Add Drift and Hubspot(third party JS) to AMP pages - wordpress

is there an official way or case study of how to add external marketing tools, like trackers(hubspot), bots(drift), etc, to basic AMP pages generated in a WordPress setups using the official AMP plugin? The idea of AMP is to filter JS, but for marketing, using external tracking tools is a must, and the AMP performance is great for SEO, any idea of how to combine both worlds?

We have been using pure amp sites for years now, the problem you face is what we have faced over and over again. Unless these tools will integrate to use the <amp-analytics> module, you will not be able to use tools like this. <amp-analytics>, however, gives you all the data you need, you can record visits, clicks, conversions etc and with a bit of tweaking, you could even pass this data to HubSpot via their API.
Please visit the documentation for here: <amp-analytics>
In regards to live chat (Drift), you would have to build a live chat via amp and use this instead of drift. Google AMP will not allow 3rd party javascript.


Integrating Matomo (Piwik) tracking to Confluence

We are using in-premise version of confluence but still do not have insights to the confluence code but would like to track page views, actions, users etc using Matomo ( or Google Analytics.
To enable any kind of tracking, we atleast need to paste a few lines of JS code to index.html.
But in case of confluence, since we do not have access to the code, how we can make this work.
Can anyone please help here.
You may want to check using a Piwik Add-on from the Atlassian Marketplace.
The smartics Piwik Integration is one option.
Documentation on how to configure this add-on is found at the add-on's homepage.
Biased alert: Please note that I am one of the developers of the add-on. ;)

Implementing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking codes on a Wordpress site with Personal plan

I have a Wordpress website and have the Personal plan.
My goal is to implement the tracking code of the Google Tag Manager on each site.
When I am on the Wordpress site in the HTML view, I should be able to paste one tracking code as close to the opening <head> tag as possible on every page of my website but this is not possible.
That´s why I had a talk with somebody from the Wordpress Support team and their answer was the following:
I believe the code for Google Analytics is meant to go in the header of the site. Since is a fully managed environment, we don't have access to the header code.
Instead, we have a built in Google Analytics option available as part of the Business upgrade.
The issue is I don´t want to spend 25$ a month just to have Google Analytics integrated on my website. There must be also a way for somebody like me with a Personal plan to implement the tracking codes.
When I tried to implement them, they were not hidden on the website which should not be the case (because "hidden" is in the code).
Did anybody of you have the same issue like I am facing?
P.S.: There are also Plugins for Google Analytics but with my plan I can´t upload any Plugins. :/
I integrated the code on a text widget. It worked just fine. If you dont give title to the widget, its even completly invisible. so dont spend unecessary money

How to see if a google site is updated

I'm planning to use Google Sites API - Revision Feed in order to check if a google site is updated.(what I mean by google site Also I may use it in Laravel or WP. Do you have any other platform or way suggestion that will make it easier and more efficient?
I give a good gadget for that.
"Subscribe to changes for Sites viewers"
I use this on my Google sites and it's really nice.

What is the use of Wordpress APIs?

I saw in wordpress some APIs being published for developers. What could a developer gain by using those APIs?
I think you've taken API to mean something similar to what Flickr and Vimeo do, which they are not. They are simply ways for you to access and ammend core functionality of the Wordpress platform, so as to bend it to do what ever it is you need it to do.
There are ways to pull data from your blog to a mobile devise, but that is a very different question.
Wordpress API are for those that want to develop a theme, or writing custom plugins for Wordpress.
Either way, you can use to integrate Wordpress in your exisiting php site, using the powerful backend as an administration tool and the using the API to retrieve the content and present it in your (already) website.

Software for tracking how popular a web site is

Is there a (free!) software/components that I can use to track how my web site is being used - which pages are most popular, how many times was the site visitied today, yesterday etc...
How about Google Analytics?
The information you want is (mostly) in the server logs, so I'd ask the server admin to give you access to some statistic-script (if it's installed).
Here's an open software for website analytics:
And you can - of course - always give your data to Google and let them generate the statistics using "Google Analytics". It requires including a piece of code into your website.
AWStats is a good option, but +1 for Google Analytics.
