iOS Safari - Change select dropdown option font size with CSS? - css

I’ve read about a couple of hacks adding an option group with HTML - but I’m using a Shopify app for dropdowns so can only style with CSS.
Is there any way to change the font size or to stop the truncation of long options?


What can be done in CSS to prevent the website font-size from changing when the bowser font-size is larger?

Problem: I'm creating a website with Tailwind CSS. Everything is fine, but when I change the font size in my browser, the website font size overlaps and breaks the design.
All the other parts of the design are affected as well, not just the font size.
Any suggestions on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated:
Thanks a lot
You can use the !important tag in CSS whenever setting font size to override browser settings, however it would be better to make the website design resposive rather than setting certain sizes in stone

In elementor why responsive font size doesn't change?

I'm building a new website with elementor but during the editing I have some problem with switching in the responsive mobile mode from desktop mode.
When I switch in mobile mode I try to change the font size but it doesn't work, particularly I can change the value of the font size but it doesn't change in the preview and in frontend at all.
Also if I switch in responsive mobile mode and I apply some changes, some of these changes pass also in the desktop mode.
Can someone help me please?
Perhaps the changes you're trying to make for the mobile styling are being overruled by CSS styles coming from somewhere else. Some places you could check are
look for inline CSS styles in the widget > content > text tab
widget > advanced > custom CSS
site settings ( click the hamburger icon at the top left of any elementor page)
If you still don't have any success, there's nothing to stop you from creating some custom CSS for the widget and using an #media() rule to target mobile devices.

CSS3 Custom generated fonts are sometimes not showing the proper icons

Created a font-icons with material svg and custom svg files using gulp-iconfont-css. Sometimes these font-icons are not appearing with the correct icon they are actually jumbled and on refresh, all icons are arranged properly on the site.
why is it happening like this and how to solve this?

possible to use font avsome icons in buttons

I can style a button using bootstrap, but is it somehow also possible to use font awsome icons together with some text so that I get a result like the one here (see buttons section)?

css: setting the proportion of font icons (other then font size)

We use custom icon font (inhouse font generated to icons with icomoon, or something similiar) in our webapp. I can set their size with font-size css property. but sometimes I need to adjust more proprties: for example increase the width or the height of the icon/font etc. Is there a way to do this with css/js?
I'll be glad for help with this, generating a specific font for each mini used isn't a path I would like to choose
font-stretch was supposed to do that but is not included in any current css standard and not supported by any browsers. I think you will have to create seperate icons for that case, sorry.
I did a Google Search trying to find the appropriate css descriptors, and stumbled upon this thread. Maybe it may help: Is it possible to change the font height, not just the line-height?
