possible to use font avsome icons in asp.net buttons - asp.net

I can style a asp.net button using bootstrap, but is it somehow also possible to use font awsome icons together with some text so that I get a result like the one here http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/3.2.1/examples/ (see buttons section)?


iOS Safari - Change select dropdown option font size with CSS?

I’ve read about a couple of hacks adding an option group with HTML - but I’m using a Shopify app for dropdowns so can only style with CSS.
Is there any way to change the font size or to stop the truncation of long options?

CSS3 Custom generated fonts are sometimes not showing the proper icons

Created a font-icons with material svg and custom svg files using gulp-iconfont-css. Sometimes these font-icons are not appearing with the correct icon they are actually jumbled and on refresh, all icons are arranged properly on the site.
why is it happening like this and how to solve this?

Custom icon for a button in Sencha Touch

In Sencha Touch if you want to give an icon to a button you must set the iconCls attribute of the button to the icon you want to give it. Sencha has a set of predefined icons, but I want to use other icons of which I have the png. What can I do?
if you have the png you need to define the icon not iconCls.
If you do have an SVG or Font it will be better scalable at no size cost. Try to find that icon on icomoon if possible to stay with fonts.

Add extra custom glyphicons to Bootsrap 3

What is the best way to add extra custom glyphicons to Bootstrap 3?
I see that the icons are now defined in a font.
As #Bojangles commented, you can go for forking the font and adding glyphs, but beware that font creation is a taxing job, especially if you are new to it.
For most common uses go with FontAwesome, or alternately you can create your image sprites and map new icon classes to this sprite.

which text control to use in flex mobile app so that color of it's substring can be changed?

I am creating an searchbox for a tablet application. On entering any text the results appear below as a list. Now I want to change color of that part of the text that is there in searchbox.
So which text control would allow me to do that. I found that RichText is one such control but Adobe recommends not to use it for mobileDevices.
Any suggestion how I can tackle this problem.
Use a StyleableTextField and change the colors of substrings using HTML.
I use this approach for the Flextras AutoComplete component, although I have only tested Bold in the mobile version; it should support other colors. Conceptually like this:
No Color <font color="#492C8F">Color</font>
Both TextInput and TextArea use StyleableTextField under the hood in the Mobile Skins.
