How to get OS name while writing gnome-extensions - gnome-shell-extensions

How to get OS name while writing gnome-extensions..
for example:
I have gone through this post How can my GNOME Shell extension detect the GNOME version?

In case of getting the operating system name as found in /etc/os-release, this not particularly related to GJS or extensions.
You could just open the /etc/os-release file directly, but since GKeyFile is not introspectable in GJS you would have to parse it manually. Alternatively you could use the org.freedesktop.hostname1 DBus interface to get the "pretty name", although I don't know if that's guaranteed to be available on all distributions.
const GLib =;
const Gio =;
let osName = 'Unknown';
try {
// NOTE: this is a synchronous call that will block the main thread
// until it completes. Using `` would be
// better, but I don't know if that works for your use case.
let reply = Gio.DBus.system.call_sync(
new GLib.Variant('(ss)', [
let value = reply.deep_unpack()[0];
osName = value.unpack();
} catch (e) {
logError(e, 'Fetching OS name');
// Example Output: "Fedora 32 (Workstation Edition)" or "Unknown" on failure


Hyper cannot find Server module

I'm writing a "hello world" HTTP server with Hyper, however I am not able to find the Server and rt modules when trying to import them.
When invoking cargo run, then I see this error message:
26 | let server = hyper::Server::bind(&addr).serve(router);
| ^^^^^^ could not find `Server` in `hyper`
I must be missing something obvious about Rust and Hyper. What I am trying to do is writing something as dry/simple as possible with just the HTTP layer and some basic routes. I would like to include as little as possible 3rd party dependencies e.g avoiding Tokio which I think involves async behavior, but I am not sure about the context as I am new to Rust.
Looks like I must use futures, so I included this dependency and perhaps futures only work with the async reserved word (which I am not sure if it comes from Tokio or Rust itself).
What confuses me is that in the Hyper examples I do see imports like use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, Server};, so that Server thing must be there, somewhere.
These are the dependencies in Cargo.toml:
hyper = "0.14.12"
serde_json = "1.0.67"
futures = "0.3.17"
This is the code in
use futures::future;
use hyper::service::service_fn;
use hyper::{Body, Method, Response, StatusCode};
use serde_json::json;
fn main() {
let router = || {
service_fn(|req| match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) {
(&Method::GET, "/foo") => {
let mut res = Response::new(
Body::from(json!({"message": "bar"}).to_string())
(_, _) => {
let mut res = Response::new(
Body::from(json!({"content": "route not found"}).to_string())
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND;
let addr = "".parse::<std::net::SocketAddr>().unwrap();
let server = hyper::Server::bind(&addr).serve(router); // <== this line fails to compile
// hyper::rt::run(server.map_err(|e| {
// eprintln!("server error: {}", e);
// }));
How do I make the code above compile and run?
According to documentation, you are missing one module namespace in your call hyper::server::Server:
let server = hyper::server::Server::bind(&addr).serve(router)
In order to use server you need to activate the feature flag in cargo:
hyper = { version = "0.14.12", features = ["server"] }

How can I have karate.log call from javascript added to cucumber reports? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Logging Messages from Java Class back to the Karate Report
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want to be able to write log statements, that get added to the karate.log file as well as to the Cucumber Reports that get generated when using standalone karate.jar.
When I use karate.log from a javascript function it only adds the log statement to the karate.log file and not the cucumber report.
I have also tried to do this from a java function as well by using both slf4j logger as well as the class. However both of these only add logs to the karate.log file and not to the cucumber reports.
I need this because I am writing some common code for which I don't want my QA-Engineers to write * print <> statements in the karate feature files.
I also looked at the objects) method which is what I am assuming gets called when you call karate.log(..), it looks like it should work, but it isn't working for me.
I am using karate-0.9.4, and here's what my karate-config.js looks like
function conf() {
var env = karate.env // set the environment that is to be used for executing the test scripts
var host = '<some-host-name>';
var port = '443';
var protocol = 'https';
var basePath = java.lang.System.getenv('GOPATH') + '/src/karate-tests';
// a custom 'intelligent' default
if (!env) {
env = 'dev';
var applicationURL = ((!port || port == '') || (port == '80' && protocol == 'http') || (port == '443' && protocol == 'https'))
? protocol + '://' + host
: protocol + '://' + host + ":" + port;
// Fail quickly if there is a problem establishing connection or if server takes too long to respond
karate.configure('connectTimeout', 30000);
karate.configure('readTimeout', 30000);
// pretty print request and response
//karate.configure('logPrettyRequest', true);
//karate.configure('logPrettyResponse', true);
karate.configure('printEnabled', true);
// do not print steps starting with * in the reports
//karate.configure('report',{showLog: true, showAllSteps: true });
// Turn off SSL certificate check
karate.configure('ssl', true);
var config = {
env: env,
appBaseURL: applicationURL,
sharedBasePath: basePath
karate.log("config.sharedBasePath = ", config.sharedBasePath)
karate.log('karate.env = ', config.env);
karate.log('config.appBaseURL = ', config.appBaseURL);
return config
This is because of a bug in karate-0.9.4 which seems to be partially fixed in karate-0.9.5.RC4 release. I have opened a ticket for it on GitHub -
I just tried this in 0.9.5.RC4. If you are looking for something more than this - it needs a change in Karate. You are welcome to contribute. I have to say that I'm surprised (and somewhat annoyed) to see these requests. Why are you so concerned about pretty reports instead of focusing on testing. I'd like you to think about it.
This other discussion may be a related reference: |
If you really want to pursue this, you can look at the "hook" interceptor mentioned in this comment:
So in void afterStep(StepResult result, ScenarioContext context); - you can modify the StepResult by calling appendToStepLog(String log).
EDIT: other references:

