checkAll, uncheckAll not working properly post user interaction with an individual checkbox - css

I have recently learnt angular from udemy. I was trying to use this a custom checkbox in my angular app. The problem is not with the checkbox itself but the ui not getting updated on checkAll, uncheckAll after user interaction with an individual checkbox
My implementation on stackblitz
Things i have tried:
using timeout (i have used it to get autofocus working)
using ChangeDetectorRef detectChanges()
using template forms but tr/tbody won't render even if i wrap tbody in it
using reactive forms (not very sure if i did it correctly)
Steps to reproduce:
click on any checkbox but the first one.
click on the first checkbox checkAll, uncheckAll... It doesn't work on the checkbox clicked in the first step.

The checked attribute describes the default state of the field. Removing it will have no effect if the field has been interacted with (or if its checked property has already been modified). сhecked property can be modified by user interaction(click on checkbox)
You should be manipulating checked property instead since it represents the current state.
checkAll() {
const inputs = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>('input[type=checkbox]');
inputs.forEach(input => input.checked = true)
uncheckAll() {
const inputs = document.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>('input[type=checkbox]');
inputs.forEach(input => input.checked = false)
Forked Stackblitz
Note: this is not quite Angular way to work with form controls. You shouldn't be touching DOM directly in order to update control value


Is there a way to set a HERE UI Button to disabled?

I am using a custom-created button on my HERE Map using the JS 3.0 library.
I followed a HERE support engineer's suggestion provided here: HERE Map UI JS - How to add custom buttons to the Map UI?
So far, I have been able to get it to work just fine, but I just found out that I need to be able to enable or disable the button depending on various business rules. But it looks like there is no "setDisabled" functionality for HERE Controls or Buttons? (I saw that there was the option to initialize a button to be disabled, but not to change an existing one. Seems inefficient to create a new button every time I need to enable or disable it.)
Any suggestions?
Dont use the var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, maptypes, 'en-US'); line in order to disable buttons or find your self in an "if" statment to access this when a certain button is pressed or statement is passe
There is a setDisabled() method inherited from the parent class H.ui.base.Element which you can use:
// assume custom UI control exists
customControl.setDisabled(true) // <- disables the control
customControl.setDisabled(false) // <- enables the control
Here is jsfiddle working example of custom UI control which disables itself after click.
See H.ui.Control#setDisabled() for more details.

algolia wordpress autocomplete

I'm trying to tweak the WordPress plugin to suit our needs. What we want to be able to do is have a search result that will load the data up in the same page.
I have my WordPress posts and its data being indexed successfully. I have added a search box to the page, and autocomplete is being fired.
Out of the box, the WordPress plugin template wraps the result in an anchor tag and assigns it the URL of the found result. When clicked, this navigates you to that post. However, what I want to do is intercept that click and load the result in the same page without navigating away.
I have removed the href from the anchor. I have also edited the supplied autocomplete.php template where the call to autocomplete:selected occurs. In there I have removed the call to navigate away by removing window.location.href.
Now I have two main issues.
1 - When the user clicks the search result I would like the input to be populate with the title of the item they clicked on. I added this in the autocomplete:selected callback by adding $searchInput[0].value = suggestion.post_title. Which seems to change the value of the input correctly, but as soon as I click away from the input, it is re-set back to the original typed value. So if I type 'may' and click the result 'mayonnaise', the result data can be accessed but the input returns back to 'may'. My function looks this:
/* Instantiate autocomplete.js */
var autocomplete = algoliaAutocomplete($searchInput[0], config, sources)
.on('autocomplete:selected', function (e, suggestion) {
2 - It seems that the autocomplete dropdown does not hide when the user clicks away. To resolve this i've had to use what I think is a bit of a nasty hack with jQuery. I was wondering if this is really required? My code just below the autocomplete:selected call looks like this:
jQuery('body').on("click", function(event){
if (!jQuery($searchInput[0]).length) {
Found some answers to my questions.
1 - In order to populate the input with the title of the selected search result I added a call to the setVal method of the autocomplete object. I'[m still not sure why this is required.
/* Instantiate autocomplete.js */
var autocomplete = algoliaAutocomplete($searchInput[0], config, sources)
.on('autocomplete:selected', function (e, suggestion) {
2 - It looks like the config of the autocomplete object uses the value of WP_DEBUG in order to set the debug value. The options available for the autocomplete component can be found here This lead me to find that when debug is set to true, the autocomplete box does not hide on selection. This is to allow for easier debugging and styling of the component.

