How is the callback from a resource owner processed in HWIOAuthBundle? - symfony

I am trying to understand how HWIOauthBUndle works. I can see how the initial authorization request to a resource owner is built and made.
I do not see however, how a callback made from a resource owner triggers any controller/action in my application (which it most obviously does, though).
When following the generally available instructions, the callback will be made to something like <path to my app>/check-[resourceOwner], e.g.
In my routing.yml file, I put
pattern: /oauth/check-facebook
I don't see how any controller is associated with that route, so what actually happens when a callback is made to my application?

The authentication provider system is one of the more complicated features. You will probably want to read through here:
Callbacks are handled through a request listener. Specifically:
namespace HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Http\Firewall\OAuthListener;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AbstractAuthenticationListener;
class OAuthListener extends AbstractAuthenticationListener
public function requiresAuthentication(Request $request)
// Check if the route matches one of the check paths
foreach ($this->checkPaths as $checkPath) {
if ($this->httpUtils->checkRequestPath($request, $checkPath)) {
return true;
return false;
protected function attemptAuthentication(Request $request)
// Lots of good stuff here
How checkPaths get's initialized and how all the calls are made would require a very long explanation. But the authentication provider chapter will get you going.


Best way to use voters/permissions on Symfony messenger async message handler? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing an application that have a Symfony Messenger component installed to handle async messages. The handler of message need to check some permissions for some particulars users, like if one determinate user should receive an email with information if have edition permissions for example.
To achieve that we use Symfony voters, but when we haven't any user logged into the system like in console commands and async messages is very annoying. What is the best solution to that? That are my main ideas:
Force a "login" with the security context for message
Pro: One way to check permissions without additional services. Voter is the service.
Cons: When I have a collection of users check I should do "security context login" action multiple times. I think that is hard.
Design a domain service to handle that.
Pros: Solves the problem without force a login
Cons: Duplicate code or differents ways to do the same things depending on the context (request, console command or async queue)
A service that should be called by voter and domain service
Cons: I think that add complexity to more simple issue
What is the best way? Any ideas outside of the previous three points?
Thank you so much
I would probably prefer to check user's permissions before dispatching a message, but let's think how we can approach if it's not a suitable case.
In order to check user permissions, you need to authenticate a user. But in case you're consuming a message asynchronously or executing a console command it's not straightforward, as you don't have an actual user. However, you can pass user id with your message or to a console command.
Let me share my idea of a simple solution for Symfony Messenger. In the Symfony Messenger, there is a concept of Stamps, which allows you to add metadata to your message. In our case it would be useful to pass a user id with a message, so we can authenticate a user within the message handling process.
Let's create a custom stamp to hold a user id. It's a simple PHP class, so no need to register it as a service.
namespace App\Messenger\Stamp;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\StampInterface;
class AuthenticationStamp implements StampInterface
private $userId;
public function __construct(string $userId)
$this->userId = $userId;
public function getUserId(): string
return $this->userId;
Now we can add the stamp to a message.
$message = new SampleMessage($payload);
(new Envelope($message))
->with(new AuthenticationStamp($userId))
We need to receive and handle the stamp in order to authenticate a user. Symfony Messenger has a concept of Middlewares, so let's create one to handle stamp when we receive a message by a worker. It would check if the message contains the AuthenticationStamp and authenticate a user if the user is not authenticated at the moment.
namespace App\Messenger\Middleware;
use App\Messenger\Stamp\AuthenticationStamp;
use App\Repository\UserRepositoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware\StackInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
class AuthenticationMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
private $tokenStorage;
private $userRepository;
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
public function handle(Envelope $envelope, StackInterface $stack): Envelope
/** #var AuthenticationStamp|null $authenticationStamp */
if ($authenticationStamp = $envelope->last(AuthenticationStamp::class)) {
$userId = $authenticationStamp->getUserId();
$token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
if (null === $token || $token instanceof AnonymousToken) {
$user = $this->userRepository->find($userId);
if ($user) {
$this->tokenStorage->setToken(new UsernamePasswordToken(
return $stack->next()->handle($envelope, $stack);
Let's register it as a service (or autowire) and include into the messenger configuration definition.
- 'App\Messenger\Middleware\AuthenticationMiddleware'
That's pretty much it. Now you should be able to use your regular way to check user's permissions, for example, voters.
As for console command, I would go for an authentication service, which would authenticate a user if the user id is passed to a command.

