How soon does REWRITE change to web.config take effect? - iis-7

If I upload a new web.config file with a new REWRITE rule, how soon does that take effect?
I'd assume immediately.

Yeah, you are right. As soon as you uploaded a new webconfig or change the URl Rewrite rules in the Rewrite section, it would take effect immediately.
However, since the browser on the client-side prefer to cache the server response rules, the client have to fresh the browser forcibly(clear local cache) to apply the new rewrite rules.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.


S3 CSS assets not loading, but previously did. Why would it stop?

I've been using S3 to host static websites and I've made changes to the HTML & CSS files and have seen those changes reflected in the past. For some reason I go to do the exact same thing I've done before, change the style of one of my sites, and no change would take place. In-fact after deleting all previous files, the old build was still rendering. I had no version control on that particular bucket.
Content-type is set to 'text/css'. My file structure is normal with index.html being in the root. My normal steps of creating or updating new or existing sites has not changed, but S3 has for some reason.
When I click on the index.html file and go to the public url link, it reflects all my changes.
My only fix is to add the full url to the style link.
<link href="{bucket-name}/css/style.css">
Does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it other than adding the http link? If not, I hope my solution helps others for this weird S3 issue. Normally you can just upload your files to a bucket, set the policy and finally enable hosting after stating the root html file.
It might be due to your browser caching, where it's loading locally stored assets (CSS stylesheet) from a previous time you've visited the URL rather than fetching the new resources in an attempt to speed up load times. There are settings you can change in your browser to determine how long your browser will hold onto cached resources before fetching new ones.
By setting the stylesheet link directly to the s3 bucket URL, it will cause it to fetch the new stylesheet every time the page is loaded, which leads me to believe that caching is the issue here.
Try clearing your cache and see if it solves the problem.
Here is a deeper explanation of the concept with respect to browsers, and a list of commands to perform a cache refresh depending on what browser/OS you have!
I think it's the CSS folder's doesn't allow you to access the files inside. If you make the folder public, it will work.
Select all your files and folders, go to actions tab and then select make public to allow objects to access one another.

Serving virtual files in IIS

I have a page as part of my IIS 7 (ASP.NET) website which serves images from a database. It uses a querystring to select the image and sets the content type header appropriately (image/jpeg) so that, for example, image.aspx?ID=1234 will be displayed in the browser as a jpeg image.
What I want to do instead is offer a URI formed in a manner such as image/1234.jpg which will produce the same result. In other words, there is no actual file on the server named 1234.jpg, it's just the contents of a database record, but from the browser's perspective, it will appear as if there is such a file.
I'm sure this is possible, but I can't figure out how it's accomplished, or where to look for answers. I'm thinking it may be done with an ISAPI filter, but I haven't found an accessible path into the docs to know if that's even the correct basis for a solution.
Possibly the best option here would be to implement a URL rewrite rule that changes image/1234.jpg to image.aspx?ID=1234
You can find more on URL rewrite for IIS here.
If, for whatever reason, URL rewrite isn't an option to you, then another possible method might be to implement a custom 404 page. When your request to image/1234.jpg doesn't result in a real file, it'll end up there.
You should be able to detect the URI at that point and serve up the image.

Is it bad practice to rely on outbound rules for rewriting?

For the past few years, if I've wanted a URL of a page on a site rewritten I've put the rewritten URL into the link on the page.
E.g. If the page is /Product.aspx?filename=ProductA and it's rewritten to /Product/ProductA.aspx then I've put the following in my link:
However, with outbound rules I could just put the links in to the actual file paths, and rewrite with an outbound rule.
Is this a bad method? Would it cost the server unnessacery additional resources?
I would not consider this bad practice. Infact it affords you some additional flexibility as your mapping for friendly to real url's is all managed in one central location. If your seo team decide they want to change the url scheme, you dont have to pick through all the links on your site updating them- risking missing one!
One important limitation of the current version of the IIS rewrite module, is you cannot use outbound rewriting in conjunction with Static compression- However you can still use Dynamic compression. Static compression is nice because it will cache the compressed version of the page. See this article for instructions on getting url rewrite working with Dynamic compression:

Plone, behaviour of URLs

The situation is the following: I created a site with Plone, developed, used, but behind a test URL. Now it has to be published, but the test URL is not appropriate and I don't want to move the site. I think, if I use a redirect, it won't be appear in the URL-bar, only in the case of site start page. Am I wrong? (The test URL should not be used, because it will be a "semi-official" site.) What do you suggest to do?
As far as I can see Plone uses absolute URLs everywhere. I can add relative URLs, but if I create a new page, a new event, etc., then they have absolute URLs on other automatically generated inner pages. Is there any way to convert these URLs to relative paths? Is there any setting possibilty where only a checkbox changes this default setting?
Plone does not store your URLs in the database. It uses the inbound host header (and any virtual hosting configuration set up with rewrite rules in Apache or Nginx) to calculate the correct absolute URL when rendering the page.
In other words - as soon as you actually point the relevant domain name to the server with your Plone instance, it'll just work.
You should put a bit more effort into asking your question. This is just a copy and paste of a half-finished email chain where you tried to get the answer from me in private. It's not very easy to understand what you're asking.
I think what you are looking for is url rewriting to handle virtual hosting. ie to get your site to appear as if it's the root url of a domain.
This is normally done via the webserver that normally sits in front of plone. For apache, here is a howto
for other servers
You can also achieve this directly in zope (via ZMI) using something called the Virtual Host
Monster. see
PS. I don't think your question is badly worded. Plone does serve pages with a "base" tag and what appears to be absolute urls. They aren't baked into the database but it's also not obvious that the solution to getting the url you want is the VHM url syntax and a proxying frontend webserver. There is a reason why it doesn't use relative urls... which I can't remember it was so long ago.

What is IIS 6.0 doing with slashes after the page name in a URL?

Had a question from a client which stumped me.
They are using IIS 6.0 and for some reason, instead of making a normal request for a page on their server which I'll call someone typed
It seems that IIS's response was to serve Default.aspx as normal, but, as far as the browser is concerned, the path is rather than and thus all relative paths to CSS, images, etc. fail
I looked at the traffic in Fiddler, and it seems that all of those image etc. requests, such as are ALSO returning the contents of Default.aspx, needless to say, not a valid image!
I don't believe they are doing anything special with URL rewriting, but just to be sure, I tried an experiment on a freshly created ASP.NET web application and the results were the same.
So what is causing IIS to pass a URL like /Default.aspx/randomstuff to the ASP.NET pipeline as a request for Default.aspx? And can it be stopped, and made to just throw a 404 as you'd expect?
This is called the PathInfo component.
You can stop like this:
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.PathInfo)) throw new HttpException(404);
Yes, that's perfectly normal. Apache will do it too.
You can use it for routing, so you can have the URL / instead of / without having to set up URL rewriting.
Naturally the browser doesn't know that is the real script, that random and stuff aren't really part of the path at the server-side. So all URLs will be relative to the random directory. Normally when you are writing an application with routing, you have to make sure you use rooted or absolute URLs through rather than relative URLs, for this reason.
And can it be stopped, and made to just throw a 404 as you'd expect?
Yes, as in SLaks's answer. However it would probably be better to send a 301 to the real address without the trailing Path Info parts.
