Xamarin picker-unexpected behaviour in UWP - xamarin.forms

I am experiencing unexpected behavior with picker control on Xamarin UWP when it has lots of items in it.
When the application loads, the picker does not have any selected values. And then, after clicking on the picker, it opens the item panel, but the scroll remains in the middle of the panel, while we expected the scroll to stay at the beginning of the list.
I have attached Screenshot for get an idea of the issue.
If anyone has any clues on this, please share them with me.
enter image description here
I'm expecting to remain the scroller of the picker in the beggining of the item list when its loads.


How to display ngx-timepicker-field timepicker next to a div , instead of showing it as a pop up

I want to display a time picker in my application in which either user can enter the time manually or pick it from a time picker.
And for this, I am using the ngx-timepicker-field and it works perfectly fine.
The issue is instead of showing the time picker pop up in the middle of the page is there any option available to show it near to the input filed or a div. similar to appends to input option available for ngx-material-timepicker
Reference link: https://agranom.github.io/ngx-material-timepicker/
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Console preview panel - how to reset size?

So the console preview panel at the bottom of the page remembers how big you had it last time you previewed. Usually this is great! But somehow mine is currently maximized, so the only thing that shows up is the Page dropdown at the top of the page (and anything in the console, if I switch between pages and the pages have things that log on load). The rest is just white console. Any idea how to get back the default view where the console is 20% of the bottom of the page? There is no visible dragging bar frame thing anywhere.
I can change my preview to console=0 to be able to use it, but I'd like a way to restore the default position of the panel.
Normally you should be able to hover on the top border of the console panel and resize it as you wish. An icon will appear, similar as in the image below:
Nonetheless, if you are doing your previews on a mobile device such as a tablet, then such thing is not possible to do. Therefore; a hacky way to do it would be to put the following code on the onAttach event handler of the page that is loading:
var splitPanel = widget.root.getElement().parentElement
splitPanel.style.height = "75px";
Nota bene: this is intended to ONLY work in preview

Picker value popup open twice

I am using Xamarin.Forms.Picker to show country list. It works properly in normal scenario. I have kept the one (downarrow.png) image, if user click on the image then I run below code to open select picker value. The problem is that it works but show picker value selection popup twice if user click on image. This problem occurred only in Android platform.
Additional Information :
Xamarin.Forms version :

How to add context menu Xamarin.forms

I would like to create context menu in my project. On android it's called PopupMenu. On click of button, I have to show the popup with 3 rows and it's clickable event. How I can implement this in my code? Example of this menu here:
The Xamarin.Forms way to handle this is to call DisplayActionSheet() on the Page.
It's not exactly a popup, but on the other hand it has better chances to be fully displayed and visible on screen if your view can scroll.

jQuery-ui-dialog - Dropdowns dont stay open

Using the dialog and adding different form elements.
My dropdowns will not stay open when you click the arrow button on the dialog. You can HOLD down the button, but the click just shows the options and then it disappears.
Anyone seen this?
http://jsfiddle.net/tvance929/7pvb6/ -- This is an example of what I doing in a small measure... however, unfortunately this isn't displaying the issue I am experiencing. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I am ajax'ing in info to the dropdowns and or adding extra styling...
