Google forms input validation for addresses - google-forms

I was wondering if there's a way for me to validate the input of a Google forms to ensure that it's a valid zip-code?
I have a list with all the valid zip-codes, so validation from a list is also fine.
Would really appreciate any help (as I've spent much time of my life trying to figure this out).

You should use the Response Validation option
In the field you can add the list of your zip-codes separated by the | sign enclosed in parenthesis.


Multiple Google Calendars, script to change calendars based on event name

I am trying to create a work around for Google not allowing anyone to add to a global calendar, so I started doing research and found eventbot, which allows me to add a meeting based on an email that I send.
Here is what I imagine, but I don't know how to work it.
I have two different global calendars
Using a QR Code and that email address eventbot gave me, the code is scanned, the type in the needed subject line, and the event is created on my personal calendar.
Here comes where I am in need of advice:
Each event will have a phrase (Sisters/Brothers), if my calendar sees the word "Sisters", it will change the default calendar from my personal to the "Sisters" Calendar, or "Brothers" same thing.
It seems like a simple enough task, I am just not familiar enough with Google to know where to start, or to put my script in my google account. I also don't know if there is an API I could use.
Has anyone else thought of this? Any ideas on where to begin?
I found something that works better for me and is a better approch, but doesn't answer my original question:

design issue when no textbox delimiter is present

I Got a design question pertaining to just my issue. My client asked me to have just 1 big text box in a pop up.Beneath it i have labels that user can see(Equipname,(LL,BB,PA),ClientName,Personnel). So he has to enter equipment name,either of(LL,BB,PA) ,cname,pname. An example row can look like "75 LL XYZCompany John". There is no delimiter between the entries. How can I make sure he is entering the corresponding values correctly. I mean instead of entering "XYZCompanyname" , he enters "John" and for john he enters xyzcompanyname..what then?I gave them multiple textboxes first,but they did not want it. any idea how to proceed?
I see no way of validating or ensuring the integrity of what is entered by only using one textbox for multiple fields, especially without some kind delimiter.
From experience with non-technical clients who sometimes want odd implementations like this, my suggestion would be to stick to your guns and provide proper input fields that you can validate and explain clearly to them the consequences that having invalid data can have.
Not to mention that when implementing it the way the customer wants it now and when it inevitably falls apart, the fingers are going to be pointed at you for 'not doing your job' correctly.

Google Analytics custom variables, data fed via URL

I've been asked to set-up some custom variables but as I'm new to it, have no idea on how to get started. I have researched as much as I can but am getting confused.
Here's what I need to do:
An app generates a unique URL in the form I then need the custom variables from the URL ('UserID',
'BookTitle' and 'DateAndTime') to be passed to Google Analytics so I can track which users of the app are visiting the page at that URL.
I've looked into setting up custom variables but don't understand if I need 3 separate lines of code for the 3 separate variables nor how I can pass the various elements of the URL through to these.
Can anyone shed any light on how I might go about doing this?
Many thanks for any help in advance.
Never mind. It turns out this kind of usage is against Google Analytics' TOS.
Going about it a different way by asking the user for some info up-front instead.
Google's ToS has changed. You can do this now as long as the UserID is internal to you and cannot be used to identify the customer (by Google).

Google Analytics One Page Order Form

Having looked through the questions already on SO, I can't seem to find the answer on how to track a form that has multiple steps on one page. I saw an example that Google gives but could not really understand the way they were presenting it. What we have is a one page order form and need to track the users that come from a website and end up ordering. the whole ordering process is done with one file so I don't know how to track whether or not someone has actually completed the order. Any help would be great, even directing me to better examples than what Google has shown to me.
Thank you
Just call the JS function _gaq.push([trackPageview,'/form/stepXX']); each time the process reaches a new step.
You can pass any text string you want as a parameter.
Then you can configure a Goal and a funnel in GA with all the major steps of process
You can also track Events in case of errors for example.
(this uses the GA Async syntax)

ASP.NET Variable issues

I have some terribly written ASP.NET code that is just not working right (go figure).
I'm charged with maintaining and bug fixing this code, but I can barely make head or high water of it
Unfortunately I don't have the time to rewrite it.
If someone could help this would be great:
(the code): given to you here (some minimal obfuscation necessary):
What it's supposed to do:
Receives an order from a shopping cart application, and creates a table of textboxes based on the quantity of said object ordered.
Once the whole thing is validated (submit_Click()), then it reveals a div with further instructions and grays out the input fields so you can still see what was entered, but can't affect anymore. Emails are sent to each inputted email address.
What it actually does:
Receives the order, and correctly displays the inputs. On Submit, all of the "required field validators fire - if they are Vaild, then the comparison validators fire. SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE, it all goes south."
All of the input areas in the table except the first user disappear. if the comparisons success, then it postsback, and the first user is there (greyed out) and the other users are gone. if the comparisons fail, then it doesn't successfully postback, and stays on the input form, but all of the input fields except the first user still disappear
I know this is a little too specific to be a really well formed Stack Overflow question, but I've tried to break it down to things I think were wrong and I asked other questions that were more specific to try to fix it. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked. The code got better, but the whole thing is still broken. At this point I'm desperate.
If anyone could help, it would be a huge lifesaver. Thanks in advance for all of you who pour through this terrible code (and terrible question) for even a minute...
I guess the problem could be due to this line.
Session["quantity"] =(null != Request["quantity1"]) ? Request["quantity1"].ToString() : "1";
Do you have a field (hidden/input) named quantity1 on the form?
Is it being passed to querystring or as part of form item collection?
It will be 1 (when the form posts back to itself) & hence the loop will only run once.
