css - user menu - two issues - css

when I hover the mouse over it, the cursor doesn't change into hand until you actually over over the text. (For example, if you pay attention to SO navigation, your cursor changes into hand as soon as you touch the gray area. I am talking about Questions, Tags, Users, Badges, Unanswered navigation)
when I click on it, it borders the link-text.. like it's dotted border or something by default. How do I get rid of that?

There are two ways of getting the hand cursor on the entire area; either you make the link take up the entire area (perhaps by being the entire area), or you add the style cursor:pointer; to the area. (Making the link cover the whole area is usually the better option, as that also make the entire area clickable.)
To get rid of the dotted border on links when they‘re clicked:
a:active {
outline: none;

For SO navigation, it is done in following way:
<li class="nav">
.nav a {
padding: 6px 12px;
The gray area you see is actually the link itself (achieve by setting the padding). To get rid of the border, you should specify by a:link:
.nav a:active { outline: none; }

For (1), use the <a> around your whole <div>, not just the text, and that will make the cursor change to the hand cursor when entering the div. Another way is to change the <a> to have a style similar to
a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 100px; background: orange }
the background is just for trying it here. It can be removed.
For (2), use
a { outline: none }

Try using the following in your CSS.
a:focus {outline: none;}
However, I believe older versions of IE will not honor this code.


Blue when I click on links

On my website, when I click on a link that has a href or onclick reference, it gets a blue highlight that ends my design. How to remove? See an example in the menu icon that has an 'onclick' reference, I managed to take a print right from the time I click on it on my phone.
How can I remove this?
The icon is blue that I did not program, all links on the site look like this
If a media screen solution suit you. That can work:
#media screen and (max-width:500px) {
.selector:active, .selector:hover {
background-color: unset;
color: #999;
Given that we're working with an "a" element you can easily get rid of the blue highlighting with basic css:
a:hover, a:focus, a:active {
text-decoration: none;
color: #3c4146 /* Just a mild gray, you can change this to whatever you want */
In the case of a different element, which in your case looks like a btn/div with a set background, you can adapt the css to it.
You can set the bg back to its original color when you either hover, focus or set the element to active.
.element:focus, .element:active, .element:hover {
background-color: #000000; /* Use the original element background-color here */
a {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important;
outline: none !important;
I was testing my new pet project on my phone and I also had an issue with BLUE outline/highlight flashing effect upon TAP.
For me #RedhaBenKortbi answer worked.
After applying this CSS to tags, the links were no longer flashing with the blue-ish outline/highlight when you click.
.scaledImage a {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent !important;
Doc says:
-webkit-tap-highlight-color is a non-standard CSS property that sets the color of the highlight that appears over a link while it's being
tapped. The highlighting indicates to the user that their tap is being
successfully recognized, and indicates which element they're tapping

How can I change an link's image when it's tabbed to?

We are writing a site for a user cannot use a mouse. He wants to press Tab on the keyboard to move between images and press return to go to the href link associated with that image. We got that much worked out OK.
But how can we highlight the image in some way so he can easily see which image he has tabbed to?
We don't have an jQuery skills so we are trying to keep our coding to html and css
We have the code:
I thought I could introduce a class to change something about the image.
For example, we introduced a class
.classA {border:double;}
and using it
But that didn't work. We tried lots of effects but none of them worked.
Any suggestions as to how we can highlight the image he has tabbed to?
how we can highlight the image he has tabbed to
When tabbing between anchors on a page, that element gains "focus" - using the :focus pseudo selector, we can therefore restyle images that are inside an anchor that has been tabbed to with a:focus img - for example:
a:focus img {
border: 1px solid #F00;
Though adding a border could break layouts - you could instead do something like:
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #F00;
To give it a red glow - making it obvious, without affecting the layout of the elements.
Remember that by default, the browser puts on an outline.
img:focus {
border:2px solid #ABCDEF;

Wordpress CSS - problems with image buttons in menu disappearing when hovered over

