Is there a way to specify partials for an Exec Comp? - openmdao

Looking into the class, I'm seeing that by default it looks like they're complex stepped. Is there a way to specify an analytical partial?
I've got some code that has a lot of essentially one liner explicit comps with analytical partials specified. Is there any real performance benefit to that over an ExecComp? Or with simple functions does work out to roughly the same?

There's currently no way to specify analytic partials for ExecComps and you're right that they're complex-stepped.
The short answer to your next question is that for simple functions there's no meaningful performance benefit using explicit components over ExecComp. This is because complex-step computes derivatives within machine precision when using an adequately small step size, which OpenMDAO does. The actual computational cost of performing the complex-step, for one-liners, is generally trivial.
The longer answer involves a few considerations, such as the sizes of the component's input and output arrays, the sparsity pattern of the Jacobian, and the cost of the actual compute function. If you want, I can go into more detail about these considerations and suggest which method to use for your problems.
[Edit: I've updated the figure with results for this compute: y=sum(log(x)/x**2+3*log(x)]
I've added a figure below showing the cost for computing derivatives of a component as we change the size of the input array to that component. The analytic component is slightly faster across the board, but requires more lines of code.
Basically, whichever method is easier to implement is probably advantageous as there's not a huge cost difference. For this extremely simple compute function, because it's so inexpensive, the framework overhead probably has a larger impact on cost than the actual derivative computation. Of course these trends are also problem dependent.


Avoiding singularity in analysis - does OpenMDAO automatically enable 'fully-simultaneous' solution?

Turbulent boundary layer calculations break down at the point of flow separation when solved with a prescribed boundary layer edge velocity, ue, in what is called the direct method.
This can be alleviated by solving the system in a fully-simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous manner. Details about both methods are available here (, pages 38 onwards. Essentially, the fully-simultaneous method combines the inviscid and viscous equations into a single large system of equations, and solves them with Newton iteration.
I have currently implemented an inviscid panel solver entirely in ExplicitComponents. I intend to implement the boundary layer solver also entirely with ExplicitComponents. I am unsure whether coupling these two groups would then result in an execution procedure like the direct method, or whether it would work like the fully-simultaneous method. I note that in the OpenMDAO paper, it is stated that the components are solved "as a single nonlinear system of equations", and that the reformulation from explicit components to the implicit system is handled automatically by OpenMDAO.
Does this mean that if I couple my two analyses (again, consisting purely of ExplicitComponents) and set the group to solve with the Newton solver, I'll get a fully-simultaneous solution 'for free'? This seems too good to be true, as ultimately the component that integrates the boundary layer equations will have to take some prescribed ue as an input, and then will run into the singularity in the execution of its compute() method.
If doing the above would instead make it execute like the direct method and lead to the singularity, (briefly) what changes would I need to make to avoid it? Would it require defining the boundary layer components implicitly?
despite seeming too good to be true, you can in fact change the structure of your system by changing out the top level solver.
If you used a NonlinearBlockGS solver at the tope, it would solve in the weak form. If you used a NewtonSolver at the top, it would solve as one large monolithic system. This property does indeed derive from the unique structure of how OpenMDAO stores things.
There are some caveats. I would guess that your panel code is implemented as a set of intermediate calculations broken up across several components. If thats the case, then the NewtonSolver will be treating each intermediate variable as it it was its own state variable. In other words, you would have more than just delta and u_e as states, but also all the intermediate calculations too.
This is might be somewhat unstable (though it might work just fine, so try it!). You might need a hybrid between the weak and strong forms, that can be achieved via the solve_subsystems option on the NewtonSolver. This approach, is called the Hierarchical Newton Method in section 5.1.2 of the OpenMDAO paper. It will do a sub-iteration of NLBGS for every top level Newton iteration. This acts as a form of nonlinear preconditioner which can help stabilize the strong form. You can limit ho many sub-iterations are done, and in your case you may want to use just 2 or 3 because of the risk of singularity.

How to setup nested driver/ optimizer?

I'm pretty new to OpenMDAO. If would like to setup my problem such that there is a subdiscipline that is driven by its own optimizer, and it hands off the results to the top level problem, where a separate optimizer will use those results.
For a bit more context, the sub-problem is trajectory optimization of a vehicle. I successfully got that problem to converge in a few iterations, without varying the vehicle parameters (mass, thrust, fuel etc.). So far so good. However, if I let the optimizer also vary some vehicle parameters, it can't seem to get it to go to the global optimum.
So my thought was to let trajectory optimization subproblem do what it does succesfully, and incorporate that as subproblem to the overall problem, and see if that works better.
So my question is:
Can an OpenMDAO problem have multiple drivers?
What's the right way to set that up? Do I wrap my subproblem into its own ExplicitComponent?
While this is possible, solving a problem in this way will not pass accurate analytic derivatives between the system design and the trajectory design.
We've developed another tool specifically for the purpose of doing multidisciplinary optimization which involves trajectory optimization. Dymos
It supports pseudospectral methods (like those in GPOPS, PSOPT, and OTIS) as well as shooting methods, and it allows a trajectory to be optimized as part of a larger system optimization problem.
Take a look at some of the example problems and see if it might work for you.

