run function on bases of internet connectivity in react native - firebase

I am working on react native application I use firebase as my backend. I fetch data from firebase real time database and render it on the page. But now I want my application to be supported offline.
I used following two functions for rendering.
For listings from database
const loadListings = () => {
let data = [];
listingRef.orderByChild("created_at").on("value", (snapshot) => {
data = [];
snapshot.forEach((listing) => {
});"listings", data.slice(0, 10)); // only stores latest ten listings
and then use it inside useEffect like.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
and for listings from cache I used this.
const loadListingsCached = async () => {
let data = await cache.get("listings");
Now I cant put a check inside firs function as effect hook will run only one time and initialy network status is null. its not defined.
how do I achieve this?
by the way link to package I used for detecting connectivity
I used this hook as second argument to useEffect() but didn't work for me
const netInfo = useNetInfo();

What you want to achieve is make the code different depending on what is the network status. In the answer linked by #Rohit there is my answer about how to check the network connectivity with Net Info Package.
What you have to do is make the effect dependant on the status change. You should pass it as a argument to the effect.
const netInfo = useNetInfo();
useEffect(() => {
}, [netInfo]);
This way the code will always run when a network change is detected. I hope this is what you wanted to achive. Please be more specific about you goal and what is the problem. Current questions does not specify if the hook is not working, or the rendering function does not trigger etc.


Proper way of using Redux and RTKQ in NextJs with code-splitting

This is a topic that's been discussed a lot through github issues and by now I've noticed two main opinions: It's not possible or it should not be done at all.
The argument for both sides is that redux is not meant for it, that the .replaceReducer function is only meant for the purposes of hot-reloading (even though redux itself mentions it as a possibility for code-splitting).
The goal
Anyway, what I would like to achieve (ideally) is a system that only sends the relevant slices and relevant redux code for a specific route in NextJs. And (even more ideally) when navigating between pages the store should just get extended and not re-created.
My initial approach
My first idea was to implement a recipe from the link above, attaching and exposing the injectReducer function onto my store during the store setup:
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
[rtkqApi.reducerPath]: rtkqApi.reducer
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(rtkqApi.middleware)
store.dynamicReducers = {};
store.injectDynamicReducer = (name, reducer) => {
if (Object.keys(store.dynamicReducers).includes(name)) {
store.dynamicReducers[name] = reducer;
[rtkqApi.reducerPath]: rtkqApi.reducer,
const makeStore = () => store;
export const wrapper = createWrapper(makeStore);
export const injectReducer = (sliceName, reducer) => store.injectDynamicReducer(sliceName, reducer);
So basically every page would have a globalsSlice, containing the user info and some other global data, and Redux Toolkit Query API slice (which would then be code-split using RTKQ injectEndpoints functionality).
With this setup, each page that wants to inject its own custom slice (reducer) would do something like this:
const SomePage = () => {
const someData = useSelector(somePageSliceSelectors.selectSomeData);
return (
<title>Some Page</title>
export default SomeRoute;
injectReducer('somePageSlice', somePageReducer);
export const getServerSideProps = wrapper.getServerSideProps((store) => async (context) => {
// Whatever necessary logic we need
Initially this seemed to have worked fine, but then when I realized that next-redux-wrapper works by calling the makeStore factory on every request, and I'm manipulating and mutating a global store object, there has to be something wrong with this, ie a race condition that I haven't been able to cause by testing. Also another problem occurres when using Redux Toolkit Query. For example, if I need to get a cookie from the original request (the one that nextjs receives) and then re-send it to another API endpoint that is handled by redux toolkit query, I would need to extract the cookie from the request context, to which I don't have access unless I do something like this:
export const makeStore = (ctx) => {
return configureStore({
reducer: ...,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
thunk: {
extraArgument: ctx,
which further implies that I should definitely not be mutating the global store object.
So then I thought alright, instead of manipulating the global store I could try doing it in GSSP:
export const getServerSideProps = wrapper.getServerSideProps((store) => async (context) => {
store.injectDynamicReducer('somePageSlice', somePageReducer);
But no luck here, the slice does not get loaded and the state does not get constructed. It is my guess that the Provider in the _app gets rendered before this, but I'm not sure.
In conclusion, I'd like to know whether anyone has tried and succeeded in implementing redux code splitting using RTK, RTKQ and NextJs. Also, I would like to ask an addition question: Is it necessary? What I mean by this is, if I were to not code-split at all, and send all slices on every request, how performance impactful would this be? Also, since I'm not sure exactly how the NextJs bundler works and how code chunking is done: If a certain page receives a slice it doesn't use at all, will it only receive its initial state or all of its logic (all the selectors, reducers and actions)? If not then maybe this isn't so bad, since initial states are just empty objects.
I hope I've presented the problem clearly enough, as it is a very complex problem, but feel free to ask follow up questions if something doesn't make sense.
Thanks in advance.

