I'm running some TestFx test cases that work fine in my local for headless mode and headful mode but for some reason when the same test runs in jenkins in headless mode only I receive the following message on lines where some buttons are clicked.
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.testfx.service.locator.BoundsLocatorException: bounds are not visible in Scene
Does anyone know why this would happen?
These are my headless properties....
testfx.robot", "glass"
"testfx.headless", "true"
prism.order", "sw"
prism.text", "t2k"
headless.geometry", "1600x1200-32
So my issue was caused by Jenkins having a different screen size and I was able to avoid the exceptions by hard coding the application dimensions when running in Jenkins
i am currently running robot tests using sikuli library(for a desktop application) on a virtual machine in azure.
I have problems with mouse not clicking intended image. and i get the error below.
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]
but after move is `L(210,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]`
Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.
[log] CLICK on L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152] (562 msec)
Could someone help me how to solve this issue. i tried running the script as an admin and also checked resolution but still doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
That message is thrown usually because lack of privileges. If you tried running the program vía command line, try to create a new user with Administrative privileges. Later, execute the program with Shift + Left Click --> Run as ... and enter the new credentials. That should work.
I have configured the WatchKit App to run in my project (WatchOS2).
When I try to run it into the simulator the WatchKit App start perfectly, but each times I'm trying to start the iOS app, this one crash.
The simulator's log show me that :
com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.5F243C10-E98D-4A20-8950-2742FE6CABD5.launchd_sim[13288] (UIKitApplication:com.MyCompany.MyProject[0x847][13496]): Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
All of my code in the application delegate is in comment. just enough to start
If I build and use my main app target with the same simulator setting, that works nicely. it just when I build and run the watchkit extension target.
I tried to clean everything (derived data, simulator setting and contents).
I know, it is not the simulator, because with a new project, the issue is not here. it might be something set somewhere ??
but nothing works, any idea ?.
Your application aborted, likely due to a failed assertion. You should look at the crash log (in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports) for more details.
I have create a Hello-->World Meteor demo app that uses Neo4j and Dmitriy Aristarkhovich's Neo4j Reactivity, with a hobby database running on GrapheneDB.com. The source is available on GitHub.
I have deployed the demo app to Meteor.com, where it is running in debug mode here. However, the deployed version fails to connect to the GrapheneDB database *.
When I run the app on http://localhost:3000, everything works fine. (That is, clicking on the button changes its title from "Hello" to "World" and back again). When I run it on Meteor.com, it shows "Not found" when you click, showing that no database connection was created.
What debugging techniques can I use to identify the cause of the problem?
EDIT: *It turns out to be a latency issue when the connection is first made over the Internet. If you wait a second or so, then all works well.
I want to debug my test using Velocity and Mocha, using breakpoints and REPL instead of console.logs.
For debugging my app code I can start my Meteor app with the NODE_OPTIONS='--debug' flag, and then bind the debugger like node debug localhost:5858. This doesn't work for the mirror, although its log says debugger listening on port 5858 (both main app and mirror logs say that).
How can I debug it?
Use meteor debug instead of meteor run to start your meteor application. It will add the node inspector package to your running Meteor app so that you can debug it. Node inspector works by hooking into your running Meteor server
On localhost, the app works just fine.
On EC2, the app runs behind nginx. It loads into the browser, but nothing shows up. The browser console displays an Error
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'Package["service-configuration"].ServiceConfiguration')
I have no idea how to tackle this problem. Any help appreciated.
NGINX is not the problem. The same behavior if I access meteor server directly.
Running "meteor add service-configuration" does fix the above mentioned error, but the absence of the error does not fix the observed behavior, that the app does not render on EC2 whereas it does render when started on localhost. (The error message was the only visible difference between EC2 and localhost. So I suspected that would be the cause. Now that hypothesis must be wrong.) So the problem still persists.
Problem Solved. The Lesson:
Meteor has a debug mode and a production mode. The two may behave differently. On localhost, meteor runs in debug mode per default. On deploy to meteor.com or per mup, the default is production mode. To run meteor in production mode on localhost, run meteor --production.
It looks like you're trying to access the service-configuration configs on your browser.
These are not available client side. This also affects your localhost app but it doesn't break your app (doesn't give you a blank page) because meteor is in debug mode.
In debug mode Meteor files are not concatenated so an error like this would go unnoticed, even if it is thrown on your js console. In production mode the error would halt the rest of your script (since everything is concatenated into a single file)
You need to ensure the code that is doing this only runs on the server side. In general it's not a good idea to have access to the service configuration data on the client side.
Looks like Arunoda and crew are adding a buildOptions.debug setting to the next version of MUP, which should allow you to deploy via MUP and have it act like it's running on localhost. See Arunoda's answer to a related question and (at least for now) documentation for the development version of MUP.