attention to SO navigation, your cursor changes into hand as soon as you touch the gray area. I am talking about Questions, Tags, Users, Badges, Unanswered navigation)
when I click on it, it borders the link-text.. like it's dotted border or something by default. How do I get rid of that?
There are two ways of getting the hand cursor on the entire area; either you make the link take up the entire area (perhaps by being the entire area), or you add the style cursor:pointer; to the area. (Making the link cover the whole area is usually the better option, as that also make the entire area clickable.)
To get rid of the dotted border on links when they‘re clicked:
a:active {
outline: none;
For SO navigation, it is done in following way:
<li class="nav">
.nav a {
padding: 6px 12px;
The gray area you see is actually the link itself (achieve by setting the padding). To get rid of the border, you should specify by a:link:
.nav a:active { outline: none; }
For (1), use the <a> around your whole <div>, not just the text, and that will make the cursor change to the hand cursor when entering the div. Another way is to change the <a> to have a style similar to
a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 100px; background: orange }
the background is just for trying it here. It can be removed.
For (2), use
a { outline: none }
Try using the following in your CSS.
a:focus {outline: none;}
However, I believe older versions of IE will not honor this code.