I am trying to add custom images for social follow link buttons to my website sidebar menu. Right now I am stuck on the Facebook one as my first test, but ideally want to add others later. (which I am realizing might not be easy with the method I have chosen)
I tried using various methods, the most success I have gotten so far is the method at DIY Themes (this article) and on my site style.css the code I added is below:
#menu-item-127 a {
height:83px; width:75px;
background-position:0 -82px;
#menu-item-127 a:hover { background-position:0 0px; }
The problem is that when you hover over the link the background image disappears, it does not transition to the "active" version of the sprite as it should.
Secondly the text does not indent off the screen, but stays on top of the image (I know that part is commented out in the code above, because I turned it on and off to test what was going on, doesn't make a difference)
Third problem is that the hover activation area is to large, it stretches the entire width of the menu bar instead of just right on top of the image. So if you are to the right of the image it is still considered "hovering", even though you cannot click on the FB link.
It seems to be related to some other part of my style.css because even if I remove the a:hover part of the above code it still makes the background image disappear. I have adjusted every variable and inspected every element that I know how, I am stumped on this.
My website is americagonepostal.com. The base theme is Hum.
BTW, I have never really done CSS before. I am doing this site as a favor for my cousin who is totally tech retarded, but is an artist so has very specific aesthetic expectations. I have just been hacking away without any idea what I am doing so if there is a better way to put images with links in that side-menu area, I am all ears. It does not necessarily have to "highlight" when you hover, but that would be a nice touch.
Ideally I'd like to add Facebook, Twitter and RSS buttons in the same grungy stamp style, but horizontally. Is that possible to fit all 3 buttons on one horizontal using custom menus as I have done?
Try this:
#menu-item-127 a:hover {
background: url("/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Grunge-Facebook-Stamp-small-sprite.png") !important;
The !important will override any inherited styles
Text Indenting : Change text-align property in the branding section:
#branding { border: 0 none;
bottom: 0;
padding-top: 5em;
text-align: none;
top: 0; }
Then override the same way:
#menu-item-131 a:hover { background-position: 0 0 !important;
text-indent: -999px !important;}
This is only for a:hover if you need the normal state to be affected as well you have to use in-line styling ( not the best practice but in this case will solve the problem) :
<li id="menu-item-131" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-131" style="text-indent:-999px"> fb </li>
Third problem of hover activation area being too large:
#menu-item-131 a{ background-position: 0 0 !important;
text-indent: -999px !important;
width:75px !important; }

text-decoration: underline vs border-bottom

What is the difference to use {text-decoration: underline} and {border-bottom: ...}?
which is easy to style and cross browser compatible?
when we should use border-bottom over text-decoration: underline?
Would it be good to use border-bottom always in place of text-decoration: underline?
border-bottom puts a line at the bottom of the element box. text-decoration:underline renders the text underlined. The exact difference depends on the HTML and text layout engines in use, but in general if you want text underlined, then underline it.
Sorry to say this, but some answers here are misleading. Splitting a line of text does not place the border at the bottom of the entire block, because of the nature of inline blocks. Borders under links are actually more consistent across browsers than text-decoration: underline.
See: Text-Decoration vs. Border-Bottom
As Ignacio said, border-bottom will put the line at the bottom of the containing box, whereas text-decoration:underline will actually underline the text. This becomes an important distinction for multi-line strings.
I am a single line and will look similar for both methods
would probably render the same for both styles, but you'll get the following for multi-line strings.
I am a string that has been
split and added a border-bottom
I am a string that has been
split and underlined
Apologies for using code formatting rather than properly rending these examples, but you can see the point I'm trying to make.
bottom-border lets you control the distance between the text and the underline, so its more versatile. And (as mentioned above) it allows a different color for the underline (although I don't see a reason why you'll want to do that).
text-decoration is more 'correct' because it is the 'real' CSS property meant for underlining text.
if you set text-decoration: underline for all links then you will have to set text-decoration: none for special links which you don't need an underline. but if you use border-bottom instead, you'll save one line of CSS code (provide you set text-decoration: none in your reset CSS.
so all in all, i'll vote for border-bottom if you have a complex layout with different styles for each link but text-decoration for a simple website coded 'by the book'.
While there are always going to be cases where one is more appropriate than the other, border-bottom offers much more precise control over text-decoration and is therefore probably the preferred method. Here's a quick (likely not exhaustive) list of properties that border-bottom can control/enable that text-decoration cannot:
Spacing between text and "underline"
"Underline" style (dotted, dashed, solid, gradient, image)
CSS transitions/animations
Separation of color between text and "underline"
In many cases, most of these abilities will not be needed - but it is good to have them available! I've switched to using border-bottom primarily for the ability to put a few pixels of padding between the text and the underline; the next most common use I've found is divorcing the underline color from the text color.
With CSS variables now shipping in every major browser, a "reset" stylesheet might look something like this:
:root {
--link-color: blue;
--hover-color: purple;
--underline-color: var(--link-color);
a {
color: var(--link-color);
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--underline-color);
a:hover {
color: var(--hover-color);
border-bottom-color: var(--hover-color);
This way, links will display as expected on a "default" basis, yet still allow for customization as needed.
setting your text to display inline (actually, it should be that by default) will cause the border-bottom to render much as a text-decoration rule.
however, i presume that you want to use this technique on links by doing the following:
/* my super eye catching dual colour link */
a {
border-bottom:1px solid red;
which is all well and good, but you'll find that wherever you have an img tag inside a link, the image will have a red border under it.
if you can figure out a way to target the parent of a page element (the image) using existing selectors and no javascript, i'll buy you a beer but i don't think you'll have much luck.
using "text-decoration" avoids this issue altogether as an image is clearly not text, it will not render an underline when inside a link.
if you have complete control over your markup, i suppose you can bumble your way through by adding classes to every link, but if you're working with any popular CMS system, you're going to struggle with this idea.
Try this border with 1px image
a:hover {
background: url("img/bg-link-hover.png") repeat-x scroll 0px 92% transparent;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url("img/bg-link-hover.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-attachment: scroll;
background-position: 0px 92%;
background-clip: border-box;
background-origin: padding-box;
background-size: auto auto;

