.dll files successfully added but are not enabled in the active designer - asp.net

When I use .dll files in the ASP.net toolbox with the chosen item menu, a message displays like: "The following controls were successfully added to the toolbox but are not enabled in the active designer". I want to use this .dll (Aguage.dll file downloaded from internet & want to use in my project).
What can I do to solve this issue.
This .dll file basically contain a gauge like speed meter of car, clock etc

The following link appears to have the answer to your question (though is slightly different, it appears).
how to import a dll into a asp.net web application running on webserver
So hopefully you should find all the info you need there. However if you need more help do let me know :).
Edit: I have checked and the initial version of the file seems to have been created for .NET 2.0 rather than the version you are currently using. There may be a way to amend the DLL file but I would suggest this is problem.
Edit 2: Works fine on my system with latest version of VSEE 2015 so outdated file doesn't seem to be the issue. Suggest there is a likely a probably with user's setup. More info in comments.
I have uploaded a video to help:
(in reply to the user who previously removed reference to this question, this is not a link only answer by any stretch of the imagination; furthermore, the answer holds information which is likely useful to other users and is part of a process of ongoing inquiry into the roots of the user's issues, which we are more than happy to look into as deeply as the concerned party is willing to furnish us with additional information)
Additional note: At the current time our best information has been forthcoming regarding the problem the user is experiencing. If the user wishes additional support, and assuming Visual Studio had been installed from scratch, we would be ok to remote on to the user's system if they wish us to do so


How do I setup/edit Alfresco Source Code from the Github Repo

im completely new to working with open-source software and at the moment I am very lost. I understand that the source code is located in the Alfresco repo on Github(https://github.com/Alfresco). What I'm trying to do is aquring Alfresco Community source code and modify it for a project im working on. Do i download each repo from the links below, import it into an ide like eclipse and connect eclipse to the tomcat server? Also is this the correct repo(https://github.com/Alfresco/share)for Alfresco Share that will open in the browser when i connect it to the Tomcat server?
alfresco-remote-api https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-remote-api
alfresco-greenmail https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-greenmail
alfresco-file-transfer-receiver https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-file-transfer-receiver
alfresco-mbeans https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-mbeans
alfresco-mmt https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-mmt
alfresco-server-root https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-server-root
alfresco-data-model https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-data-model
alfresco-core https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-core
alfresco-xml-factory https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-xml-factory
alfresco-legacy-lucene https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-legacy-lucene
Any help would be appreciated.
Jimmy, welcome to the world of open source software, we're glad you're here.
These days, it is exceedingly rare to need to compile Alfresco or Alfresco Share from source.
Instead, the right thing to do is use a public extension point and simply extend the platform to meet your requirements. This will greatly simplify things when it comes time to upgrade, and you won't be forking a massive codebase (and maintaining that fork going forward).
You didn't mention what you are trying to change, but most common scenarios are covered by one or more of my tutorials so hopefully those will help.
If you look at those tutorials, you ask around the community a bit, and you still think you need to change a file that is distributed with the Alfresco source, please file an issue at https://issues.alfresco.com/ so that Alfresco knows about the needed improvement.

