Babylon JS 3D File loading is not working - babylonjs

No Matter what type of file i try to import, i do not get it to show up in my Canvas.
What i have tried:
Opening the files in 3D viewers, babylon sandbox and blender, there
is nothing wrong with the models
Scaling the Model up and down after importing it with the loaders
(yeah, the importing is successful, no console errors and the
onSuccess callback is called), since i thought it might just be way
too big or too small for the camera to pick up.
Different file formats (.babylon, .glb, .obj)
all the different kind of SceneLoader functions, (Import Mesh, Append ...)
Here is my Code:
import { SceneLoader, Scene } from "babylonjs";
import "babylonjs-loaders";
const importFile = (
path: string,
fileName: string,
ext: string,
scene: Scene
) => {
SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", path, fileName + ext, scene).then((meshes) =>
// this actually does log some object with a bunch of fields, which dont seem to help me
identify the problem. Maybe someone knows what kind of info that could give me.
//specific Model being loaded
export const createChessBoard = (scene: Scene) => {
importFile("/home/tom/Models/", "ChessBoard", ".obj", scene);
here it is being called
// the rest of the scene
const scene = new Scene(engine);
const camera = new ArcRotateCamera(
Math.PI / 2,
Math.PI / 2,
if (canvas) {
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
const light1 = new HemisphericLight(
new Vector3(1, 1, 0),
const light2 = new PointLight("spotlight", new Vector3(0, 1, -1), scene);
Creating cameras,scenes and all that or shapes with the MeshBuilder works flawlessly. I couldnt find anyone having trouble with the loaders anywhere... Usually they are highly praised as working so effortlessly, i hope someone can help me resolve this, as babylon seems like such a cool library
ImportMesh method(rather than ImportMeshAsync) allows optional callbacks, like onError, onComplete etc.
These will be triggered when there is a problem or success etc, so that you can better debug the issue
function onError(e){
console.log(e) // hopefully some helpful info in e (might be e.message or e.error)
SceneLoader.ImportMesh("mesh1","./yourMeshFolder", onError);


run function on bases of internet connectivity in react native

I am working on react native application I use firebase as my backend. I fetch data from firebase real time database and render it on the page. But now I want my application to be supported offline.
I used following two functions for rendering.
For listings from database
const loadListings = () => {
let data = [];
listingRef.orderByChild("created_at").on("value", (snapshot) => {
data = [];
snapshot.forEach((listing) => {
});"listings", data.slice(0, 10)); // only stores latest ten listings
and then use it inside useEffect like.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
and for listings from cache I used this.
const loadListingsCached = async () => {
let data = await cache.get("listings");
Now I cant put a check inside firs function as effect hook will run only one time and initialy network status is null. its not defined.
how do I achieve this?
by the way link to package I used for detecting connectivity
I used this hook as second argument to useEffect() but didn't work for me
const netInfo = useNetInfo();
What you want to achieve is make the code different depending on what is the network status. In the answer linked by #Rohit there is my answer about how to check the network connectivity with Net Info Package.
What you have to do is make the effect dependant on the status change. You should pass it as a argument to the effect.
const netInfo = useNetInfo();
useEffect(() => {
}, [netInfo]);
This way the code will always run when a network change is detected. I hope this is what you wanted to achive. Please be more specific about you goal and what is the problem. Current questions does not specify if the hook is not working, or the rendering function does not trigger etc.

Create paperjs objects detached from PaperScope

I am hoping it is possible to create, say, a Paper.Path object that is not attached to a scope. The reason I need to do this is because I have a few parser classes who's job it is to generate geometry from a gerber file, they should not have any influence over the PaperScope's canvas. A simple separation of concerns.
For example: (this code won't work)
import paper, {Path, Point} from 'paperjs';
let path = new Path([new Point(100, 100), new Point(200, -50)]);
paper.addPath(path); <- this doesn't exist but you get the point.
There are no obvious ways to go about this, and the paperjs docs seem to tout this "clever scoping" as a feature, but it's really been a pain to work with...
You can setup Paper.js so that it doesn't insert newly created in the scene by default. You have to set paper.settings.insertItems = false when initializing your app (see the documentation).
If you want some items to be part of the scene and other not, you can have a finer control over whether they are inserted or not by passing an insert: true/false parameter to the constructor.
Here is a sketch demonstrating this behavior.
// Switch this to true to see the difference.
const INSERT = false;
const circle = new Path.Circle({
radius: 50,
fillColor: 'orange',
insert: INSERT

url not defined. Refactor to new versions of angularfire, angular

I have refactor problems because my code dosnt work to the new versions of angular and angularfire.
The line: upload.url = uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL; is undefined.
// three observers
// 1.) state_changed observer
(snapshot) => {
// upload in progress
upload.progress = (uploadTask.snapshot.bytesTransferred / uploadTask.snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
// 2.) error observer
(error) => {
// upload failed
// 3.) success observer
(): any => {
upload.url = uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL; //?!?!UNDEFINED =;
I had tried different solutions from stackoverflow but it dosnt really work. Most of the example is also more about how to retrieve the image but i want to set the variable upload.url to a value.
Another question:
I'm new to angular and web. Will it take long time to change it to firestore? The code is based on realtime firebase.
To get the downloadURL, you have to call the getDownloadURL() method of the Storage Reference Object.
Try this:
.subscribe(url => console.log(url))