How to check if client's contacts are using my app?

I'm currently developing an app using Firebase.
My Firestore Database looks like below:
Once the user passes the Firebase authentication procedure, I'm creating a user document with a field "Phone:" which contains his phone number. Basically, everyone who is gonna using the app will be listed in the database.
And here is my challenge:
I'm using the plugin easy_contact_picker to store all the contacts of the users device to a List.
How can I find out whether the users contacts are using the app or whether they are listed in the database?
My goal is create a contact List Widget which shows me all my contacts. But those contacts which are using the app or which are listed in the database, should be highlighted or marked particularly.
Which is the best way to realize that if we consider that millions of users (to minimize computing power)are listed in the database?
Anyone has an idea?
Thanks a lot
First of all try to awoid giving everyone access to read all users. That is something most ppl do when handling such a problem. The do it because the query over all users won't work if you don't give the rights to read all of them.
Because of security reasons I would move the logic for checking if a user exists into callable function (not a http function!). That way you can call it inside of your app and check for a single user or multiple of them in an array. That would depend how your frontend would handle it.
Very importand would be to store all phone numbers in the absolute same format. That way you could query for them. Regardless of the number of users you could always find a specific one like here:
var citiesRef = db.collection("users");
var query = citiesRef.where("Phone", "==", "+4912345679");
The numbers need to be absolutely the same without any emtpy spaces - chars and the +49 or 0049 also needs to be the same.
You could create two callable funcitons. One to check if a single user exists in your app and another where you send an array of phone numbers and you get an array back. The cloud function can use Promise.all to performe such queries in parallel so you get your responce quite fast.
I'm using a similar approach to add users in my app as admins to specific groups where you just enter the email of the user and if he is in the app he will be added. I not he get's an invitation on the email to join the App.
With the help of Tarik's answer, Ayrix and I came up with the following solution.
Important: Read Tarik's answer for more information.
Client: callable_compare_contacts.dart
import 'package:cloud_functions/cloud_functions.dart';
Future<List<Object>> getMembersByPhoneNumber(List<String> allPhoneNumbers) async {
HttpsCallable callable = FirebaseFunctions.instance.httpsCallable('membersByPhoneNumber');
final results = await<String, dynamic>{'allPhoneNumbers': allPhoneNumbers});
Server: index.js
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
if (admin.apps.length === 0) {
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
exports.membersByPhoneNumber = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!data || !data.allPhoneNumbers.length) return resolve([]);
const phoneNumbers = data.allPhoneNumbers;
// TODO: different scope? move vars for future use
const db = admin.firestore();
const collectionRef = db.collection("User");
let batches = [];
// because of wrong eslint parsing (dirty)
batches = [];
while (phoneNumbers.length) {
// firestore limits batches to 10
const batch = phoneNumbers.splice(0, 10);
// add the batch request to to a queue
new Promise((response) => {
collectionRef.where("Phone", "in", [...batch]).get()
.then((results) =>
response( {
} )));
// response / return to client
Promise.all(batches).then(function(content) {
// console.log("content.flat()");
// console.log(content.flat());
return resolve(content.flat());
Note: This is our first callable/cloud function .. so Suggestions for changes are welcome.

