How to display ngx-timepicker-field timepicker next to a div , instead of showing it as a pop up - css

I want to display a time picker in my application in which either user can enter the time manually or pick it from a time picker.
And for this, I am using the ngx-timepicker-field and it works perfectly fine.
The issue is instead of showing the time picker pop up in the middle of the page is there any option available to show it near to the input filed or a div. similar to appends to input option available for ngx-material-timepicker
Reference link:
Any help would be highly appreciated.


Xamarin picker-unexpected behaviour in UWP

I am experiencing unexpected behavior with picker control on Xamarin UWP when it has lots of items in it.
When the application loads, the picker does not have any selected values. And then, after clicking on the picker, it opens the item panel, but the scroll remains in the middle of the panel, while we expected the scroll to stay at the beginning of the list.
I have attached Screenshot for get an idea of the issue.
If anyone has any clues on this, please share them with me.
enter image description here
I'm expecting to remain the scroller of the picker in the beggining of the item list when its loads.

Picker value popup open twice

I am using Xamarin.Forms.Picker to show country list. It works properly in normal scenario. I have kept the one (downarrow.png) image, if user click on the image then I run below code to open select picker value. The problem is that it works but show picker value selection popup twice if user click on image. This problem occurred only in Android platform.
Additional Information :
Xamarin.Forms version :

how to refresh a qwidget for image display?

I m using widget to display a set of images.each time only one image is displayed..a slider is also attached with this widget as i move the slider another images of set are displayed on widget according to slider value...there is a push button to start the operation of displaying images.
Now my problem is when i click on push button first time.everything works fine but if i click on it second time to display another set of doesn't get updated but if i move the slider it display images correctly even if i move back the slider it works fine..
so problem is only with the first time display of second set of how to resolve it??
I had the same problem.
to refresh.

FullCalendar View More Button moving

I have added a hack/add-on to allow me to limit the number of events which can appear on the Full Calendar plugin. This is where I have got the code from.
However, whenever I change the month or day the view more button moves and is hidden behind an event. Its really annoying and I don't know how to fix it.
Any advice?

Drupal views slideshow returning only one result

Views slideshow for Dupal is amazing … there are no other words for it. I have used it on a few projects with little to no issues at all. However, the current project that I am working on isn't going as smoothly.
When the 'View style' is set to unformatted the preview returns the right amount of nodes but when slideshow is selected the query returns only one result. Puzzlingly, the SQL is exactly the same.
Can you shed some light on the issue?
Does the source show only one too?
Maybe the source (HTML) contains all the entries, but the Javascript fails to slide to the next item.
A possible solution is the following:
Click the gear icon next to the Slideshow style to edit its settings.
Select your slideshow mode from the drop-down menu. Select SingleFrame.
Enter a value for the Timer delay input box. Enter 4000, as an example.
Enter a value for the Initial slide delay offset input box. Enter 2000, as an example.
Complete the rest of the settings to your liking.
Click update to submit that form, then click Save to save your view.
Hope it helps.