meteor-testing tutorial fails

I started the meteor-testing tutorial, but the 2nd automatic generated test fails with:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'url' of undefined
So it seems that the client variable is not defined. Did anybody experience similar issues? (btw is there a way to debug this)
i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with
node v4.0.0
xolvio:cucumber 0.19.4_1 CucumberJS for Velocity
Generated test code intests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/sample_steps.js:
// You can include npm dependencies for support files in tests/cucumber/package.json
var _ = require('underscore');
module.exports = function () {
// You can use normal require here, cucumber is NOT run in a Meteor context (by design)
var url = require('url');
// 1st TEST OK
this.Given(/^I am a new user$/, function () {'reset'); // server is a connection to the mirror
// 2nd TEST FAIL
this.When(/^I navigate to "([^"]*)"$/, function (relativePath) {
// process.env.ROOT_URL always points to the mirror
client.url(url.resolve(process.env.ROOT_URL, relativePath));
I was said to file an issue in the chimp repository, where I was pointed to the solution:
// 2nd TEST FAIL
this.When(/^I navigate to "([^"]*)"$/, function (relativePath) {
// REPLACE client with browser
browser.url(url.resolve(process.env.ROOT_URL, relativePath));
This is a short fix, but I'm not sure whether you should later rather use client (seems to be wrapper for different environments).
**Update: ** meanwhile this was fixed, no adaption necessary anymore

HTTP requests in Intel XDK

I previously built an app in the Intel XDK platform pre the Feb 23rd update and now the software has updated when i try to run the emulator it just crashes.
previously i sent a get request to a process php page for a login in the following way.
$('form.login').submit(function () {
var user = $(this).find("[name='user']").val();
var pass = $(this).find("[name='pass']").val();
var sublogin = $(this).find("[name='sublogin']").val();
// ...
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: {
user : user,
pass : pass,
sublogin : sublogin,
success: function(response){
if(response == "1")
window.location.href = "menu.html";
// Login failed
return false;
However it seems that this is the piece of code that is causing the problems, if I remove this item of code the project no longer crashes.
When i read through the Intel XDK documents it only shows HTTP request to call XML files.
So i was hoping that somebody may know why this is causing the problem or how i might construct it so that Intel XDK doesn't crash.
There is a regression bug with regards to relative location URL referenced through emulator, a fix is being worked on. This is related to emulator only. Your app should work fine with test tab using App Preview on the device and using the build.
Till we come up with a fix for emulator crash, here is a workaround. The issue arises when you are trying to change the location of your current page with window.location.href = "menu.html"; and emulator is not able to resolve the relative path during ajax call.
Please use the following code as a workaround.
var newLocation = 'menu.html';
if ( window.tinyHippos ) {
// special case for emulator
newLocation = getWebRoot() + newLocation;
function getWebRoot() {
"use strict" ;
var path = window.location.href ;
path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf('/') ) ;
path += '/';
return path;

Meteor: The application is not spiderable

My application is not spiderable both on local and production.
When I go to http://localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=, I can see the following error appears (phantom is killed after 15 seconds):
spiderable: phantomjs failed: { [Error: Command failed: ] killed: true, code: null, signal: 'SIGTERM' }
It seems that many other people got this problem:!msg/meteor-talk/Lnm9HFs4MgM/YKDMR80fVecJ!topic/meteor-talk/7ZbidddRGo4
The thing is I am not using observatory or select2 and all my publications return a cursor. According to me, the problem comes from the minification. I just read in this thread that someone succeed to display "SyntaxError: Parse error". How can I know more about what is going wrong with Phantom and which file is causing the problem?
This happens when spiderable is waiting for subscriptions that fail to return any data and end up timing out, as mentioned in some of the threads you linked.
Make sure that all of your publish functions are either returning a cursor, a (possibly empty) list of cursors, or sending this.ready().
Meteor APM may be useful in determining which publications aren't returning.
If you want to know more about what is wrong with phatomjs, you might try this code (1):
// Put your URL below, no "?_escaped_fragment_=" necessary
var url = "";
var page = require('webpage').create();;
setInterval(function() {
var ready = page.evaluate(function () {
if (typeof Meteor !== 'undefined'
&& typeof(Meteor.status) !== 'undefined'
&& Meteor.status().connected) {
return DDP._allSubscriptionsReady();
return false;
if (ready) {
var out = page.content;
out = out.replace(/<script[^>]+>(.|\n|\r)*?<\/script\s*>/ig, '');
out = out.replace('<meta name=\"fragment\" content=\"!\">', '');
}, 100);
For use in local, install phantomjs. Then outside your app, create a file phantomtest.js with the code above. And run phantomjs phantomtest.js
Another thing that maybe you can try is to use UglifyJS to catch some errors in the minified JS file as Payner35 did.
My problem was coming from SSL. You can have a complete overview of what I did here.
Edit the spiderable source and add --ignore-ssl-errors=yes to the phantomjs command line, it will work.