Shopware 6 backend controller path

In Shopware 6, I want to call a backend (/admin) API controller from a backend / admin page using JavaScript. What is the correct way to use a relative path, probably with a built-in getter function?
Fetching /api/v1 only works if the shop is on /, but not when it is in a sub-folder.
fetch('/api/v1/my-plugin/my-custom-action', ...)
The best practice would be to write your own JS service that handles communication with your api endpoint.
We have an abstract ApiService class, you can inherit from. You can take a look at the CalculatePriceApiService for an example in the platform.
For you an implementation might look like this:
class MyPluginApiService extends ApiService {
constructor(httpClient, loginService, apiEndpoint = 'my-plugin') {
super(httpClient, loginService, apiEndpoint); = 'myPluginService';
myCustomAction() {
return this.httpClient
.get('my-custom-action', {
headers: this.getBasicHeaders()
.then((response) => {
return ApiService.handleResponse(response);
Notice that your api service is preconfigured to talk to your my-plugin endpoint, in the first line of the constructor, which means in all the following request you make you can use the relative route path.
Keep also in mind that the abstract ApiService will take care of resolving the configuratuion used for the Requests. Especially this means the ApiService will use the right BaseDomain including subfolders and it will automatically use an apiVersion that is supported by your shopware version. This means the apiVersion the ApiService uses in the route will increase every time a new api version is available, that means you need to work with wildcards in your backend route annotations for the api version.
Lastly keep in mind you need to register that service. That is documented here.
For you this might look like this:
Shopware.Application.addServiceProvider('myPluginService', container => {
const initContainer = Shopware.Application.getContainer('init');
return new MyPluginApiService(initContainer.httpClient, Shopware.Service('loginService'));
If you are talking about custom action that you implemented, you need to define route (use annotation) and register controller in routes.xml in your Resources\config\routes.xml.
Please follow that documentation

