Shopware 6 backend controller path - symfony

In Shopware 6, I want to call a backend (/admin) API controller from a backend / admin page using JavaScript. What is the correct way to use a relative path, probably with a built-in getter function?
Fetching /api/v1 only works if the shop is on /, but not when it is in a sub-folder.
fetch('/api/v1/my-plugin/my-custom-action', ...)

The best practice would be to write your own JS service that handles communication with your api endpoint.
We have an abstract ApiService class, you can inherit from. You can take a look at the CalculatePriceApiService for an example in the platform.
For you an implementation might look like this:
class MyPluginApiService extends ApiService {
constructor(httpClient, loginService, apiEndpoint = 'my-plugin') {
super(httpClient, loginService, apiEndpoint); = 'myPluginService';
myCustomAction() {
return this.httpClient
.get('my-custom-action', {
headers: this.getBasicHeaders()
.then((response) => {
return ApiService.handleResponse(response);
Notice that your api service is preconfigured to talk to your my-plugin endpoint, in the first line of the constructor, which means in all the following request you make you can use the relative route path.
Keep also in mind that the abstract ApiService will take care of resolving the configuratuion used for the Requests. Especially this means the ApiService will use the right BaseDomain including subfolders and it will automatically use an apiVersion that is supported by your shopware version. This means the apiVersion the ApiService uses in the route will increase every time a new api version is available, that means you need to work with wildcards in your backend route annotations for the api version.
Lastly keep in mind you need to register that service. That is documented here.
For you this might look like this:
Shopware.Application.addServiceProvider('myPluginService', container => {
const initContainer = Shopware.Application.getContainer('init');
return new MyPluginApiService(initContainer.httpClient, Shopware.Service('loginService'));

If you are talking about custom action that you implemented, you need to define route (use annotation) and register controller in routes.xml in your Resources\config\routes.xml.
Please follow that documentation


.NET Core Identity - How generate token from another place than path/connect/token

in my web api application I get the acess token from http:applicationpath/connect/token with some parameters (this endpoint is from Identity I think, since we dont create it neither can see it).
But now I need to generate the token from a specific controller but cant see how to do this.
Someone knows how this can be made? Or even if it's possible?
Some more info:
My application is an integrator (is this the word?) between an android app(app1) and other web application(app2).
1- The app1 user will send the login and password to my application .
2- Then my application will send then to the app2 who will, if everything goes well, return the app2 token .
3- Then I have to save this token in my db.
4- Then verify if the user exists in my db, and if not, save it.
5- And finally generate an token for my application and return it to the user.
Based on your comment:
But can I, instead of change de default endpoint, make another
endpoint that do the same (generate the token)?
it seems that you are rather looking for Extending discovery. This is quite easy actually.
Add a custom entry in the configuration of startup:
services.AddIdentityServer(options =>
options.Discovery.CustomEntries.Add("custom_token", "~/customtoken");
And add a controller that handles the request:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
// In case a token is required for login, like the UserInfo endpoint:
//[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public class CustomTokenController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult CustomTokenEndpoint()
return Ok();
You can 'replace' the endpoint by disabling the default authorization endpoint and adding a custom endpoint as described above.
Disable the endpoint:
.AddIdentityServer(options =>
options.Endpoints.EnableAuthorizeEndpoint = false;
You may want to use the Authorize path constant.
public const string Authorize = ConnectPathPrefix + "/authorize";
Add the new endpoint:
services.AddIdentityServer(options =>
options.Discovery.CustomEntries.Add("authorization_endpoint", $"~/{Authorize}");
Please note, I didn't test it, but I think this should work.

How ImageSharp work with Asp.Net Mvc Controller

How ImageSharp work with Dynamic Images loaded from Database?
Here my controller which get image file:
public async Task<FileResult> GetPhoto([FromQuery] GetFileAttachementInputAsync input)
var file = await filesAttachementAppService
.GetFileAsync(new GetFileAttachementInputAsync() { FileId = input.FileId })
return file != null
? File(new MemoryStream(file.FileDto.FileContent), file.FileDto.ContentType, file.FileDto.FileName)
: null;
And this my Html call:
<img src="/PropertyAdministration/GetPhoto?FileId=#item.MainPhotoId&width=554&height=360" alt="" />
I am using ImageSharp as following:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
What I am missing here to make this working?
You're not using the middleware nor the services that provide images to the middleware.
For the middleware to work it needs to be able capture an image request. With the default installation this is done by matching the request to an image source in your physical file system in wwwroot.
In your code though you've created an isolated action result returning a stream containing your image which the middleware has no awareness of.
Disclaimer, the following is based on the latest developer build 1.0.0-dev000131 and though unlikely to change could potentially change before final release.
In order to provide images from a custom source you will need to create your own implementation of the IImageProvider and IImageResolver you can use examples in the source to base your implementation from.
Once implemented you will need to register the implementations via dependency injection. This needs to use a more fine grained registration since you are no longer using the defaults.
// Fine-grain control adding the default options and configure all other services. Setting all services is required.
/// Add your provider here via AddProvider<T>().
You should then be able to remove your action result completely and use the IImageProvider and IImageResolver combination to identify the request and return the image.