How to change background-color on text links on hover but not image links

I have a CSS rule like this:
a:hover { background-color: #fff; }
But this results in a bad-looking gap at the bottom on image links, and what's even worse, if I have transparent images, the link's background color can be seen through the image.
I have stumbled upon this problem many times before, but I always solved it using the quick-and-dirty approach of assigning a class to image links:
a.imagelink:hover { background-color: transparent; }
Today I was looking for a more elegant solution to this problem when I stumbled upon this.
Basically what it suggests is using display: block, and this really solves the problem for non-transparent images. However, it results in another problem: now the link is as wide as the paragraph, although the image is not.
Is there a nice way to solve this problem, or do I have to use the dirty approach again?
I tried to find some selector that would get only <a> elements that don't have <img> descendants, but couldn't find any...
About images with that bottom gap, you could do the following:
a img{vertical-align:text-bottom;}
This should get rid of the background showing up behind the image, but may throw off the layout (by not much, though), so be careful.
For the transparent images, you should use a class.
I really hope that's solved in CSS3, by implementing a parent selector.
I'm confused at what you are terming "image links"... is that an 'img' tag inside of an anchor? Or are you setting the image in CSS?
If you're setting the image in CSS, then there is no problem here (since you're already able to target it)... so I must assume you mean:
<a ...><img src="..." /></a>
To which, I would suggest that you specify a background color on the image... So, assuming the container it's in should be white...
a:hover { background: SomeColor }
a:hover img { background-color: #fff; }
I usually do something like this to remove the gap under images:
img {
display: block;
float: left;
Of course this is not always the ideal solution but it's fine in most situations.
This way works way better.
a[href$=jpg], a[href$=jpeg], a[href$=jpe], a[href$=png], a[href$=gif] {
text-decoration: none;
border: 0 none;
background-color: transparent;
No cumbersome classes that have to be applied to each image. Detailed description here:
Untested idea:
a:hover {background-color: #fff;}
img:hover { background-color: transparent;}
The following should work (untested):
First you
a:hover { background-color: #fff; }
Then you
a:imagelink:hover { background-color: inherit; }
The second rule will override the first for <a class="imagelink" etc.> and preserve the background color of the parent.
I tried to do this without the class="", but I can't find a CSS selector that is the opposite of foo > bar, which styles a bar when it is the child of a foo. You would want to style the foo when it has a child of class bar. You can do that and even fancier things with jQuery, but that may not be desirable as a general technique.
you could use display: inline-block but that's not completely crossbrowser. IE6 and lower will have a problem with it.
I assume you have whitespaces between <a> and <img>? try removing that like this:
<a><img /></a>
I had this problem today, and used another solution than display: block thanks to the link by asker. This means I am able to retain the link ONLY on the image and not expand it to its container.
Images are inline, so they have space below them for lower part of letters like "y, j, g". This positions the images at baseline, but you can alter it if you have no <a>TEXT HERE</a> like with a logo. However you still need to mask the text line space and its easy if you use a plain color as background (eg in body or div#wrapper).
body {
background-color: #112233;
a:hover {
background-color: red;
a img {
border-style: none; /* not need for this solution, but removes borders around images which have a link */
vertical-align: bottom; /* here */
a:hover img {
background-color: #112233; /* MUST match the container background, or you arent masking the hover effect */
I had the same problem. In my case I am using the image as background. I did the following and it resolved my problem:
background-image: url(file:"use the same background image or color");
