Launch PowerApps barcode scanner on Windows 10 - qr-code

In PowerApps there is the very useful Barcode Scanner control. But it's available only on iOS or Android. Do some ways exist to use this control to scan QR-codes via a canvas app on a Windows 10 tablet?

Based on Microsoft documentation, The barcode scanner control is only supported on Android and iOS devices. All other platforms will show a warning that some features of the app won't work.
If you have windows 10 tablet, you can test your app and check if you have any limation since not all features are guaranteed to work.


Is Windows-10-Qt-quick-QML code cross-compatible with IOS

If I am developing an application using Qt quick QML on windows 10, can I deploy my project and test it on an ios device? I have read this post Developing iOS app on Windows but it seems to be somewhat in conflict with what I have read. The chosen answer in that question says that you need a macOS to develop IOS applications. Qt's documentation and other posts have said that you can port applications onto various platforms with the same code "Code once, deploy everywhere". So will I be able to actively test my qt quick QML code on an ios device from a Windows 10 development platform?
No, you can't. You need either macOS computer or virtual machine with this system.

Xamarin Forms: All device features available with USB Debugging?

When using Xamarin forms (VS2017 for Windows) for cross-app development, there is certain features that are not covered by the android emulator, such as Bluetooth. Is this any different with USB debugging? Assuming my app runs via USB debugging on an actual mobile device, would Bluetooth be available in my running app as if it was installed and running natively?
I just would like to know, if I can test all features that are missing in the emulator by using USB debugging or is there any other limitations in this case?
If you're using an actual device there are no limitations other than those imposed by the device itself.

Devolopping iOS apps with xamarin

i want to start a project that consist in mobile apps. can i develope native apps with Xamarin.Forms to the three platforms with a pc (Sony Vaio) and visual studio.
You can develop for Windows (Phone, or better yet Universal Windows Platforms Apps) and Android. They just work with Visual Studio.
If you want to build an iOS app as well, you are going to need a Mac. Building for iOS cannot be done without a Mac. There are a few options:
Buy a Mac laptop with a Windows VM; this is an option you see for most developers, however it is an expensive one because you're going to want a good MacBook Pro with a 1TB disk.
Buy a (cheap-ish) Mac (Mini); Xamarin is built so that you can let a standalone Mac machine do all the iOS building. All you have to do is install it with XCode and Xamarin, connect it to your network and you are ready to go. With the new Xamarin iOS Simulator for Windows you don't have to look at your Mac ever again. Let's be clear: the Simulator for Windows isn't a Simulator which runs on Windows. It simply mirrors the Simulator from your Mac.
Rent a Mac in the cloud. There are solutions like which let you rent a Mac hosted by them. They have different plans depending on your needs. The concept stays the same; you connect to a Mac in 'your network' (which is now over the internet) to build your iOS app.
Whichever option you choose; you are going to have to spend some extra money on Apple hardware to get to develop your iOS app.

Resolution issues with Windows Phone apps?

I'm building a Windows Universal App, and at the moment, I'm making the Windows Phone app. I'm debugging using a Nokia Lumia 520 which has a 480px * 800px display.
Because I'm using HTML5 & Javascript instead of XAML to build the app, I'm worried that it might look bad on a 1920*1080 Windows Phone or another Windows Phone with higher resolution. Because I have no way to test this theory, how can I be sure that all Windows Phone's will display my app correctly?
Visual Studio gives you a lot of Windows Phone emulators all with different device and screen sizes . In Visual Studio you can select target device on the "Debug" button.

Will android default tts work on blackberry

I was trying to convert an android application using android tts service to blackberry. Using the blackberry command line tool I created the bar file and installed it in blackberry playbook simulator. But when I try to use the text to speech functionality its not working in the blackberry version. I am using the androids default tts service for this functionality. Will it work on blackberry ? Is that causing the issue. Please advise.
TTS, VoIP, and SIP services are not supported by the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps on BlackBerry PlayBook.
