How to create a read more link in Drupal views? - drupal

I am facing a problem in drupal views, i want to show the node body 400 character and add a read more link on after trimming. So I have trimmed the node body 400 character and put the "More link: Yes" on views. I can see the ellipsis(... after words) but not showing the link. What is the procedure to add a read more link? I am using drupal 6.22 version
Thanks in advance

A More link set to yes will send a user to a page view of that view. My typical approach to the more link is to add a field to the view for path. Then I set the path to be rewritten as More ».
Having the path field a the end of the view (Or at least after your body field) will give you the results you're looking for.

This is how I had done it.
In the edit of my view, I added a field node:link.
Then I removed the Label and left it empty and added "Read more" in Text to display
I checked the checkbox Trim this field to a maximum length, entered my maximum length in the textfield and checked the Add an ellipsis and Trim only on a word boundary options.
Click on Update button and save the changes. You are done!


Gravity Form query string appends '|:||:||:||:|2372' to the end of the data

Right now I'm trying to create a custom confirmation page to be displayed to the user after they finish filling out one of my forms. This custom confirmation page will use some of the data that they entered into the form. Right now I only have 3 fields: name, phone number, and a logo image.
So I went into the Settings->Confirmations section of my form and set Confirmation Type to Page, chose the page, and checked off 'Pass Field Data Via Query String'. Then I entered in the string 'gym_name={Gym/Program Name:2}&gym_phone={Gym/Program website and/or phone number:3}&logo={Logo:4}'. The logo parameter is passed as the image src url.
I ran through a quick test of my form and after filling it out, all of the data was successfully sent to the confirmation page, with one problem. For some reason, Gravity Form appends '|:||:||:||:|2372' (it's not always 2372, it's different every time) to the end of the logo section of the url. This happens no matter where in the query string I put logo, and it does not get appended if I don't include the logo.
Does anyone know what the cause of this is, and how to stop it? Thank you in advance.
I'm assuming the Logo field is a Post Image field. If so, you'll need to use the :url modifier to retrieve only the URL.
More details here:

adding new menu in Select (All,Inverted Selection) in Alfresco Share

I am newbie to the Alfresco.Now my requirement is how to add new menu[All(All pages)] in Select. wherever user perform search function lets say 250 results have found & user selects All in page 1 & its selecting only current page results and not selecting entire 250 records & then user goes page by page can edit the properties for the entire 250 the new functionality if user selects [All(All pages)] then all records should be selected & edit the properties for 250 records at one go.So I want to add new menu with All(All pages) & change the existing menu current labels as All(Current Page).How to achieve this functionality and what files need to changed.How should i know that which files are currently used?Is there any debugger can be used to know the files?
Alfresco Version
My guess, is that if you go through this previous version of Jeff Potts' Tutorial you will be able to figure this out by yourself.
Simplest option is to edit label of that particular action in out of box property file.
You can find it under
This entry
Change label here and it will be reflected.
NOTE: It is not best way to implement this. Ideally you need to override property file and change label
The issue here is that only the items shown on the page have been loaded. This means that the metadata for the items not shown on the page won't be available. The metadata of each node is used to evaluate it's applicability to any action. If the node is locked or has had its permissions changed then it won't be possible to edit it. This is why "all" only means all items on the current page of data.

OnClick on ticketid need to open a details of ticket using birt report

I had a requirement to create a report based on individual user whom having SR waiting for approval, On click on Ticket id the URL's should redirect to SR detailed page where he can check request approve or disapprove.
using hyper link in birt properties unable to pass the ticketid by using below url's
Could you anybody help in this regards.
If the cell you made clickable contains the ticketId, go to Properties -> Hyperlink -> Edit...
Select hyperlink type URI, and click the dropdown to the right of 'Location' to go to the Javascript window.
If you're going to use it more than once, I would make the static part of your hyperlink a variable. Then add the ticketId by clicking "column bindings" in the left-lower column in the JavaScript window and selecting the appropriate cells in the middle and right columns. You'd get something like
vars["staticPartOfHyperlink"] + row[TICKETID]
If you'd rather not use a variable, you can hard-code the static part (don't do this, it's ugly and asking for trouble):
"" + row[TICKETID]

How do you access the title (Node module element) field in Drupal 7?

I have a computed field in a Drupal 7 content type that is populated by my description (text) field:
$entity_field[0]['value'] = $entity->field_desciption['und'][0]['value'];
It works fine. I want to create another computed field that is populated by the title (Node module element) field.
I tried with the following lines, but they don't work.
$entity_field[0]['value'] = $entity->title['und'][0]['value'];
$entity_field[0]['value'] = $node->title;
How can I achieve this?
The node title is not a field; therefore, using $entity->title['und'][0]['value'] will not work. What you should use is $entity->title.
As side note, to get the value of a field, you should use field_get_items(), which takes care of the language set for the field, which isn't necessarily LANGUAGE_NONE.
If it's a node module element, it should be accessible via $entity->title directly.
Try a print_r($entity); die; to get all elements of the entity. Hope this help you.
You should look at printing the array/object to the page to see what you are working with exactly.
Try adding print_r($entity); or print_r($node); to the page where the entity or node is displayed followed by exit;
You can then right click the page and click 'View page source' to display the output in a structured format. Use this to see the variable names, object/array types and hierachy to then write your full variable code correctly.
I would imagine it should have been $node->title though...

how to put the node:link token in the html a label?

i have installed the views and token module. i add a views field 'Node:Link' and check the 'exclude from display' option for the 'node:link' field and set the field first in the field order,now i want to overrite a views field.
i put this more >> in the rewrite the output of this field text box. but it can't work? [view_node] is the Node:Link token, how to make the more>> link ok? thank you
In the Node:Link field, enter more in Text to display: text box.
No need to put anchor tag just type [view_node] in the rewrite the output of this field text box.
Views has a built in way to make text link to other pages with tokens. I would use that instead of putting the anchor tag in the rewrite section. It's titled, "Output this field as a link"
If you're on Drupal 6 and you just want to link the field to it's node then just check the box "Link this field to it's node"