Spring Security: Why is my custom AccessDecisionVoter not invoked

I'm trying to do URL authorization using a custom AccessDecisionVoter. I don't get any errors and debugging shows that my voter is picked up at start up. However, at runtime, the vote method is not called, thus allowing every authenticated user full access.
Note that, I don't need method security. I'm also not using XML config. That rules out every example ever posted on the internet regarding this topic.
public class HttpSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private List<Integer> trustedPorts;
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
private ServiceIdAwareVoter serviceIdAwareVoter;
RequestMatcher requestMatcher = new OrRequestMatcher(
// #formatter:off
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/**",,
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/**",,
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/**",,
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/**",,
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/**",
// #formatter:on
protected UserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
return userDetailsService;
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
addFilterAfter(preAuthFilter(), X509AuthenticationFilter.class).
// #formatter:on
AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
return new UnanimousBased(ImmutableList.of(serviceIdAwareVoter));
Filter preAuthFilter() throws Exception {
PreAuthenticationFilter preAuthFilter = new PreAuthenticationFilter(trustedPorts);
return preAuthFilter;
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider preAuthProvider() {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider preAuthProvider = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider();
UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper<PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken> userDetailsServiceWrapper = new UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper<>();
return preAuthProvider;
Filter authFilter() throws Exception {
AppIdAppKeyAuthenticationFilter authFilter = new AppIdAppKeyAuthenticationFilter(requestMatcher);
authFilter.setAuthenticationFailureHandler(new ExceptionStoringAuthenticationFailureHandler());
authFilter.setAuthenticationSuccessHandler(new UrlForwardingAuthenticationSuccessHandler());
return authFilter;
AuthenticationProvider authProvider() {
AppIdAppKeyAuthenticationProvider authProvider = new AppIdAppKeyAuthenticationProvider();
return authProvider;
After hours of debugging, I found out the root cause of the problem, which is really deep. Part of it is due to the fact that the Spring Security Java config is very poorly documented (for which I've opened a JIRA ticket). Theirs, as well as most online, examples are copy-pasted from XML config whereas the world has stopped using Spring XML config since probably 2010. Another part is due to the fact that REST service security is an afterthought in the Spring Security design and they don't have first-class support for protecting applications that don't have a login page, error page and the usual view layer. Last but not the least is that there were several (mis)configurations in my app which all came together and created a perfect storm of mind-boggling complexity.
Technical Context:
Using the authorizeRequests() configures a ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer which ultimately sets up a UnanimousBased AccessDecisionManager with a WebExpressionVoter. This AccessDecisionManager is called from the FilterSecurityInterceptor if the authentication succeeds (obviously there's no point in authorization if the user fails authentication in the first place).
In my AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer subclass, which is basically the Java version of the web.xml, I'd configured filters not to intercept forward requests. I'm not going to go into the why here. For the interested, here's an example of how it's done:
private Dynamic registerCorsFilter(ServletContext ctx) {
Dynamic registration = ctx.addFilter("CorsFilter", CorsFilter.class);
registration.addMappingForUrlPatterns(getDispatcherTypes(), false, "/*");
return registration;
private EnumSet<DispatcherType> getDispatcherTypes() {
return (isAsyncSupported() ? EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.INCLUDE, DispatcherType.ASYNC)
: EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.INCLUDE));
If you take the DispatcherType.FORWARD out of the dispatcher types set, the registered filter doesn't kick in for that kind of request.
The authFilter shown in my question extended from UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter and had an AuthenticationSuccessHandler which forwarded the request to the destination URL after successful authentication. The default Spring implementation uses a SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler which does a redirect to a webpage, which is unwanted in the context of a REST app.
Due to the above 2 reasons, the FilterSecurityInterceptor was not invoked after successful authentication which in turn, skipped the authorization chain causing the issue in my original post.
Get rid of custom dispatcher configuration from web app initializer.
Don't do forward, or redirect, from AuthenticationSuccessHandler. Just let the request take it's natural course.
The custom voter has a vote method that looks as follows:
public int vote(Authentication authentication, FilterInvocation fi,
Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes) {
The attributes in my case, as shown in my original post, is the string expression fullyAuthenticated. I didn't use it for authorization as I already knew the user to have been authenticated through the various filters in the authentication flow.
I hope this serves as documentation for all those souls who're suffering from the lack of documentation in Spring Security Java config.
Your config is saying that you are allowing access to fully authenticated users right here:
You are telling Spring Security to grant access to any request as long as they are fully authenticated. What's you're goal? How are you trying to restrict access, by a role/permission? I'm guessing it's something that you are dictating inside your custom voter bean?
Usually the voter bean comes into play when you have conflicting security levels, for example, here you say that that all requests have full access but if your code hits a method with method level security like this (not a very real-world example):
public void someMethod{
You're going to have voters come into play because your java security config is saying "grant access to everyone" (voting yes to access) but this method annotation is "grant access to no one" (voting no to access).
In your case, there's nothing to vote on, you are granting everyone access.