Algorithmic Differentiation vs Multiple Explicit Components with Analytical Derivatives

I have a problem composed of around 6 mathematical expressions - i.e. (f(g(z(y(x))))) where x are two independent arrays.
I can divide this expression into multiple explicit comps with analytical derivatives or use an algorithmic differentiation method to get the derivatives which reduces the system to a single explicit component.
As far as i understand it is not easy to tell in advance the possible computational performance difference between these 2 approaches.
It might depend on the algorithmic differentiation tools capabilities on the reverse mode case but maybe the system will be very large with multiple explicit components that it would still be ok to use algo diff.
my questions is :
Is algo diff. a common tool being used by any of the developers/users ?
I found AlgoPY but not sure about other python tools.
As of OpenMDAO v2.4 the OpenMDAO development team has not heavily used AD tools on any pure-python components. We have experimented with it a bit and found roughly a 2x increase in computational vs hand differentiated components. While some computational cost increase is expected, I do not want to indicate that I expect 2x to be the final rule of thumb. We simply don't have enough data to provide such an estimate.
Python based AD tools are much less well developed than those for compiled languages. The dynamic typing and general language flexibility both make it much more challenging to write good AD tools.
We have interfaced OpenMDAO with compiled codes that use AD, such as CFD and FEA tools. In these cases you're always using the matrix-free derivative APIs for OpenMDAO (apply_linear and compute_jacvec_product).
If your component is small enough to fit in memory and fast enough to run on a single process, I suggest you hand differentiate your code. That will give you the best overall performance for now.
AD support for small serial components is something we'll look into supporting in the future, but we don't have anything to offer you in the near term (as of OpenMDAO v2.4)

How to test Math-related units?

I'm giving TDD a serious try today and have found it really helpful, in line with all the praise it receives.
In my quest for exercises on which to learn both Python and TDD i have started to code SPOJ exercises using the TDD technique and i have arrived at a question:
Given that all of SPOJ's exercises are mostly math applied to programming; How does one test a math procedure as in the TDD Fashion? Sample known-to-be-correct data? Test against a known implementation?
I have found that using the sample data given in the problem itself is valuable but it feels overkill for something you can test so quickly using the console, not to mention the overhead to design your algorithms in a testable fashion (Proxying the stdout and stdin objects is nothing short of too much work for a really small reward), and while it is good because it forces you to think your solutions in testable terms i think i might be trying way too hard on this.
All guidance is welcome
test all edge cases. Your program is most likely to fail when the input is special for some reason: negative, or zero values, very large values, inputs in reverse order, empty inputs. You might also want some destructive tests to see how large the inputs can be before things break or grind to a halt.
Sphere online Judge may not be the best fit of TDD. For one the input data might be better behaved than what a real person might put in. Secondly there is a code size limit on some problems. An extensive test-suite might put you over that limit.
You might want to take a look at Uncle Bob's "Transformation Priority Premise." It offers some guidance on how to pick a sequence of tests to test drive an algorithm.
Use sample inputs for which you know the results (outputs). Use equivalence partitioning to identify a suitable set of test cases. With maths code you might find that you can not implement as incrementally as for other code: you might need several test cases for each incremental improvement. By that I mean that non maths code can typically be thought of as having a set of "features" and you can implement one feature at a time, but maths code is not much like that.

Map/Reduce: any theoretical foundation beyond "howto"?

For a while I was thinking that you just need a map to a monoid, and then reduce would do reduction according to monoid's multiplication.
First, this is not exactly how monoids work, and second, this is not exactly how map/reduce works in practice.
Namely, take the ubiquitous "count" example. If there's nothing to count, any map/reduce engine will return an empty dataset, not a neutral element. Bummer.
Besides, in a monoid, an operation is defined for two elements. We can easily extend it to finite sequences, or, due to associativity, to finite ordered sets. But there's no way to extend it to arbitrary "collections" unless we actually have a σ-algebra.
So, what's the theory? I tried to figure it out, but I could not; and I tried to go Google it but found nothing.
I think the right way to think about map-reduce is not as a computational paradigm in its own right, but rather as a control flow construct similar to a while loop. You can view while as a program constructor with two arguments, a predicate function and an arbitrary program. Similarly, the map-reduce construct has two arguments named map and reduce, each functions. So analogously to while, the useful questions to ask are about proving correctness of constructed programs relative to given preconditions and postconditions. And as usual, those questions involve (a) termination and run-time performance and (b) maintenance of invariants.
