Search plugin breaking parts of theme - wordpress

I've been asked to add a search function to a website. I'm trying this out on a testing site at (the password to view is Entrand0s1).
I've installed a search plugin which works on all pages except the home page. On that page it clashes with the script in the slider plugin and when I tried deactivating the slider plugin I also lost the four large buttons at the bottom of the page which are part of the theme itself. Both the slider plugin and the theme are old but I'm hoping to keep the site going for a little while longer if I can. I asked for advice from the search plugin developer who said it's to do with the slider loading an older version of the jQuery library. I searched on here for jQuery library conflicts - one answer linked to the learn.jquery website with a list of options for avoiding library conflicts. There were a number of options for adding code - I tried adding some of these to the header.php document but each time the site broke completely and truth is I don't know enough about jQuery to know which is the correct piece of code to try. Any advice appreciated - would be great to know if there is a way to get the search plugin to also work on the home page whilst keeping the current slider. Many thanks


Swiper JS for wordpress

as I already found great help here in the community, I thought I'd post my question here, maybe there'd be somebody who could help me.
I am creating my websites in wordpress and found a great tool for creating an image carousel. As I am more of an intermediate in wordpress and mainly working with plugins, I found the swiper JS plugin in the wordpress plugin directory. It works fine but I have the problem that it won't loop and you can't get to the first and last image of the carousel, it always snaps back to the second and second to last image.
This is the one I am using right now.
My question also is how I can use the Swiper JS in wordpress without using the plugin. I want to have it specifically on one page and it should be mobile friendly. All the design that already is on the page should be remain as it is. Would there be a possibility to include the Swiper Js tool even though I am using a wordpress theme?
Thank you so so much, it is really hugely appreciated!
Only worked with the plugin so far, no css helped...
Using WP custom code.
We assume your words "the plugin" are about that exact SwiperJS plugin.
Have you considered using an iFrame? See lower web links.
An iframe will allow you to add a video, audio, images, etc., so presumably even a slider lands in that category. Try this avenue first to see if it works for your needs. Read about WP iframe use in the links below.
<iframe src="test7.html" width="600" height="300" style="border:1px solid black;" title=""></iframe>
Other snippet plugin options exist (read developer docs). There are pro/con to some of those options (i.e. time, etc). Read developer resources (from an WP admin perspective) for more ideas.
wordpress iframe
kinsta article
WP developers articles

Product list randomly disappearing in Woocommerce shop page with W3TC

I manage a Wordpress page that had this issue before, but after doing some caching configuration (W3TC) the product list in shop page started disappearing more frequently. The only thing that brings it back is opening the page in page editor and pressing "update", no changes should be made. Purging all cache also does not help (pages are built using DIVI page builder).
So far I have reverted all of the changes that were made before, but that has not decreased the frequency of the issue.
Because of the store being live, I am not inclined to do plugin uninstalls as it can damage the page even more (Issues of page CSS not loading properly were seen before, purging cache helped in that case)
One thing that I thought about is making some kind of script that updates the page automatically as a temporary solution (a new site is going to be made eventually)
What could be done to either troubleshoot this issue in safe way or at least create an automatic page update script?
-WordPress 5.1.1 running Divi theme, Woocommerce version 3.5.7-
You say page "started disappearing more frequently", do you mean page is loaded but content disappears or it whole page does not load?
Try turning off Minifying in W3TC. I had this problem few times and always a problem was typo in CSS.
In W3TC in General Setting there is possibility to enable Preview mode, turn this on always before deploying. Turn on preview mode, check if everything is Ok, test, search for bugs. And only when you are sure that everything works fine then deploy it.
Thank you Vladimir for the tip about preview mode. The bug unfortunately is not in the CSS though because minifying is not enabled in W3TC.
By "disappearing more frequently" I mean Header and Footer being fine and Body being only partly loaded - Broken page screenshot
However, I have tracked down the issue to woocommerce itself. It seems like the default set shop page is the one crashing regularly. I did not find solution to the initial problem, but I found a trick that works, at least for now.
I created a new Shop page, but instead of linking it in Woocommerce settings, I just included a [products] shortcode. The previous page is still active, but not visible to user. Even if the shop page itself crashes, products are still visible and purchases are possible.

Reviving an old but very useful Wordpress Plugin

I've been using this Wordpress plugin for many years
It had over 20,000 active installations and is certainly most useful for navigating between posts in the backend by simply clicking Next / Previous.
Gutenberg and Wordpress 5 unfortunately broke it and the developer of the plugin seems to be MIA.
My knowledge of writing or even trying to fix plugins is sketchy to say the last. I did some digging today using Developer Tools and I found that my favourite little post navigation buttons are there but forcefully hidden by Wordpress. Here's a screenshot of how I can make them re-appear but I'm a bit stumped how to make a change like this permanent or better yet try to make the plugin force it's way back into Wordpress 5 and Gutenberg.
I did make a feature request on Gutenberg which was promptly closed, seems they are not too interested in pleasing any advanced or long time users of wordpress. Surely such a navigation system cannot be rocket science.

Link blocks to composer in Concrete5

I'm just playing about with an offline copy of Concrete5 and was wondering if there is any way to link blocks to the composer system to make them work? I made a page template hoping I could just click 'new page' and select my template to add it to the right area of my test site, but it won't show up. I then tried to edit a preset page template from my theme, and that worked fine... except it still populates the new page with the original blocks.
It seems like a total nightmare to do anything in this system. Should I be using a different one if I can't even do this?
I am not sure I fully understand your question but have you had a look at this tutorial? It might help

Preview theme in drupal

I am using drupal for the first time. I have successfully developed my first drupal website to a certain extent. I have used my own custom theme for the front-end and blue marine theme for administrator. Now my client's requirement is that when he clicks on preview button before submitting the page in admin panel, he wants to see the preview in a pop-up window with the front-end's theme. Please help me with your ideas and suggestions on how to achieve this?
When you set the administration theme, leave the "Use administration theme for content editing" unchecked. This should allow content creation / previewing in the "front-end" theme.
EDIT: Assuming you are using Drupal 6.x
Have you seen this module - it aims to give you what the page will look like on the front-end theme.
There are some caveats though, for instance the menu will not be correct if this is a new node
As far as I know Themeing is a complicated process in Drupal, it involves many modules and hooks, so I don't think it's an easy task for a module (maybe) to do that, or in core like Wordpress.
I'm working on getting a nice solution to this too. I won't post the code yet cos it's a work in progress, but essentially I make an ajax call to retrieve a known node and then replace the node content of that page with the content of the preview box before showing the merged page in a popup window.
If it works out alright I might make a module out of it.
This might help:
Patches the Page Preview module with some of the Responsive Theme Preview modules functionality for viewing the page at different screen sizes in the preview panel.
Page preview's caveats still apply though.