Been trying to set Custom time on a file using Firebase?

I'm trying to set the Custom time attribute in firebase on the front end. Everything is possible to set, like contentDisposition, custom Metadata etc, just can't find any way or any info about setting Custom time.
You can see it referenced here
You can set the custom time on the file manually in the Storage cloud console, but even when you do and you load the file in firebase on the front end, it's missing from the returned object! (makes me feel like it's not possible to achieve this)
var storage = this.$"gs://my-files");
var storage2 = storage.ref().child(this.file);
//// Tried this
var md = {
customTime: now.$firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
//// & Tried this
var md = {
Custom-Time: now.$firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
storage2.updateMetadata(md).then((metadata) => {
}).catch((err) => {
The reason I ask is I'm trying to push back the lifecycle delete date (which will be based on the custom time) every time the file is loaded. Does anyone know the answer or an alternative way of doing it?
Thanks in advance
The CustomTime metadata is not possible to update using Firebase JavaScript SDK since it is not included in the file metadata properties list mentioned in the documentation. So even if you specify it as customTime: or Custom-Time: the updateMetadata() method does not perform any changes.
I suggest you as a better practice, set the CustomTime metadata from the cloud console and modify the CustomTimeBefore Lifecycle condition from the back-end each time you load the file using the addLifeCycleRule method of the GCP Node.js Client.
// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Storage} = require('#google-cloud/storage');
// Creates a client
const storage = new Storage();
//Imports your Google Cloud Storage bucket
const myBucket = storage.bucket('my_bucket');
// Delete object that has a customTime before 2021-05-25.
action: 'delete',
condition: {
customTimeBefore: new Date('2021-05-25')
}, function(err, apiResponse) {});

Firebase React Native fetch data

I am trying to do an app on react-native with a feed. On my main screen, I go fetch the data :
fetchData() {
firebase.database().ref(`/posts/${group}`).on('value', async snapshot => {...}
when I want for example to like a comment of the post, I first push the data into firebase with different queries, for example :
export const likeComment = (...) => {
updatedAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
But I realized that my first function fetchData was called 3 times.
then I grouped my queries like :
let updates = {}
updates[`/posts/${group}/${post}/lastComments`] = {...};
updates[`/posts/${group}/${post}`] = { ... };
Then, fetchData was called still 2 times.
I was wondering if that was the best way to do it, and why does my function fetchData was still called twice.
Thanks for your help
It's hard to tell from the limited code, but my guess is that fetchData is not actually being called more than once, but instead the snapshot is firing when you make updates to your Firebase database.
The part of your code where you say .on('value', async snapshot => you're setting up a listener to send you updates any time that value changes.
So my guess is that your three invocations are:
The first time you actually call fetchData and set up the
Your .on( snapshot listener firing when you call
Your .on( snapshot listener firing again when you
call set
This push-based database workflow is one of the main benefits of Firebase. If you only want to get the data once and not get live updates, you can call .once( instead of .on(

url not defined. Refactor to new versions of angularfire, angular

I have refactor problems because my code dosnt work to the new versions of angular and angularfire.
The line: upload.url = uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL; is undefined.
// three observers
// 1.) state_changed observer
(snapshot) => {
// upload in progress
upload.progress = (uploadTask.snapshot.bytesTransferred / uploadTask.snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
// 2.) error observer
(error) => {
// upload failed
// 3.) success observer
(): any => {
upload.url = uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL; //?!?!UNDEFINED =;
I had tried different solutions from stackoverflow but it dosnt really work. Most of the example is also more about how to retrieve the image but i want to set the variable upload.url to a value.
Another question:
I'm new to angular and web. Will it take long time to change it to firestore? The code is based on realtime firebase.
To get the downloadURL, you have to call the getDownloadURL() method of the Storage Reference Object.
Try this:
.subscribe(url => console.log(url))
