How do I setup/edit Alfresco Source Code from the Github Repo - alfresco

im completely new to working with open-source software and at the moment I am very lost. I understand that the source code is located in the Alfresco repo on Github( What I'm trying to do is aquring Alfresco Community source code and modify it for a project im working on. Do i download each repo from the links below, import it into an ide like eclipse and connect eclipse to the tomcat server? Also is this the correct repo( Alfresco Share that will open in the browser when i connect it to the Tomcat server?
Any help would be appreciated.

Jimmy, welcome to the world of open source software, we're glad you're here.
These days, it is exceedingly rare to need to compile Alfresco or Alfresco Share from source.
Instead, the right thing to do is use a public extension point and simply extend the platform to meet your requirements. This will greatly simplify things when it comes time to upgrade, and you won't be forking a massive codebase (and maintaining that fork going forward).
You didn't mention what you are trying to change, but most common scenarios are covered by one or more of my tutorials so hopefully those will help.
If you look at those tutorials, you ask around the community a bit, and you still think you need to change a file that is distributed with the Alfresco source, please file an issue at so that Alfresco knows about the needed improvement.


Qt6 integration of 3dconnexion spacemouse devices

hope this finds you well.
I have been wondering if there are any updates regarding qt integration of the spacemouse sdk.
I found this old post but all the source code files are not present anymore and I don't think I'm skilled enough to rewrite it given the information present in the forum (here's the updated link to the post and honestly it looks strange to me that Qt has not yet made any integration packages for 3d connexion devices.
I am using Visual Studio 16 on a Windows machine in a Qt6 VTK9.2 OpenCV project
I have tried the basic windows way using window handlers but I can't make it work (no input read) as soon as I pass the handler to the qMainWindow as HWND(mainWindow.winId()), while it works fine if I create a dedicated window to read the data.
Could you please give me some suggestions or point me to some resources?

Is there a direct way to get a full ejb/servlet application example for glassfish

I have an application that is currently running on JBoss AS but does not work on Glassfish. I'm trying to work through the documentation here but I'm having trouble figuring out things like what the file structure of the application should be and what (if any) additional files are needed. This documentation also refers to examples but to get the examples you need to install Netbeans and access an update tool tied to the glassfish instance installed with Netbeans. When I do this the server won't start, the update tool won't run, and I can't get the examples. Is there an easy way to get these examples (e.g. a simple download)? I've found other examples such as this one, but they are also dependent upon Netbeans.
Is there a simple and complete ejb/servlet example for Glassfish that can be simply downloaded and does not depend upon Netbeans or other IDE?
The obvious example is the Java EE CargoTracker. It was written to show what a "real" application might look like with pure Java EE APIs so should work on both JBoss and GlassFish. You will need Maven installed to build and run it, but there are more complete details in the readme for the project. Note that some of the information is a little out of date (mostly links to which has been sunset in favour of a GitHub site) but the application itself is still a good example of Java EE 7 APIs.
I found the examples on github here:
To get and build the examples you will need Git and Maven. These examples are small, complete, and concise. The example that was helpful for my particular problem was this example:
It demonstrated that I needed to change the structure of my project such that the servlet was in a .war file and not in a .jar file in the lib folder of my project.

.dll files successfully added but are not enabled in the active designer

When I use .dll files in the toolbox with the chosen item menu, a message displays like: "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer". I want to use this .dll (Aguage.dll file downloaded from internet & want to use in my project).
What can I do to solve this issue.
This .dll file basically contain a gauge like speed meter of car, clock etc
The following link appears to have the answer to your question (though is slightly different, it appears).
how to import a dll into a web application running on webserver
So hopefully you should find all the info you need there. However if you need more help do let me know :).
Edit: I have checked and the initial version of the file seems to have been created for .NET 2.0 rather than the version you are currently using. There may be a way to amend the DLL file but I would suggest this is problem.
Edit 2: Works fine on my system with latest version of VSEE 2015 so outdated file doesn't seem to be the issue. Suggest there is a likely a probably with user's setup. More info in comments.
I have uploaded a video to help:
(in reply to the user who previously removed reference to this question, this is not a link only answer by any stretch of the imagination; furthermore, the answer holds information which is likely useful to other users and is part of a process of ongoing inquiry into the roots of the user's issues, which we are more than happy to look into as deeply as the concerned party is willing to furnish us with additional information)
Additional note: At the current time our best information has been forthcoming regarding the problem the user is experiencing. If the user wishes additional support, and assuming Visual Studio had been installed from scratch, we would be ok to remote on to the user's system if they wish us to do so

Alfresco folder layout between versions 3, 4, community, and enterprise

This is kind of a simple question really. I am new to alfresco, so when I read articles like this I realize it is old, but it addresses something similar I need to try. However, I stumble almost right away! It says:
In the 'config/alfresco/site-webscripts' source folder in package 'com.orbitz.components.documentlibrary', add ....
How do I map that to Alfresco 4.2? I have ./tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/site-webscripts, but that is NOT in config/alfresco. Also, all the directories under there are org/alfresco/something.
Is this something anyone can explain or are such articles simple too out of date to be of use?
These articles work with projects with ANT tasks.
If you check the addons google code or github and checkout a project, you'll see a similar config folder or resource folder.
If you execute the deploy tasks (with the right settings) it will deploy it to the right Tomcat folders.

Adobe CQ5 Setup in production

I am not a CQ guy. I have to use CQ5 for one of my project. I have a CAT and a production environment. I have following doubts-
I want to use author instance of my CAT only. Once I publish the content in CAT it should publish in Production also. Is it possible ?
Once I update the build of AdobeCQ in my production say new build, code changes etc- will my content be lost ?
I read somewhere about Content package in cq5. Can I separate content changes and code changes in one CQ5 environment ?
Thanks in advance.
To answer question 1...
This is not a recommended setup, but a common misconception for someone unfamiliar with AEM/CQ5. The "author" and "publish" instances should be part of the same environment. For example you should have a production author, probably behind your firewall, and production publish to serve pages to the public.
Your CAT environment should have the same thing. You want your testing environment to match as closely as possible to your production environment, including web server and dispatcher setup, to ensure quality.
Consider this. You can use one production publish instance, but it's a single point of failure. It's a general best practice to load balance across at least two. Two is sufficient for most websites. If you do this, you'd want to mimic the architecture in CAT.
To answer question 2...
If your code is written, built, and deployed correctly, it should not delete your content. Just make sure you are never deploying anything to /content (to avoid deleting content) and to /libs and most of /etc to avoid overriding platform functionality. AEM/CQ5 is a very open product, so you can do very bad things. But, if you know what not to do you are safe.
Code deployments should typically be done as part of a CRX Content Package, which brings me to...
To answer question 3...
The way we build and deploy code is to have Maven compile the Java, package everything up in a CRX Package, then deploy to the instance using the Package Manager REST API. Adobe provides a Maven Archetype that will facilitate this.
A CRX Package is a file system representation of your content repository, wrapped in what is effectively an annotated Zip file. Your compiled Java code is included in that file system representation, in a folder (to become node) named "config". That compiled Java is an OSGi bundle, which is an annotated JAR. When CRX Package Manager deploys all those nodes to the system, OSGi accepts the bundle, assuming it's valid. This is why you can do "hot" deployments of live, production AEM/CQ5 instances, with very little risk.
This is a very high level answer to some very big topics. I encourage you to do a lot more research before you set this up. There are many good blog posts and documentation pages out there to help you get this set up according to best practice. Good luck!
