Is it normal for Kibana to load 131 js files? - kibana

Looking at chrome network tab, Kibana loads 131 js files.
Is this a normal behavior for Kibana in production?
Can I bundle all these js somehow?


Cloudflare Pages failing to load css / styling. Loading module was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”)

I am converting an Astro app to Sveltekit that's hosted on Cloudflare pages. The local dev and builds work fine however on deploy the Tailwind styling isn't applying. The classes are in the html but without any css actually applied.
Loading module from “” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
Loading failed for the module with source “”.
The above picture is the console output on the deployment. I have my personal website hosted with Sveltekit on Cloudflare Pages and didn't have any problems. So the possible reasons I can think of is that this app is a monorepo app but the app works fine just has no css. Although I think there's some issue with reaching the app.css file.
Some other points that might matter
I have vitest and playwright set up from the initial project creation but there's no tests actually made for them.
I'm using the #sveltejs/cloudflare-adapter. I am also using +page.server.ts files to load data but I don't see why that would affect the styling
Any help would be great thanks!
I ran into the same issue today on an existing project. I bumped down the package version of the Cloudflare adapter:
"#sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare": "^1.1.0"
This solved it for me.

Live code sync for a remote FTP site?

I develop on a remotely hosted site that I push files to via SFTP. I would like to set up my site so that I can see any CSS and HTML changes reflected immediately without the need to manually refresh my browser. I've looked at using mixture and browser sync for this but they appear to only work on locally hosted sites. Any suggestions on how to go about setting this up on remotely hosted project?
You might want to try "Emmet LiveStyle", this is a plugin for Chrome and for Sublime Text editor that lets you live code CSS (not HTML) and changes are reflected immediately without the need to refresh the browser.
Then you can use "Sublime SFTP" package for Sublime Text to automatically upload CSS files on save.
I use this setup and it works perfectly.

CSS : Failed to load resource in chrome

I have a django site running locally. Everything seems ok except the CSS files that can not be loaded by Chrome. I can see a Failed to load resource error in the console.
The site is ok in firefox
The site is ok if I get the css not from the local server but from the production server
The css source can be viewed correctly
I have no special blocker plugin install
The css is rather big but I still have the issue if I use a very short file
I have similar issues with some js files (ckeditor)
It works of with some other css and js (admin css for example)
The django app has been developped with 1.0 and I am in the process of moving it to 1.4. The css and js files are served as media
Any idea?
Didn't find the real cause but the problem is solved. Maybe because it was served as media and now it is served as a static.

html5 boilerplate issue in chrome 16.0.912.63

Does anyone else experience issues with html5 boilerplate with chrome 16.0.912.63? Just downloaded it and when I open index.html it takes about 40 seconds to render. Looking in Chrome developer tools it appears that the protocol relative url
is causing the issue. If I add the http: to the URL it seems to retrieve jquery in a reasonable amount of time, but then the modernizr.js script has issues retrieving ga.js.
I assume there are many people using boilerplate with Chrome, but I didn't see anything on the boilerplate site that indicates this a common problem. Is it possible I have configured something incorrectly?
I think boilerplate explain this issue here They recommend to use local dev server instead of using file:/// schema to avoid this issue.
On Unix systems go to your terminal and navigate to your project and type:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
index.html page will be on http://localhost:8000
On Windows, copy the Mongoose executable to your project folder and launch it. index.html page will be on http://localhost:8080

How to add stylesheet for web part in MOSS/Sharepoint 2007

I am migrating a web part from 2003 to 2007. The web part originally used styles from a modified core style sheet. I now want to create a separate stylesheet just for this web part.
I have tried to use
but this results in a HTTP 401 and I have to log in (NTLM is enabled). I also have some javascript files which get successfully loaded from that same location. If I enter the url directly I get the 401 for the CSS file but not for the JS files.
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
Probably a long shot but have you checked the file permissions for mystyles.css in comparison to the JavaScript files?
