build matrix in a for loop automatically in R - r

Suppose I have a code like this
g1=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[1], prob = probv[1]), nrow=5)
g2=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[2], prob = probv[2]), nrow=5)
g3=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[3], prob = probv[3]), nrow=5)
g4=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[4], prob = probv[4]), nrow=5)
I want to use a for loop
for i in (1:J)
{......} J=4 in this case
use one line function to return the same output like this, I want to know
how I create a matrix g_ in the loop
which is also benefit for me when I increase the length
of my vector into 5,6,7......
for example N=c(1,2,3,4,5) probv=c(0.5,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5)
I do not change my code to create another matrix called g5.The code can create it and I just need to change my input to achieve my goal
Thanks Akrun
what is my N is a three dimensional array, I want to map the last dimension of it? How to change in the map method?
g1=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[,,1], prob = probv[1]), nrow=5)
g2=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[,,2], prob = probv[2]), nrow=5)
g3=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[,,3], prob = probv[3]), nrow=5)
g4=matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[,,4], prob = probv[4]), nrow=5)

We can use Map to loop over the 'N' and 'probv' vector, get the corresponding values into rbinom and create a matrix. It returns a list of matrices
lst1 <- Map(function(x, y) matrix(rbinom(n = 10,
size = x, prob = y), nrow = 5), N, probv)
Or using for loop
lst2 <- vector('list', length(N))
for(i in seq_along(N)) {
lst2[[i]] <- matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[i], prob = probv[i]), nrow = 5)
names(lst2) <- paste0("g", seq_along(lst2))
For the updated question to extract from an array
mnLength <- min(length(probv), dim(N)[3])
lst2 <- vector('list', mnLength)
for(i in seq_len(mnLength)) {
lst2[[i]] <- matrix(rbinom(n = 10, size = N[,,i], prob = probv[i]), nrow = 5)
names(lst2) <- paste0("g", seq_along(lst2))


Process sets of rasters in parallel using lapp function from terra package

I have groups of rasters that I want to run a function on, I think probably using the lapp function from the {terra} package? Here is a simple example using toy data of the 'style' of thing I am hoping to accomplish.
rp10val = 106520
rp20val = 106520
rp50val = 154250
rp100val = 154250
rp200val = 154250
rp500val = 154250
rp1500val = 154250
sopval = 200
rp_10_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp10val, 10))
rp_20_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp20val, 10))
rp_50_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp50val, 10))
rp_100_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp100val, 10))
rp_200_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp200val, 10))
rp_500_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp500val, 10))
rp_1500_vul = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(rp1500val, 10))
sop_tile = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = rep(sopval, 10))
input_raster_group <- c(rp_10_vul, rp_20_vul, rp_50_vul, rp_100_vul,
rp_200_vul, rp_500_vul, rp_1500_vul, sop_tile)
## In real world each of these lists would have rasters with different data in
input_raster_lists <- list(list(input_raster_group),
mc.cores = 2)
## If working on windows, this might be better to try and run as proof of concept
# mapply(lapp,
# input_raster_lists,
# function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){(a+b-c) / (d+e+f+g+h)})
Simplified data to make this easier to read
r10 = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = 10)
r20 = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = 20)
r50 = rast(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, vals = 50)
group <- c(r10, r20, r50)
input <- list(group, group, group)
You can use lapply to compute lists sequentially
x <- lapply(input, \(i) sum(i))
y <- lapply(input, \(i) app(i, sum))
z <- lapply(input, \(i) lapp(i, function(a,b,c){a+b+c}))
To use parallelization you could use e.g. parallel::parLapply or, as in your case, parallel::mcmapply.
SpatRaster objects hold a pointer (reference) to a C++ object that cannot be passed to a worker. Therefore you would need to use wrap and unwrap as I show below. I use proxy=TRUE to not force values to memory.
inp <- lapply(input, \(x) wrap(x, proxy=TRUE))
f <- \(i) { unwrap(i) |> sum() |> wrap(proxy=TRUE)}
b <- mcmapply(f, inp)
out <- lapply(b, unwrap)
This approach may be useful in some cases, e.g. when you have to do many simulations on a relatively small raster that is memory.
In most cases you would do parallelization because you are dealing with large rasters that are on disk. In that case, you could just send the filenames to the workers, and create the SpatRasters there (and write the output to disk).
There is more discussion here