Symfony 2: how to have the firewall custom redirect upon custom event

my symfony app deals with multiple "blogs" (multisite wordpress style)
I have some special status for my blogs among which : closed_status.
I created a Voter for some special rights and that allows me to know if the voter should allow access or not upon verification that the blog we're accessing is open/closed...
** example url : ....
For now i throw a 403 error and use custom management of 403 exception but i'd like to avoid that and rather redirect at the momment of the voter processing my request.
** like what happens when you're not authenticated and you're being redirected to /login or such.
I'm not asking for a full solution, could you just tell me what classes/concepts i should be looking into ?
I thought or listeners+entryPoints thingy but don't really get how it works.
It seems to me that this needAuthentication ==> redirect to login thing is very spécifically coded in symfony.
ps: I'm using fosUserBundle and tried to override as little as i could withing the bundle and concerning hte firewall too.
The flow i'd like to achieve:
request to a blog url
=> myCustomVoter denies and dispatch(CLOSED) or dispatch(PRIVATE) or dispatch(VIPONLY)
=> and it results in a clean redirection to my setpsController actions (defined somewhere)
Dispatch a custom event in a voter. In the event listener for that event set response to RedirectResponse
I noticed (think) that i can't add a listener to the current firewall (tell me if I'm wrong).
I also noticed that to do what i want i need to setResponse to a GetResponseEvent.
So I just created a generic listener, not attached to the firewall:
It listens to my custom event and the kernel.request that is a GetResponseEvent
For now I'm just hopping all will be listened in the order that suits me:
my service determinig if the blog is open, public... and that will eventually dispatch my custom event
my custom listener that will receive the custom event and prepare a response
my custom listener that receive the kernel.request and inject my calculated response if it exists
For my first tests it seems to work, but i need to test extensively to be sure that the firewall listeners don't mess with my process (it should not i think)
Here is how i defined my listener.
class: [...]\RouteAccessListener
- #service_container
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: routeAccessRedirect, method: onCustomRouteAccess }
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onKernelRequest }
Here is the implementation of my listener:
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
public function onCustomRouteAccess(RouteAccessEvent $event)
$type = $event->getType();
case RouteAccessManager::DR_IS_USER_OF_OTHER_BLOG:
$redirectPath = 'link_to_blog';
case RouteAccessManager::DR_BLOG_CLOSED:
$redirectPath = 'info_closed_blog';
case RouteAccessManager::DR_PRIVATE_BLOG:
$redirectPath = 'info_private_blog';
case RouteAccessManager::DR_USER_NOT_ENABLED_BLOG:
$redirectPath = 'info_not_enabled_on_blog';
case RouteAccessManager::DR_INVALID_HOSTNAME:
$redirectPath = 'info_invalid_hostname';
$url = $this->container->get('router')->generate($redirectPath);
$this->response = new RedirectResponse($url);

Routing in Silex/Symfony. Providing a default route

I'm attempting to do something using Silex (which uses the Symfony routing component - so the answer may be applicable to Symfony as well)
I am adding Silex to a legacy application to provide routing but I need to respect the existing applications default implementation for loading files (which is simply to load the file from the file system form the URL specified).
edit: for clarification:
Existing file is loaded from the file system, as an include within an parent template, after a series of bootstrapping calls have been made.
What I'm finding is that in the absence of a defined route to match the legacy pages, Silex is throwing an exception.
I really need a way to provide a default (fallback) mechanism for handling those legacy pages - but my pattern has to match the entire url (not just one fragment).
Is this possible?
// Include Silex for routing
require_once(CLASS_PATH . 'Silex/silex.phar');
// Init Silex
$app = new Silex\Application();
// route for new code
// matches for new restful interface (like /category/add/mynewcategory)
$app->match('/category/{action}/{name}/', function($action, $name){
//do RESTFUL things
// route for legacy code (If I leave this out then Silex
// throws an exception beacuse it hasn't matched any routes
$app->match('{match_the_entire_url_including_slashes}', function($match_the_entire_url_including_slashes){
//do legacy stuff
This must be a common use case. I'm trying to provide a way to have a RESTFUL interface alongside legacy code (load /myfolder/mysubfolder/my_php_script.php)
I found the answer within the symfony cookbook...
$app->match('{url}', function($url){
//do legacy stuff
})->assert('url', '.+');
You can use the error handling, with something like that :
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
$app->error(function (\Exception $e) use ($app) {
if ($e instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
return new Response('The requested page could not be found. '.$app['request']->getRequestUri(), 404);
$code = ($e instanceof HttpException) ? $e->getStatusCode() : 500;
return new Response('We are sorry, but something went terribly wrong.', $code);