Visual Studio Unit Test From Existing ASP Web Site

Denizens of Stack Overflow, I come before you in hopes of solutions to my current problem, as so many of my questions have been answered by you veritable founts of knowledge. Is there a simple way to create a unit test for an ASP Web Site Project that was already created without requiring the installation of software that requires you to buy them should you wish to continue using them? If there was a way to get the ASP Web Site directory to be treated as a Project, that would solve things very smoothly. There are two methods to accomplish this that might still be viable but that I have given up on are:
Linking the ASP Website Project to a normal Visual Studio Project.
A method I saw online suggested that one could simply drag the ASP.Net Web Site Folder on to a normal VS Project and this would effectively make the Project a copy of the ASP Web Site with all functionality of the Web Site for Unit Testing with the sublime easiness of being able to use Add Reference for the Unit Test Project, so much more simple than what I've encountered with Add Service/Web Reference. On a similar note, there was a website that suggested adding all the content of the ASP Web Site into the Root of a project. Neither of them worked for me, but I might have been made a mistake in my interpretation of the instructions.
Once I gave up trying to get the Unit Test to Add Reference to the ASP Web Site, my next approach was to link a Web Reference to the Unit Test. At first I tried placing the http://localhost(number)/ of the ASP Web Site in the Web Reference URL, but that didn't work. I saw something that mentioned creating an IIS Site for the Unit Test to reference, but I couldn't make much sense of it.
I've been trying to come up with a wsdl file, and to that end I downloaded WCF LOB Adapter 2013. I don't have BizTalk installed, and after the software provided the message that BizTalk needed for BAM to be installed, I decided against downloading further software. BizTalk itself was already about 660 Megabytes, and for something that is easily a fifth the size of the entire Windows 10 Operating System, I thought that BizTalk ought to be able to run without needing additional specialized software.
I recently discovered that .asmx pages happen to show up when I tried to Add a Web Reference. Instead of giving me an error about connectivity, I received an error stemming from how I had duplicate web.config files in the same solution thanks to trying so many different approaches without success and not clearing them out.
I haven't really looked much into MVCs because the tutorials I go through don't really show how you use MVCs to test the existing code of one of the various aspx pages that my company wants to have Unit Tested.
I think I was having success with [this][2] tutorial, but trying to run a asmx file I created gave me the "Not well formed" error, and my Command Prompt doesn't recognize me as administrator, even though Control Panel says I have admin privileges, which seems to be a large impediment to applying the different work-arounds. However, after using "Clean Solution" several times and deleting other projects from the solution, I was able to run the asmx file after all. However, now I'm stuck on the end of the 2nd step where a batch file (.bat) is supposed to be creating a .cs file in the Bin folder from the .asmx page.
I've gotten to where the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt is okay with both 'wsdl' and 'wsdl.exe' no longer give the:
wsdl/wsdl.exe "is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file" error.
The contents of my batch file are:
wsdl /l:CS /n:WService /out:bin/wsdlWalkthrough.cs
Since I'm trying to follow the steps of an article old enough to have graduated elementary school, the syntax may easily have changed. Instead, now I get the error:
'http:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program, or batch file.
I'm going to make this one into a question in and of itself, because this question was if there was a smooth, simple, cost-free way of setting up a Unit Test for an ASP.Net Web Site, not specifically to answer any of my problems, though such would be received with much gratitude.
[Another tutorial][3] might yet provide me a solution, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
UPDATE 2/29/2016
With assistance from Stack Overflow's ever so helpful ChristiFati, I was able to get through Dimitrios Markatos' Creating and Consuming .NET Web Services in 5 Easy Steps which can be found at http://www.sitepoint.com/net-web-services-5-steps-3/ The article may be over a decade old, but it was still by far the easiest method I came across in my week or two of trying to figure out a way to add a reference, or in this case Add Web Reference that I came across. Two things to be careful of though. The first is that if you copy and paste code directly from the tutorial, you might end up with errors because the batch files you make will have an extra newline character, which caused the Developer Command Prompt for VS2012 I was using to run the .bat file to give me the
'http:' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program, or batch file.
error. Thanks again to ChristiFati for pointing that out for me. Similarly, the instructions for Step 3 give you the following code for a second .bat file:
csc /t:library /out:binGetSuppliers.dll binGetSuppliers.cs
/reference:System.dll,System.Data.dll,System.Web.dll, System.Web.Services.dll,System.XML.dll /optimize
Besides eliminating the white-space and newline characters, the above code should probably look more along the lines of:
csc /t:library /out:bin/GetSuppliers.dll bin\GetSuppliers.cs
/reference:System.dll,System.Data.dll,System.Web.dll, System.Web.Services.dll,System.XML.dll /optimize
But aside from that, the tutorial was a gift from God after all the dead ends I had come across. I'm judging my question answered because the critical issue was being able to give my Unit Test a Reference, whether a normal reference or Web Reference. I do not anticipate any more major difficulties and hopefully I will be able to finally proceed to Unit Testing for one of our ASP Web Sites. If not, this post will be edited to describe the newest problem.
Well, this is ridiculous. I'm able to add the Web Reference just fine, but doing so seems to have done diddly-squat for being able to reference the different .cs pages anywhere inside the ASP.NET Web Site. Does anyone have a way to get a Unit Test to be able to reference code/classes within an ASP.NET Web Site?
UPDATE 3/8/2016
There is a somewhat simple solution to the problem in placing all the functionality of your website into a DLL. Once that is done, right-click on the Unit Test project and select Add Reference. The DLL didn't show up on any of the tabs, but I was able to select the appropriate DLL by clicking on Browse.
Still, if there's any other ways to set up Unit Tests from an existing ASP Web Site where such a DLL doesn't exist.
My Visual Studio 2013 Solution
[2]: http: //www.sitepoint.com/net-web-services-5-steps- 2/
[3]: https: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731835%28v=vs.100%29. aspx

Team Foundation Server check-in check-out

My team currently uses Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 6.0 as the source control for our team project. Recently we decided the switch to the latest source control technologies such as Team Foundation Server.
SourceSafe has check-in/check-out functionality which works in this way: when I check-out a file, any other team member cannot edit the file until I check-in. Now I am playing with team foundation server, and I am looking for the similar functionality in TFS. But it looks like even if I check-out a file, other team member can still edit and check-in the file. So when I want to check-in my own file I have to resolve all conflicts as now server has different version than I have.
Can anyone tell me if is it possible in TFS to lock a file before editing, thus preventing other users to edit that file and avoiding all merge and resolving conflict issues?
I tried ‘Get latest version of item on check out’ option. But this does not work for local workspace. So if I enable this option, and do check-in, it completely removes changes in my local file that I am intended to check-in and replaces it with latest server copy.
Can anyone give me any suggestion?
Thank you.
This link might be helpful for this, I believe setting off "Multiple checkout" will do what you want.