aspnet-api-versioning - backward compatibility

I need to сlarify.
I have .net mvc app and I use Microsoft/aspnet-api-versioning (for ASP.NET Core).
And I have 2 controllers:
public class OneController : Controller
public string Get()
return "Hello. I'm OneController";
public class TwoController : Controller
public string Get()
return "Hello. I'm TwoController";
TwoController I added after release API with OneController.
And now if I try to use "http://localhost:59719/One?api-version=1.1" i see error:
The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:59719/test?api-version=1.1' does not support the API version '1.1'.
Should I use different versions for different controllers or there is way to use one (latest) version for any request?
I understand I can add [ApiVersion("1.1")] to ALL controllers, but if I have 20 controllers...
Thanks for help.
You can define a default api version using the ApiVersioningOptions class and use this default version if none is specified:
`services.AddApiVersioning(o =>
o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
o.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1 , 0);
Besides, you should take a look at this excellent post on API versioning in ASP.NET from Scott Hanselman:
In your example above, you have two different controllers with two different API versions. There is no direct relationship between these two. If you're trying to apply API versions in a centralized manner, you can achieve this using the Conventions API. You can even author and apply your own conventions via the IControllerConvention interface.
// same result as the attributes above
// can also be achieved using only controller types
// register your own convention that applies API versions to all controllers
options.Conventions.Add(new MyCustomApiVersionConvention());
You can also use an approach similar to what #arnaudauroux suggested, which would be:
services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
options.ApiVersionSelector = new CurrentImplementationApiVersionSelector(options);
Now any request without an API version will select the current (or highest) API version available. Beware that this could break clients.

How is the callback from a resource owner processed in HWIOAuthBundle?

I am trying to understand how HWIOauthBUndle works. I can see how the initial authorization request to a resource owner is built and made.
I do not see however, how a callback made from a resource owner triggers any controller/action in my application (which it most obviously does, though).
When following the generally available instructions, the callback will be made to something like <path to my app>/check-[resourceOwner], e.g.
In my routing.yml file, I put
pattern: /oauth/check-facebook
I don't see how any controller is associated with that route, so what actually happens when a callback is made to my application?
The authentication provider system is one of the more complicated features. You will probably want to read through here:
Callbacks are handled through a request listener. Specifically:
namespace HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Http\Firewall\OAuthListener;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AbstractAuthenticationListener;
class OAuthListener extends AbstractAuthenticationListener
public function requiresAuthentication(Request $request)
// Check if the route matches one of the check paths
foreach ($this->checkPaths as $checkPath) {
if ($this->httpUtils->checkRequestPath($request, $checkPath)) {
return true;
return false;
protected function attemptAuthentication(Request $request)
// Lots of good stuff here
How checkPaths get's initialized and how all the calls are made would require a very long explanation. But the authentication provider chapter will get you going.

Routing in Silex/Symfony. Providing a default route

I'm attempting to do something using Silex (which uses the Symfony routing component - so the answer may be applicable to Symfony as well)
I am adding Silex to a legacy application to provide routing but I need to respect the existing applications default implementation for loading files (which is simply to load the file from the file system form the URL specified).
edit: for clarification:
Existing file is loaded from the file system, as an include within an parent template, after a series of bootstrapping calls have been made.
What I'm finding is that in the absence of a defined route to match the legacy pages, Silex is throwing an exception.
I really need a way to provide a default (fallback) mechanism for handling those legacy pages - but my pattern has to match the entire url (not just one fragment).
Is this possible?
// Include Silex for routing
require_once(CLASS_PATH . 'Silex/silex.phar');
// Init Silex
$app = new Silex\Application();
// route for new code
// matches for new restful interface (like /category/add/mynewcategory)
$app->match('/category/{action}/{name}/', function($action, $name){
//do RESTFUL things
// route for legacy code (If I leave this out then Silex
// throws an exception beacuse it hasn't matched any routes
$app->match('{match_the_entire_url_including_slashes}', function($match_the_entire_url_including_slashes){
//do legacy stuff
This must be a common use case. I'm trying to provide a way to have a RESTFUL interface alongside legacy code (load /myfolder/mysubfolder/my_php_script.php)
I found the answer within the symfony cookbook...
$app->match('{url}', function($url){
//do legacy stuff
})->assert('url', '.+');
You can use the error handling, with something like that :
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
$app->error(function (\Exception $e) use ($app) {
if ($e instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
return new Response('The requested page could not be found. '.$app['request']->getRequestUri(), 404);
$code = ($e instanceof HttpException) ? $e->getStatusCode() : 500;
return new Response('We are sorry, but something went terribly wrong.', $code);