openlayers 5 vector source does not clear, after calling clear function

In my openlayers 5 (based on a angular 6 app), I am implementing a functionality where you search for something, query the db, the db brings back some geoJSON and I render this geoJSON data in a ol vector layer.
There are two different ways to search, so there are two different forms that bring back geoJSOn to the same ol vector.
Of course, before rendering the data, I have to clear out the layer.
This is my code
ngOnInit() {//initialize some params and the ol map
//bring results-as you type - pure angular
this.results = this.myForm.valueChanges.pipe(
switchMap( formdata => this.mapcmsService.searchName(, formdata.cepDrop))
this.tilesource = new OlXYZ({
this.tilelayer = new OlTileLayer({
source: this.tilesource
this.vectorsource = new VectorSource({});
this.vectorlayer = new VectorLayer({
source: this.vectorsource
this.view = new OlView({
center: OlProj.fromLonLat([6.661594, 50.433237]),
zoom: 2,
this.olmap = new OlMap({
target: 'map',
layers: [this.tilelayer,this.vectorlayer],
view: this.view,
projection: 'EPSG:3857'
const selectClick = new Select({
condition: click,
'select', ()=>{
const values = selectClick.getFeatures().item(0).values_;
} //closes ngOnInit
Outside the ngOnInit, after the initialization,there are the two different functions that bring geoJSON to the same ol vector layer. They basically do the same thing.
this.map_loading = true;
this.myService.getById(id).subscribe((data) =>{
const fff = (new GeoJSON()).readFeatures(;
this.map_loading = false;
this.map_loading = true;
this.myService.categoriesSearch(this.categoriesForm.value).subscribe((data) =>{
const fff = (new GeoJSON()).readFeatures(;
this.map_loading = false;
The problem is that the ol vector source is not always cleared before new features are added. I search for something, features are rendered. I search again , and sometimes, the old features remain on the map, along with the new ones.
I did a silly move to add refresh with clean and nothing is fixed. This is not standard, eg every other search. This randomly happen and I dont have a clue how to debug it. Please advice
Is there an unique id for each feature?
I had the same problem that features were loaded constantly. I used the bbox-strategy and every time I moved the map, it loaded all the features in the extent, even if they were already there.
I had to set an unique id in the data for my features, so OpenLayers can refer to the existing ones if you load new ones. This randomness maybe comes through the generated ids for the features, that are sometimes equal to the new ones and sometimes not.
Dont know if that faces your problem, it just flew into my brain while I read that.

Dynamically adding epics during runtime calls the newly added epics multiple times

My work is based on these directions:
So I am having an issue with getting this test to execute the epics, am I missing something? In any case the code explains what is going on...
I would expect my call of to store.dispatch({type:'GO'}) to chain all of my epics. I see my reducer is wired up but the Epics do not get called.
fyi I need this to work to test what I think is a bug. In my actual application when I dynamically load a new epic using epicLoader$.next(<someepic>) the dynamically loaded epic is now called twice... but I can't prove that until this test works.
As a workaround I have manually added the epics that I wanted to add dynamically and it is working fine but this isn't possible past my POC phase. I'll need to load the epics from separate files that will be pushed to the app.
Help me Obi wan...
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mapTo';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {combineReducers, createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import { createEpicMiddleware,combineEpics } from 'redux-observable';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
test('dynamicly loading epic calls it twice',done => {
let epic1 = (action$)=>action$
let epic2 = (action$,{epicLoader$})=>action$
let epic3 = (action$)=>action$
let epic4 = (action$)=>action$
const epic$ = new BehaviorSubject(combineEpics({epic1,epic2}));
const rootEpic = (action$, store, args) =>
epic$.mergeMap(epic =>
epic(action$, store, args)
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic,
{ dependencies: {
epicLoader$: epic$,
const reducer =(state = {},action)=>{
return state;
const store = createStore(
//start up the chain of events.
I think I see two issues with the provided code:
Providing object to combineEpics instead of just arguments
You're passing an object to combineEpics, but it's supposed to just be plain old arguments. This is different than combineReducers
// bad
const epic$ = new BehaviorSubject(combineEpics({epic1,epic2}));
// good
const epic$ = new BehaviorSubject(combineEpics(epic1,epic2));
Support for passing an object has been discussed here: It hasn't been supported yet because the keys would be meaningless, unlike with combineReducers.
This actually does throw an error when the rootEpic is subscribed to, but it's unfortunately swallowed because of a outstanding bug in rxjs
destructuring of store instead of the third dependencies argument
// bad
let epic2 = (action$,{epicLoader$})=>action$
// good
let epic2 = (action$,store,{epicLoader$})=>action$
Once these are fixed, it appears to work as desired:
I did notice that epic4 is listening for EPIC2, which you might have actually meant to listen for EPIC3 maybe?
