How to disable load these css in wordpress - wordpress

The website is always browse by Chinese and they can't access google,
I'm using wordpress design the website and I think the theme include google fonts api and other css inside.
How can I disable load the css while the user in China?
These css load take long long time.
I test the website in HK it's fine but in China it very slow
Please help
Many thanks!


Link sharing shows javascript codes with my wordpress website's name

My site's name is akiveb and i am a designer. Whenever i try to share my sites link on social networking or whattsapp. A wierd javascript code shows alongside
I tried searching for a solution and till now all I can manage is that it can be a malicious attack
Thank you to whoever choses to help

Website not posting to Facebook: security & app id issues

I'm a new WordPress designer. My site runs Tesseract Theme and is built with Beaver Builder.
PROBLEM: When I post my website ( on Facebook it removed my site after a couple minutes. Now when I try to post my site it gives me this message--> It looks like a link you're sharing might be unsafe. If you can, please remove this link: Note: The unsafe link might be on the page you’re linking to.
What I've done to try and resolve:
When I ran my site through the Facebook debugger I got this message:
The 'fb:app_id' property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
I created an app id following this instructional video:
I pasted my app id into my Yoast SEO plugin under the Facebook category.
Check my Google Webmaster Tools Sitemap...all is verified and sitemap set.
SSL certificate is set - checked with my hosting company SiteGround. When I asked them about this problem they didn't really feel that the security issues where from their side.
I've reported this problem to the black hole that is Facebook support.
Thank you for any insight.
In case anyone sees this thread, I found the solution.
When I moved my WordPress sites to managed WordPress hosting I also migrated my websites to https with the SSL certificates. While the pages were migrated and displaying the https just fine, the images still held their old url (http).
I did two things:
I installed SSL Content Fixer plugin. This worked for some images but not others.
I installed Better Search Replace plugin. I had found the specific insecure images using Firefox. From my page in Firefox, I went to:
Tools -> Page Info -> Media This showed me every image/js/css call on this page. Finding these images allowed me to use the plugin to make the changes.
It worked. I'm quite sure knowing how to code my site would be much better in this situation. But I'm a newbie and this is what I could come up with.
What I learned: It's a flag when you have a secure site that embeds non secure objects/images.

How to compress image from Facebook Page Plugin on PageSpeed Insights

I added a Facebook Page Plugin on my website and I am currently optimizing the site by checking it on Google Page Insight so under Optimize images
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 11KiB (20% reduction). How can I optimize the images on the Facebook Page Plugin? is there any way I can do that?
Our company also has this problem, you could either:
Contact facebook to fix it for everyone (Including us).
Not include the facebook snippet if the google pagespeed scraper is found.
The second option worked for us.
(Code is from my job, I can't share that. And it will be patched if google finds it).

WordPress test site is slow despite good scores on several page speed sites

I am developing a website for a car rental company and am using a subdomain for testing. The site is very slow on all browsers (and on the backend) despite high score on Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights, and GTmetrix. I'm not new to WordPress and page speed and have been able to achieve speed with the use of plugins and the right hosting.
I am using the Avada theme with the following plugins (I have already removed each plugin individually to see if any one of them was the culprit):
JCH Optimize
Ninja Forms
Justified Image Grid
W3 Total Cache (used with maxCDN)
WP Migrate DB
Our hosting provider is HostGator but I want to use Pagely.
Here is our Site
I just tested it out on pingdom and scored a 91/100.
Also, pages with very little content, such as our contact page, run slow as well.
FYI, this is a test site so you might find random pics of my dog in strange locations.
If you are using Google Chrome, open an incongnito page and open developer tools, click on network and then load your site. Now sort by time(latency). You will notice JCH Optimize, Autoptimize and WP-Optimize are taking up a lot of load time. Disable these plugins one by one to see if it makes any difference.
Also - I don't think you need three different plugins to optimize your site. One should be enough.
Hope this helps.

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress.
The site url is
I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords.
Since I have made quite a few sites with wordpress I have never seen this behavior before. Sites will eventually be visible to google engine, sometimes even in the first day.
However in this case the site does not show nowhere in the first 20 pages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should create two files robots.txt and sitemap.xml and upload on your site and then google crawler will come to your site. You can use Google Webmaster Tool for that.
Also, there are some wordpress plugins available to create sitemaps for example. See this:
