changing the text in a toolbar with pywinauto - toolbar

I have a file selection window from an windows application I'm trying to automate.
I can change the File name box at the bottom by using
app2.window(title_re='Select a batch file') \
I have previously entered the full filepath and filename in to the lower box, however, it will no longer accept slashes in the File name box after a windows update. Hence the problem.
So the problem is the top (directory/folder name) box.
Manually I can select the box, highlight it then overtype the directory.
I cannot find a way to do this using pywinauto.
Methods attempted are:
toolbar2 = app2.window(title_re='Select a batch file') # \
# .child_window(title_re='Address', auto_id='1001')
# .child_window(title_re='Address', control_type="ToolBar", auto_id='1001')
file_path_address = toolbar2['Address band toolbarToolbar'].click_input()
# ToolbarWrapper(toolbar2).set_text(directory_path)
# ToolbarWrapper(toolbar2).click(button='All locationsSplitButton').set_text(directory_path)
# ToolbarWrapper(toolbar2)['Address:'].set_text(directory_path)
I'm using set_text as the automation must run behind a locked screen, type_keys does not work with a locked screen as type_keys is a keyboard method and Windows blocks keyboard entry when the screen is locked.
I have no access to the internals of the program being automated in order to change the original directory path and need to change it to read in from a different location.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

See below code, It runs fine with Notepad++ on Win 10
import time
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application().Connect(title=u'Open', class_name='#32770')
window = app.Dialog
toolbarwindow = window.Toolbar3
static = window.Edit2
directory_path = "C:\Users\Desktop"
raw_directory_path = r'{}'.format(directory_path)
static.set_edit_text(text = raw_directory_path)

you can use right click then edit the field
toolbar2['Address band toolbarToolbar'].click_input(button="right")
app2.PopupMenu.child_window(title="Edit address", control_type="MenuItem").click_input()
app2.child_window(title="Address", control_type="Edit").set_edit_text(directory_path)


GNAT GPS: Add a custom command

I would like to know if it is possible to add a custom command to the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS)?
If the custom command is invoked (by a button in the menu bar or a keyboard shortcut) an external Python script should be called with the full/absolute path to the file that is opened and selected in the editor.
This is a quick-and-dirty script that might give some direction. I tested it on Linux, but it should also work on Windows. Change the action near the end to invoke the script you like. To actually use it, you must put it in the (hidden) .gps/plug-ins directory which can be found in your home directory. The actual action can be invoked from the context menu in the source code window.
"""Run Python Script
This plug-in executes a python script.
# No user customization below this line
import os, sys
import GPS
from gps_utils import interactive
def __contextualMenuFilter(context):
# Check if the context is generated by the source editor
if not (context.module_name == "Source_Editor"):
return False
# If all OK, show the menu item in the context menu.
return True
def __contextualMenuLabel(context):
# Get current buffer
name = context.file().name()
basename = os.path.basename(name)
# Name of the menu item.
return "Run Python script for <b>{}</b>".format(basename)
name ="Run Python script",
contextual = __contextualMenuLabel,
filter = __contextualMenuFilter)
def on_activate():
# If modified, then save before proceeding.
eb = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
if eb.is_modified:
# Run the action (defined below).
GPS.parse_xml ("""
<action name="my_script">
<external output="Output of my_script">python3 /home/deedee/ %F</external>
</action>""") (some test script)
import sys
print ("Running script {0} for {1}".format(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1]));
output (shown in GPS on a new tab named "Output of my_script")
python3 /home/deedee/ /home/deedee/example/src/main.adb
Running script /home/deedee/ for /home/deedee/example/src/main.adb
Some relevant info from the GNAT Studio (formerly GPS) documentation:
15.5.2. Defining Actions
15.5.3. Macro arguments Redirecting the output of spawned processes
17. Scripting API reference for GPS

Jupyter (Lab): Browsing the remote file system inside a notebook

I have several Jupyter notebooks which perform analysis on datasets. Right now, a dataset is specified by its filename. Every time the user wants to perform analysis on a new dataset, she/he has to edit the appropriate line in the notebook and modify dataset path string. The datasets can be located in different directories. The notebooks can also be located in different directories. In each notebook I would like to provide a widget that allows the user to browse the remote file system and pick the dataset he/she wants to analyse.
Are there any open source projects that support the above functionality? I am looking for something that is still active/supported and has some basic documentation. I did quick search on Google and surprisingly I didn't find anything.
Then I realised that JupyterLab, the evolution of Jupyter, has something very similar to what I want. It already has a very capable file browser but it is a bit "isolated" from everything else.
Is it possible somehow to get the relative (to the currently opened notebook) path of the selected file in the JupyterLab file browser?
Thank you.
Here's code for a server-side file browsing widget. Only tested in regular Jypter notebook - not Jupyter Lab. Also, must use a fairly recent version. Hope this helps.
import sys
import os
import ipywidgets as ui
from IPython.display import display
class PathSelector():
def __init__(self,start_dir,select_file=True):
self.file = None
self.select_file = select_file
self.cwd = start_dir = ui.SelectMultiple(options=['init'],value=(),rows=10,description='')
self.accord = ui.Accordion(children=[])
self.accord.selected_index = None # Start closed (showing path only)
def on_update(self,change):
if len(change['new']) > 0:
def refresh(self,item):
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cwd,item))
if os.path.isfile(path):
if self.select_file:
self.file = path
self.accord.selected_index = None
else: = ()
else: # os.path.isdir(path)
self.file = None
self.cwd = path
# Build list of files and dirs
keys = ['[..]'];
for item in os.listdir(path):
if item[0] == '.':
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,item)):
# Sort and create list of output values
vals = []
for k in keys:
if k[0] == '[':
vals.append(k[1:-1]) # strip off brackets
# Update widget
self.accord.set_title(0,path) = list(zip(keys,vals))
with = ()
f = PathSelector('/some/data')

How to change the xterm icon in xfce4?

To clarify, I mean the icon that is displayed when the app is running (e.g. inside the dock).
With trial and error, I found out that it uses "/usr/share/pixmap/xfce4-terminal.xpm" as the icon (tested by replacing this file with some other icon).
I was unable to find where it maps the running xterm to this icon.
If I copy the xterm binary to a different name and run that one, it gets a different icon, which shows that there is a possibility to change it.
I already tried setting the "xterm*iconPixmap:" resource, but that appears to have no effect at all.
You could try using xseticon
usage: xseticon [options] path/to/icon.png
-name : apply icon to the window of the name supplied
-id : apply icon to the window id supplied
Sets the window icon to the specified .png image. The image is loaded from
the file at runtime and sent to the X server; thereafter the file does not
need to exist, and can be deleted/renamed/modified without the X server or
window manager noticing.
If no window selection option is specified, the window can be interactively
selected using the cursor.
Hints: xseticon -id "$WINDOWID" path/to/icon.png Will set the icon for an xterm.
********** EDIT **********
I think you need the imagemagick program installed to access the convert command. Then, find an icon that you like and convert it to an xbm file:
convert /path/to/icon/file /path/to/xterm.xbm
Create an ~/.Xresources file with the following content:
xterm*iconPixmap: /path/to/xterm.xbm
Then merge in the ~/Xresources file:
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
The update came from:
I finally managed to do by setting *iconHint on the xterm resource.
The value needs to be a path to an .xpm file WITHOUT the extension.
X resources that you want to be loaded at login time need to go into an ~/.Xdefaults file.
So a complete solution for an icon my-xterm.xpm would be:
mkdir ~/.icons
mv my-xterm.xpm ~/.icons/
echo 'xterm*iconHint: '$HOME'/.icons/my-xterm' >> ~/.Xdefaults
If you want your changed ~/.Xdefaults to become active without logging in, run xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
If you just want one xterm to have a different icon, you can start the xterm like this:
xterm -xrm 'xterm*iconHint: /full/path/to/icon' …
Not 100% sure that changing the .desktop file would help in XFCE. But it's a worth a shot.
Find the path to your local icons, here is in the sub path of
Then simply copy the .desktop file to you home dir eg:
cp /usr/share/applications/xterm-color.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
Then edit the .dekstop fil in an editor, there is a line like this:
Replace this with a icon name from your icons path and logout and back in and you should be good to go. (The icon should not have the file extention like .png or .svg).

Displaying 2nd Window Issue

I am dealing with 2 windows . One is created by Qt Designer and i import it
on program . what i did i make a Widget on the test program and
than add a button to it and on click event I try to popup the other
window( created by Qt Designer but it never pop ups and when i use
break and do line by line debugging it shows me this message after running
this command "myapp2 = MyForm()" on line number 35 .
QCoreApplication::exec: The event loop is already running
and once i pressed enter on the terminal it pop up the other window .
I am confuse where i am wrong .
The reason the other window doesn't appear, is because you are not keeping a reference to it, and so it gets garbage-collected immediately after it is shown.
To fix the problem, you could either store the window instance it as an attribute, or give it a parent:
def local_manag(self):
print "pressed"
# store it as an attribute
self.myapp2 = MyForm()
# or give it a parent
# myapp2 = MyForm(self)

Specify a Directory for Save in Mathematica

Considering :
ALLdwafDif[#] & /# symmetries
Save["ALLL.m", ALLL]
Is there a way to save the results in a particular directory ? It automatically save the results in my user directory now.
The current working directory is given by Directory[]. You can set it by SetDirectory[]. Alternatively, you can append the directory name to ALLL.m and it works.
f = 5;
Save["~/Desktop/temp.m", f]
does what you'd expect (~ is a shortcut for home directory on most Unices, and mma respects it, so this gets saved on my desktop)
If you want to change the default working directory permanently you can add something like SetDirectory["new_dir"]; to one of the files $BaseDirectory/Kernel/init.m or $UserBaseDirectory/Kernel/init.m (which one depends on whether you want to change the default directory for all users or for the current user only). Next time you restart Mathematica, Directory[] will then automatically be set to new_dir.
Save[SystemDialogInput["FileSave", "All.m"], ALLL]
brings up a standard system save-file dialog box and saves your file after you've chosen a location (and a new file name if you have chosen one).
I find it useful to save data in the same location as the notebook:
f = 5;
Save[FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "f.dat"}], f]
Or to save in your (default) Dropbox directory:
Save[FileNameJoin[{$HomeDirectory, "Dropbox", "f.dat"}], f]
I rarely use the directory stack that's controlled by SetDirectory[] and friends.