Where are project settings in a Visual Studio website actually stored?

Working with a website (as opposed to a web application) in VS2010 so there is no csproj file. Right-clicking on the "Site" node in Solution Explorer and choosing "Property Pages" brings up a dialog with References, Build, Accessibility, Start Options, MSBuild Options and Silverlight Applications. You can make changes in these pages, close Visual Studio, turn off the computer, go home, spend quality time with your family, get a good night's sleep, return to work the next morning, turn your computer on, make a coffee, shoot the breeze about last night's episode of Fringe, log in, start up Visual Studio, open that website, and PRESTO! Most of those settings are still there.
This, despite the fact that there is no trace of those settings anywhere outside the hallowed pixels of the dialog box itself. Certainly not in any files in the website folder. Not in the solution file, for solution file there is none. A slightly desperate search of the Registry found nothing. Where are these settings being persisted? Are they stored in the cloud? Written into the gaps between bytes in the NTFS file system? Perhaps sent over TCP port 666 into the far-flung reaches of Hell itself, to be scratched with hot, rusty nails into the tortured flesh of the eternally-damned by impassive demons with dead, black eyes.
Any advice much appreciated.
There is an SLN file, just not where you expected it. For Web Site projects they are created in your default Projects location e.g. C:\Users\username\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\YourWebSite\YourWebSite.sln (or wherever you have your default Projects location set up in Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions).
Great aren't they these website projects? What an awesome idea they were.
I just ran into this and found none of the answers given here were correct for references. These were stored using .dll.refresh files - which we can add to source control.
Ref. question here: What is a dll.refresh file in ASP.Net?
They're stored in the solution file.
The references are stored in Web.config and the Bin\ folder.
The settings get saved to the the solution and project files (.sln, .csproj). If you open the file(s) in Notepad, you'll see the various settings listed in XML format. Some settings might be stored in the user settings file (.csproj.user), like certain debugging options, etc.
In your case, since this is a web site project, disregard the parts of my answer referring to the project file. I'm going to leave it in there though, just in case it can be useful to someone else in the future.

ASP.NET MVC: How should it work with subversion?

So, I have an asp.net mvc app that is being worked on by multiple developers in differing capacities. This is our first time working on a mvc app and my first time working with .NET. Our app does not have a lot of unit tests in it...
The problem we are having is trying to keep each other from overwriting each others changes. For example:
Two developers are both working on the app and Jon (not his real name) makes a change to a controller, compiles a new dll, and checks in his stuff (both the controller and the dll.) Our svn system automatically updates our DEV server with the changes that Jon just made.
Clyde (also not a real name) also makes a change right about the same time but did not update the code with Jon's change and commits a new dll thereby "forgetting" about Jon's change.
This happens a lot. The question I'm asking is more of a workflow question - how do we solve this issue? Is it just a matter of Clyde needing to be more careful? Can anybody recommend a decent process for us to use?
You don't check in the DLL's. Exclude the bin folder from Subversion in its entirety. It's the .cs files that matter and that will be compiled locally on every computer that checks out the code from Subversion. If your deployment script don't compile the code but is just a simple xcopy statement, you need to either introduce csc to the script or implement a continuous integration system like TeamCity.
The issue you describe is already handled by subversion. When Clyde tries to commit his changes subversion will detect the conflict and offer him the possibility to merge his changes.
This is exactly the scenario that Subversion and other version control systems are designed to avoid. When Clyde checks in, he should get an "out-of-date" error and his commit should fail, thereby forcing him to update his working copy and get Jon's changes before he can commit his own.
Check out the SVN video tutorials from dime casts. These show you best practices like how to setup your project, and how to do the "check in dance" which will avoid the situation you ran into/
I've used Subersion and .NET application together. Basically what we learned was that you should always do an update to your working copy before making a checkin. That way, any changes made by other developers will be brought down to your working copy and any merge conflicts will be quickly known to you. You can then fix the merge conflicts, checkin and continue to work. If your second developer then updates their working code, the first developers merged code will be brought down and the process will be repeated.
Hope this helps.
ignore the folders bin and obj, but we have bin and Bin.
use svn:ignore
