Is http to https port forwarding a vulnerability? - http

I work in an organisation where a TMG server with port forwarding has been used successfully for a number of years to forward all http traffic to https for a particular web application. This meant that http or https would work on URLs for that web application.
Recently this was seen as a security risk and http is no longer being advertised. For users this has caused an issue where all the links they had which were originally http no longer work and they are having to update all their links to https.
I can't quite figure out what the vulnerability is, and if someone could shed some knowledge I would really appreciate it.
How I understand it, there are 2 paths http and https. The TMG server essentially acts as the gatekeeper that sits in front of the organisations network and forces all http traffic down the https route instead, so at no point is there any http traffic into the network.
Thanks in advance.

I used the security stack exchange site as suggested by Guy Incognito which provided great explanations.
See my post here:


Canonical handling of HTTPS request when SSL not supported

If a client is requesting a domain that does not have a valid CA signed certificate and the server not intend on supporting HTTPS but does support HTTP for this domain, what is the best way to handle this in the web server. Note, the server does handle requests for SSL (HTTPS) on other domains so it is listening on 443.
Example where this would apply is for multi sub-domains where the sub-domains are dynamically created and thus making it extremely difficult to register CA signed certificates.
I've seen people try to respond with HTTP error codes but these seem moot as the client (browser) will first verify the certificate and will present the hard warning to the user before processing any HTTP. Therefore the client will only see the error code if they "proceed" past the cert warning.
Is there a canonical way of handling this scenario?
There is no canonical way for this scenario. Clients don't automatically downgrade to HTTP if HTTPS is broken and it would be a very bad idea to change clients in this regard - all what an attacker would need to do to attack HTTPS would be to infer with the HTTPS traffic to make a client downgrade to unprotected HTTP traffic.
Thus, you need to make sure that the client either does not try to attempt to access URL's which do not work properly (i.e. don't publish such URL's) or to make sure that you have a working certificate for these subdomains, i.e. adapt the processes for creation of subdomains so that they not only have an IP address but also a valid certificate (maybe use wildcard certificates).
Considering these websites don't have to work with SSL, the webserver should close all SSL connections for them in a proper way.
There is no canonical way for this, but RFC 5246 implicitly suggests to interrupt the handshake on the server side by using the user_cancel + close_notify alerts. How to achieve this is another question, it will be a configuration of the default SSL virtual host.
This handshake is being canceled for some reason unrelated to a
protocol failure. If the user cancels an operation after the
handshake is complete, just closing the connection by sending a
close_notify is more appropriate. This alert should be followed
by a close_notify. This message is generally a warning.
If you are dealing with subdomains, you probably can use a wildcard certificate for all of your subdomains.
Adding the CA certificate to your client will remove the warning (that's what companies do, no worry).
When hosting with Apache, for example, you can use VirtualDocumentRoot to add domains without editing your configuration. Have a look at the solution provided here : Virtual Hosting in SSL with VirtualDocumentRoot

How to Encrypt outgoing https requests

Is there a way to completely encrypt the outgoing HTTPS requests from the software to the server ? i mean there are apps like Charles and Fiddler that can capture the HTTPS traffic and see everything like the Headers,URL,...
i don not want anyone to see or capture the traffic going from my app.
i'm using Delphi 10.1 VCL App
If you're using HTTPS and you are properly validating certificates as a browser would, there is no way for an intermediate to view URLs or headers, or content. All they can see is which server you're communicating with.
The way Charles gets around this is that it presents its own non-genuine certificate, which won't validate, and proxies the communication. If your app is validating certificates it would refuse to communicate with the Charles proxy. If you viewed the Charles proxy with a web browser it would present an SSL certificate error.
If you trust that particular Charles proxy and want to add an exception in your client or browser, you can. But it only allows that particular one - it doesn't mean anyone else can intercept your HTTPS, or read URLs, etc, using their own Charles proxy or similar.

Difference between HTTP vs HTTPS

I have one wordpress website, in that am getting lot of errors day by day. So I like to change my normal HTTP to HTTPS. So please can you explain it is very useful and secure for my website.
If your website does not have https in the web link this means that you do not have installed SSL. Most of the modern web browsers treat any website without SSL installed as insecure. This may be one of the reasons for your website's issues.
I found the following answers to the question of the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
Difference between HTTP and HTTPS
To know about the reasons for using SSL follow the link given below:
Reasons for using SSL
10,000ft view...
http is an unencrypted protocol for sending and retrieving data from servers in a web browser (among other uses). https is the same protocol but wrapper in SSL, a security tool that encrypts communications between the browser and server. This is what what banks and other websites use to ensure your data (like financial info) is protected when sent to your browser and cannot be read by someone on the same network.
Checkout articles like this and google the topic for more info.
Hope this helps.

Can I forge the HTTP HOST-header param in order to fake a request to a non-mapped subdomain?

Scenario: I want a staging environment at a customer's site. The customer owns I want to map the site to reachable from the outside, but I haven't got time to wait for the bureaucracy surrounding either the purchase of the new subdomain or opening of secondary HTTP ports.
Assumption: If I spoof the HTTP Header param Host to be on the client side, but actually make the request to the IP of, IIS will redirect the request to the configured site for Am I right?
So is there any client tool that can help me with that? I'm fairly famailiar with Fiddler, but it seem to override my rewrites of the host parameter. Also I would need to configure it to do it for every request, not just one, to make it trivial to test.
Are there simpler solutions to this problem?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.
Inside Fiddler, by clicking Tools > HOSTS and you can send all traffic targeting one site, e.g. to the IP of your choice. The target site (namely doesn't need to exist at all in this case. Your client (e.g. the browser) has no idea that Fiddler is retargeting the traffic, it just thinks that it is talking to
If you have the Fiddler book, check out the Retargeting Traffic section for many other ways to retarget traffic.

Need some help with HTTPS, certificates and signing

I am quite new to HTTPS and can not get my head around it.
Can someone suggest good starting point for learning about HTTPS, certificates and signing?
Possibly with a working example in ASP.NET with IIS.
If all you are trying to do is have your site in HTTPS there is no code needed. All you need to do is set IIS to serve pages with HTTPS.
If that is all you want, you are better off asking this question in
To get you started, here's a link on how to set https in iis 7:
HTTPS is just normal HTTP traffic that is encrypted using SSL/TLS. The protocol is fairly straightforward. I wrote a detailed blow-by-blow of what happens at the start of a connection on my blog: The First First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection.
It's unfortunate that the APIs built on top of the protocol are often much more complicated.
