I have a Google Data Studio dashboard. I want to track the User Names or email IDs to check who is actually using the dashboard and who are not using it. I have used Google Analytics for tracking. But it is showing all the details except the User Name or email address. To view the Google Data Studio, the user should be logged into Google, then only they will be able to view the dashboard.
This is not possible by design with out-of-the-box Data Studio dashboards. If you want to do this, you will need to build a custom solution with a Community Connector and use viewer's credentials based reports. That way, you will have access to user identity in your code and log it as required.
I am in a need of sharing a Google analytics access of my website to a developer and want to hide revenue and conversions sections in Google Analytics account/property/view.
any guidance how is it possible to do that?
if you want to share access to the report in Google analytics web application then the simple answer is you can't, access to a Google analytics account is all or nothing
you could grab the data for them through the API using a service account and design your own reports display of the data
It is not possible to give visibility to only some sections or metrics of a view. You can use API (like said to DalmTo) or more simple to provide data with an external dashboard, for example with Google Data Studio, which fetches data from your Google Analytics and shows only the ones you want to share.
We want to embed a Google Data Studio dashboard in the admin side of our application, which
is installed on our customers' websites.
Customers can login to the admin and see the data linked to their account, such as analytics.
The Google Data Studio dashboard includes connectors to our database and to Google Analytics.
Data from Google Analytics must be filtered per customer, with a segment that includes data
from their website only.
How to dynamically add a Google Analytics segment to our dashboard ?
I found that it is possible to pass parameters in the embed link, but how to use
these parameters to filter Google Analytics data dynamically ?
Thank you.
It doesn't seem possible to do that unfortunately. We ended up creating Data Studio sheets manually and adding the right parameters for major customers.
We are moving to a custom data dashboard linked to the Google Analytics API (not using Data Studio).
I am exploring the dynamic links in firebase. My requirement is I will have an sms in my cell phone, which will have a short link and upon click of this link I will open a web page (later we might integrate this with a page in the app)
So I created fire base account and setup an app using my personal gmail account.
Am using their post api with the right api key to generate short urls. (getting warning about the phishing issues which I am ignoring for the time being)
Upon clicking the urls (short link/preview link) I can go to the appropriate URL I have configured.
now I am trying to see the analytics around this dynamic url but dont know why I cannot see anything.
I am checking Grow -->DynamicLink--> Selected My app and I expect the dynamic link generated in above steps to appear here but I cannot see anything.
I am going to analytics -->Events it is asking me to add an app to see the analytics which is not the case for now as I am just hitting the url on the browser directly.
Please let me know if I am doing the right thing?
One of the main use cases (as mentioned in firebase docs) of the firebase dynamic links is web to app conversion and your app must contain the firebase SDK. Once the user comes to the app through the dynamic link, firebase SDK fires the appropriate events. These events can be tracked from analytics -> Events.
But your use case is different you are creating dynamic links for the SMS and after clicking user comes to the website and there is no firebase SDK installed in your website hence no analytics (although firebase will measure some events like click, etc) on the analytics -> Events.
If you want to see the analytics, you will need to create a dynamic link in the firebase console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api.
In short, API created dynamic links can only be tracked if firebase SDK is installed in your app and after that, you need to add that app to firebase analytics -> events section. According to your use case, my suggestion would be to either create dynamic links from console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api
In the Google Analytics console I can easily create charts and add them to dashboards. But how can I display those charts or dashboards on a 3rd party website?
I've seen the Embed API, but it looks like the definition of the reports is always in the Javascript. Is it not possible to say something like display the dashboard that I already created which name/id is XYZ?
Or is there a way, when creating a report in Google Analytics, to get its definition so that I can easily use it? I saw Query Explorer but it doesn't help.
No you can not take the Google Analytics dashboard and display it on another website.
The best option there is to date is the Embedded API which you mentioned. Although it has its limitations. The Embedded API is designed to display a specific users Google Analytics Dashboard who ever is logged in. If you are trying to share the information from your account with other users it wont work unless they also have access to your Google Analytics account.
The Query Explorer shows you what the google Analytics API is capable of. You can develop your own tool to show this information to your users.
I am currently working on a project for new homes throughout neighborhoods in Indiana. I'm using Google Fusion tables to populate the map on my site.
We want to be able to force users to sign in after they click the "builder site" link on the info card (the pop up from the google location marker). Is there a way to add events to the google info cards?
You can't do this with stock Fusion Tables info windows because we scrub any JavaScript in them. You can code this up yourself if you want; see this question for an example.
A cleaner way might be to process all the links on your own HTTP server, showing the login page if necessary or redirecting to the builder site if not. That would work with no custom client code, but would require the appropriate server-side setup.