I have three interfaces:
I’m looking to generate and transmit a variable length message over the interfaces at rates up to 2KHz. I want to code checks to make sure that my output message length can be transmitted at the selected output rate for the settings of the transmission medium. I realise that this depends on the configuration of the different interfaces:
RS422: baud rate
SPI: clock
Ethernet: 10Mbs or 100Mbps
As well as:
Message length
Transmission rate
Can anyone suggest how I can check for these fault conditions?
Measure the bit error rate at various transmission rates and take this into consideration. You can transmit various bit patterns, collect a good sample and analyze the results to pick an ideal message size, transmission rate and integrity check/repair mechanism. Your ideal message size will likely be different for each interface.
I am attempting to reverse engineer a device which utilises a serial line to communicate.
I have not currently been able to determine the baud rate of the serial line as of yet. Upon reading the data at a certain baud rate and converting it over to hex, I can see that some of the digits change each time I take a reading.
I am certain that each time I take a reading the device is performing the same action, and should therefore be outputting the same signal.
If I receive different digits each time I take a measurement, would this potentially be a trait of selecting an incorrect baud rate?
Looking at:
OMNET++: How to obtain wireless signal power?
there seem to be no power consumption related settings to packets that are sent in a UnitDiskRadio.
Is there a way of setting packet power consumption in a unit disk radio medium, or, conversely, communication range in ApskScalarRadioMedium?
UnitDiskRadio is a simplified version of a radio, where you are not interested in the transmission, propagation, attenuation etc. details. You just want to have a clear cut transmission distance. Above that, the transmission always fails, below that the transmission always succeed. This is simple, fast and suitable if you want to simulate high level behavior like application level or routing. You really don't care how much your radio draws from a power grid (or battery) in this case.
On the other hand, if you are interested in low level details, the whole radio transmission process should be modeled. In this case, you model the power draw and based on that transmission and there is no clear cut transmission range. Whether a transmission succeeds is a probabilistic outcome depending on power, antenna configuration, encoding, modulation, noise and a lot of other stuff, so you cannot set it as a simple "range".
TLDR: No, you cannot set both of them on the same radio.
PS: and make sure that you do not mix and match various power parameters. The first question you linked is about getting the power of a received packet (i.e. how strong that signal was when it was received). The second link show how to configure the transmission power (that goes out on the antenna), and in the question you are referring to power consumption which is a third thing, meaning how much you draw from a battery to make the transmission. They are NOT the same thing.
For a project I need to make communicate in a CANBus network, ethernet network and with RS-232. I want to use one single MCU that will act as the main unit of CANBus start topology, Ethernet start topology and that MCU also will be transfering the RS232 data that comes to it to another device. Now I want to use high speed CAN which can be up to 1 Mbits per second. However,RS-232 is max 20 k baud. I wonder if it is doable with 1 MCU to handle 3 different communications ( CANBus, ethernet and RS-232). I am afraid of to get overrun with data at some point. I can buffer data short term if data comes in bursts that can be averaged out. For continuous data where I'll never be able to keep up, I'll need to discard messages, perhaps in a managed way. But I do not want to discard any data. So my question is: Would using 1 MCU for this case work? And are there any software tricks that would help me with this case? (Like giving CANBus a higher priority etc.)
Yes, this can be done with a single MCU. Even a simple MCU should easily be able to handle data rates of 1 Mbps. Most likely you want to use DMA enabled transfer so the CPU core will only need to act when the transmission of a chunk of data has completed.
The problem of being overrun by data due to the mismatch in data rate is a separate topic:
If the mismatch persists, no system can handle it, no matter how capable.
If the mismatch is temporary, it's just a function of the available buffer size.
So if the worst case you want to handle is 10s of incoming data at 1 Mbps (with an outgoing rate of 20kbps), then you will need 10s x (1Mbps - 20kps) = 9.8 Mbit = 1.225 MByte of buffer memory.
I have a PIC24 based system equipped with a 24 bit, 8 channels ADC (google MCP3914 Evaluation Board for more details...).
I have got the board to sample all of the 8 channels, store the data in a 512x8 buffer and transmit the data to PC using a USB module when the buffer is full (it's is done by different interrupts).
The only problem is that when the MCU is transmitting data (UART transmission interrupt has higher priority than the ADC reading interrupt) the ADC is not sampling data hence there will be data loss (sample rate is around 500 samples/sec).
Is there any way to prevent this data loss? maybe some multitasking?
Simply transmit the information to the UART register without using interrupts but by polling the bit TXIF
while (PIR1.TXIF == 0);
TXREG = "the data you want to send";
The same applies to the ADC conversion : if you were using interruptions to start / stop a conversion, simply poll the required bits (ADON) and thats it.
The TX bits and AD bits may vary depending on your PIC.
That prevents the MCU to enter an interrupt service routine and loose 3-4 samples.
In PIC24 an interrupt can be assigned one of the 8 priorities. Take a look at the corresponding section in the "Family Reference Manual" -> http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/70000600d.pdf
Alternatively you can use DMA channels which are very handy. You can configure your ADC to use the DMA, and thus sampling and feeding the buffer won't use any CPU Time, same goes for UART I beleive.
I'm trying to understand asynchronous serial data transmission. I know that the transmitting device sends a start bit (e.g. 1) to the receiver to indicate that transmission has begun; then a stop bit (e.g. 0) afterwards to indicate that the transmission has ended.
What I don't understand: how does the receiving device know which bit is the stop bit? The stop bit is surely no different from the other bits of data. The only way I can think of is if the transmitting device stops sending bits for a significant gap, the receiving device would know that no more bits are forthcoming, and the last bit must have been a stop bit. But if that is the case, then why would a stop bit be required at all, rather than the receiving device simply waiting for a bit, and considering the transmission to be ended when the transmitting device doesn't send any more bits?
That becomes a question of protocol. start and stop bits only have meaning if the communicating devices agree on that meaning (e.g. a frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits, and a stop bit). Similarly, how to denote when a particular communication is complete needs to be agreed between the participants (e.g. define one or more frames that denote message termination).So for a particular communication either a full frame is received and the listener keeps listening, a partial frame is received with no subsequent data transmission and the connection can be considered faulted after some duration, or a full frame is received and that frame denotes the end of the exchange.