Google Appmaker: Update form based on selected dropdown option

I have an AppMaker app that has a from based off of one address table/datasource. I can get a form with next/prev buttons, but replaced the key field (name) with a dropdown list of all names (a user can start typing names to jump there, with the dropdown showing).
My hope is that when a user selects from the dropdown, the entire form updates and the next/prev buttons work properly as well (there too many records to page thru with next/prev only). I don't have to have next/prev functionality if it complicates things too much.
Currently the dropdown is working, but I cannot get the index for the next/prev buttons set or the rest of the form to reflect the selected dropdown record.
I've tried to set the "onValueEdit" event to something like this...
var selected = widget.value;
var idx = widget.options.indexOf(selected);
console.log("Selected: "+selected+", index = "+idx+"\n");
if(idx < 0) { //...this error is never hit
console.log("Index error - setting to zero!\n");
idx = 0;
widget.datasource.loadPage(idx); //...update form?
Two observations via console logging:
The "idx" var is never set to the selected dropdown index reliably, and is
often "0" (tho no error msg ever shows), so the "indexOf()" function
isn't working as expected.
The "selected" var (name) is always correct.
If I call widget.datasource.loadPage(...) with a fixed value (say 5) it has no effect on what is shows in the form either (previous loaded data remains) - obviously not the way to do it :v/
Can you steer a noob in the right direction?
If you are using default App Maker form, then you can see that so-called pager, doesn't actually paginate. It triggers prevItem/nextItem datasource methods, in other words it navigates through datasource items, not pages. Here is a quote from App Maker docs:
nextItem: Selects the next item. For Query Datasources, if the current item is the last item on the page, then this loads the next page and selects the first item on the newly loaded page.
So, if you already have all your items loaded(you set query page size for your datasource to 0), then you need just to change selected item within datasource:
// onValueEdit dropdown event
// assuming, that form and dropdown share same datasource
If you really have lots of items and it is not feasible to load all of them in one call... then it will be all another story...
It's important that Options and Value are set as shown in the image below!
However, I had trouble setting them that way (read: wasted hours!) until I wiped them both completely using More options in the binding picklist, and tried again (I had even tried on a brand new app!). I was being forced to choose ..projections.. and then a final field before the OK button would be available.
Not sure if AppMaker is buggy here or there is something simple I'm not understanding!
None of the coding in my original question is required.
Once set this way, binding just works as you would expect it!!
All other fields are set as #datasource.item. and are bound to whatever item is chosen. No Events settings are necessary for the dropdown either, as I thought they might be.
I deleted this page and started again, and replaced the default business name data field with a drop down, I set the dropdown as:
Options: #datasources.Addresses.items
Value: #datasources.Addresses.item
It works fine?! Not sure what happend in my original page!
So it seems you need to delete both the Value and Options and then re-enter these. The OK will light up when you do.
Also, my original take on App Maker was to build the UI and attach data. That was my first mistake. You build the data then have App Maker build edit/add pages for you.

Update two input fields in different components with redux

I am trying to get the following behavior in react using redux. I have two side by side components both have a <input> textfield that displays the same value. When I edit either of the field's, I want to dispatch an action and have redux store update the state of my app in both components
Exactly like asana app.
when I edit the field on left it updates the field on the right side as well
and when i edit the field on right, It updates the text field on left as well
I can only get it working one way and not both ways. I am using the value prop of the <input> textfield and keeping a state variable to update the <input> textfield as described in
I have state variable in one component and other one directly listens to the props.
I tried using the defaultValue prop if <input> textfield but it runs into other problems of not updating value when switching between different items
Hard to answer this without seeing your code, but based on what you're saying it sounds like you are storing one input's value on state?
If I want a value to be linked to a global store, I wouldn't store it on state. I'd do something like this (a bit pseudocody but hopefully you get the idea!)
onChange: function (e) {
render: function() {
return (
<input value={} onChange={this.onChange} />
The dispatch causes an update to the global store which then cascades that updated name value back down to the react component you are currently typing in, as well as the other input elsewhere that is populated by the same data.

CRM Ribbon Workbench - Hide + Button on Sub-Grid

I have a sub grid on a new entity called Issues, the sub grid is for another new entity called Cost Detail.
I have them both loaded into my solution called Issue, and have opened issue in the ribbon workbench.
What I want to do is when you are on the Issue form and can see the sub-grid I want to be able to hide the + button which is displayed. However when I have hidden this button in the ribbon workbench it also hides the add new button in the 'Associated View' therefore no records can be added.
How do I do it so that only the + button on the sub grid is hidden and not the other view?
In order to hide the add button, you either need to take away create privileges to the role that the user is in or you could do a hack(unsupported) like this:
function hideAddButton(){
var addButton = $('#NameOfGrid_addImageButton');
setTimeout(hideAddButton, 1000);//checks every second to see if the button exists yet
and call the hideAddButton function on form load
There is one answer that I found. If you have a field that unique for that entity, then you can do it with a simple javascript code.
Here is steps that you must follow in ribbon workbench:
Right click the button and customise button.
Add an enable rule, in Steps section add an Custom Javascript Rule, that contains your library and function name, please make sure that default is true.
This must be in your javascirpt library :
function hideAddNew(){
return false;
else {
return true;
Add a command that contains the enable rule we created.
Add the command to button.
That's it. I test it, it is working.
