How can I optimize my fonts on my WordPress website? - wordpress

After testing my site speed on GTMetrix, I noticed that my fonts are the ones that are slowing it down.
I use TypeKit and the webfont Averta that I purchased online.
Does someone know how I could possibly reduce the load time of these fonts?
Ps*: I'm a rookie at coding and I used Elementor to build my website and to implement my fonts.

Just preload those fonts with Autoptimize or WP rocket copy the URLs fo all fonts and past those URL in preload section in autoptimize advance tab.


Render-blocking fonts

For some reason, a huge list of fonts is being downloaded from Google Fonts on my Wordpress website (staging site is linked), and Google PageSpeed Insights identifies it as Render-blocking resources.
The thing is I would basically just need the Poppins 300, 500, 600 on Italics and Regular, so I had embedded the fonts as Google states, linking to them on the header of the site, but I deleted that link and realized that the fonts are still working, so I assume that the Wordpress Theme must be the one responsible for this.
My question is, how could I reduce the amount of fonts so that only the truly necessary ones are downloaded and thus minimize those render-blocking resources?
Thanks a lot for your help and time!
If you are able to install a plugin you can select which fonts you use (including the font-weight) by this lightweight plugin and it will also combine - minimize the rest of the fonts so you will have less DNS requests for a faster web page.
Regenerate the embed link by selecting only the fonts you need:

How do I optimize the speed of my Wordpress, Elementor, and WooCommerce website on Litespeed server?

I'm trying to optimize a website ( but not sure how to proceed further. It's hosted on Litespeed server and I'm using the Litespeed Cache Plugin for Wordpress. I have enabled webp images, combined and minified javascript, minified css, and enabled CDN. I'm also using Modernizr for webp replacement in css but Insights doesn't seem to recognize the change.
There are also a lot of DOM elements (presumably due to Elementor). Some of the theme elements are hidden with css on mobile. I tried to use Mobile_Detect to only load those elements for desktop but the cache seems to be static and is either generated for mobile OR desktop but not both so the Mobile_Detect code is useless. None of this seems to have made any difference in Pagespeed Insights with tests still at around 11 for mobile and 42 for desktop.
Could anyone please provide some pointers on where to go from here? I know a little web development and SEO/optimization but this is beyond me at the moment.
You can try to deactivate the cache, do the Lighthouse Check again, try to get ride of the unused script and styles and activate the cache tool again.
You should combine your css to, not only js.
The Front Page is well cached, but te product are loading up to 6 secs - which is way to long. Maybe yout server is to slow and you should upgrade.
Webpage speed optimization is an art itself. On advanced levels, we look into every piece of code for optimization.
At the beginner level, I would suggest you to use Cloudflare CDN (Free Subscription) and configure Cache and Speed settings.
Second, instead of using PageSpeed Insights, use Solarwinds Pingdom to check the speed of the website.
Third, make sure that all the unnecessary plugins and themes are deleted. Clean up as much as you can. WordPress themes are the usual culprit of a slow website, use the lightest possible theme which is regularly updated and optimized.
Make sure to address Render Blocking Elements (inline critical elements or deffer) and Server Response Time (better web hosting).

How to disable load these css in wordpress

The website is always browse by Chinese and they can't access google,
I'm using wordpress design the website and I think the theme include google fonts api and other css inside.
How can I disable load the css while the user in China?
These css load take long long time.
I test the website in HK it's fine but in China it very slow
Please help
Many thanks!

What Impact will Multiple Minify and Optimizing Plugins have on a WordPress website?

I'm reviewing a WordPress website that has been running for four or five years. The website has a selection of WordPress plugins that they use to optimize the site's page speed, and I have a suspicion that they have just added multiple over time without thinking about the others. The plugins are the following:
Autoptimize: A plugin that concatenates scripts and styles and has some inline and defer CSS features. Good customization settings. Currently active on the site.
Smush Image Compression: Resizes and compresses most popular image formats for websites. Currently active.
Better WordPress Minify: Combines and minifies CSS and JS scripts. Active on the site but only used to minify JS files.
PageSpeed Ninja: Another compression and minification plugin. Is active on the site.
So recently I ran the site through Page Speed Insights and far and away the most recommended suggestion to help the page load faster was server response times. In WordPress they recommend removing unused plugins and I want to reduce the optimization tools down to ideally 2 plugins. I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions on possible pairings that might work (or have previously worked) well or whether it's just going to be easier to go through every plugin one by one, tinkering with the settings and running tests?
I am open to alternate plugins and strategies. Any wisdom would be appreciated.
A standard bag of tricks would be W3 Total Cache for optimising server response times via caching and minification of CSS and JS.
Smush is ok for image compression (although you will probably need premium for it to be completely useful) but a lot of the time you will find that a theme is not correctly configured to take full advantage of it (they don't offer different image sizes for different screen sizes).
I roll my own image optimiser that does everything locally but most people seem to say that EWWW Image Optimizer gives the most flexibility for free. not a personal recommendation.
You only really need the W3 Total Cache plugin and an image optimiser, beyond that you are into actually learning how to optimise a site properly as all of the other plugins tend to make a mess.

A WP website we are developing is resulting too slow for first visitor.. Any ideas..?

We purchased a WP theme and did some customized changes in php and html
to bring the design where we wanted...
We are almost done with the design of the website and construction
and we are about to deliver to client
but for some reason the website is responding very slow on the first visitor..
and we cannot find the problem, what conflicts with what..
Are there any WP experts in here that could have a look and maybe identify the problem..?
Thank you in advance..
Click here to view the website
Enable gzip compression
Leverage browser caching
Optimize images
Defer parsing of JavaScript
Minify CSS, JS
Analyze your site using GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insight, and follow the recommendations that you get from this systems.
It's not that slow? I can get a directory listing from your wp-includes directory just fine. Joking aside, looks like there are two different versions of jquery being loaded in, that's never good for things (view source, line:435) and the homepage makes about 179 requests which is a bit bonkers.
Try a caching plugin. As others have said better configured hosting helps, especially those that use caching technologies such as varnish/redis. A CDN will help with geographic speed. Compress images with WP Smush or similar. Good luck!
There could be multiple issues behind a slow wp website:
Using multiple plugins can slow down a wp website.
A poor web server that is not able to respond quickly.
Some configuration issues.
What i can see is that your website is resource intensive, CSS and JS script files are too heavy, even heavier than all images on the home page.
Minify the css and js files.
Compress images and the size would come down to less than 1 mb (use
Use Google page speed to see the flow of the resources of your website and other related details.
Hope this helps.