R bootstrapping for the two dataframe individual column wise

Want to do Bootstrapping while comparing two dataframe column wise with the different number of rows.
I have two dataframe in which row represent values from experiments and column with the dataset names (data1, data2, data3, data4)
emp.data1 <- data.frame(
data1 = c(234,0,34,0,46,0,0,0,2.26,0, 5,8,93,56),
data2 = c(1.40,1.21,0.83,1.379,2.60,9.06,0.88,1.16,0.64,8.28, 5,8,93,56),
data3 =c(0,34,43,0,0,56,0,0,0,45,5,8,93,56),
data4 =c(45,0,545,34,0,35,0,35,0,534, 5,8,93,56),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
emp.data2 <- data.frame(
data1 = c(45, 0, 0, 45, 45, 53),
data2 = c(23, 0, 45, 12, 90, 78),
data3 = c(72, 45, 756, 78, 763, 98),
data4 = c(1, 3, 65, 78, 9, 45),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
I am trying to do bootstrapping(n=1000). Values are selected at random replacement from emp.data1(14 * 4) without change in the emp.data2(6 * 4). For example from emp.data2 first column (data1) select 6 values colSum and from emp.data1(data1) select 6 random non zero values colSum Divide the values and store in temp repeat the same 1000 times and take a median value et the end. like this i want to do it for each column of the dataframe. sample code I am providing which is working fine but i am not able get the non-zero random values for emp.data1
nboot <- 1e3
boot_temp_emp<- c()
n_data1 <- nrow(emp.data1); n_data2 <- nrow(emp.data2)
for (j in seq_len(nboot)) {
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_data1), size = n_data2, replace = TRUE)
value <- colSums(emp.data2)/colSums(emp.data1[boot,])
boot_temp_emp <- rbind(boot_temp_emp, value)
boot_data<- apply(boot_temp_emp, 2, median)
From the above script i am able get the output but each column emp.data1[boot,] data has zero values and taken sum. I want indivisual ramdomly selected non-zero values column sum so I tried below script not able remove zero values. Not able get desired output please some one help me to correct my script
nboot <- 1e3
boot_temp_emp<- c()
for (i in colnames(emp.data2)){
for (j in seq_len(nboot)){
n_data1 <- nrow(data1); n_data2 <- nrow(data2)
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_data1), size = n_data2, replace = TRUE)
value <- colSums(data2[i])/colSums(data1[boot, ,drop = FALSE])
boot_temp_emp <- rbind(boot_temp_emp, value)
boot_data<- apply(boot_temp_emp, 2, median)
Thank you
Here is a solution.
Write a function to make the code clearer. This function takes the following arguments.
x the input data.frame emp.data1;
s2 the columns sums of emp.data2;
n = 6 the number of vector elements to sample from emp.data1's columns with a default value of 6.
The create a results matrix, pre-compute the column sums of emp.data2 and call the function in a loop.
boot_fun <- function(x, s2, n = 6){
# the loop makes sure ther is no divide by zero
nrx <- nrow(x)
i <- sample(nrx, n, replace = TRUE)
s1 <- colSums(x[i, ])
if(all(s1 != 0)) break
nboot <- 1e3
sums2 <- colSums(emp.data2)
results <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = ncol(emp.data1))
for(i in seq_len(nboot)){
results[i, ] <- boot_fun(emp.data1, sums2)
ratios_medians <- apply(results, 2, median)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for(j in 1:4) {
main <- paste0("data", j)
hist(results[, j], main = main, xlab = "ratios", freq = FALSE)
abline(v = ratios_medians[j], col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
Created on 2022-02-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Following the comments here is a revised version of the bootstrap function. It makes sure there are no zeros in the sampled vectors, before computing their sums.
boot_fun2 <- function(x, s2, n = 6){
nrx <- nrow(x)
ncx <- ncol(x)
s1 <- numeric(ncx)
for(j in {
i <- sample(nrx, n, replace = TRUE)
if(all(x[i, j] != 0)) {
s1[j] <- sum(x[i, j])
nboot <- 1e3
sums2 <- colSums(emp.data2)
results2 <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = ncol(emp.data1))
for(i in seq_len(nboot)){
results2[i, ] <- boot_fun2(emp.data1, sums2)
ratios_medians2 <- apply(results2, 2, median)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for(j in 1:4) {
main <- paste0("data", j)
hist(results2[, j], main = main, xlab = "ratios", freq = FALSE)
abline(v = ratios_medians2[j], col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
Created on 2022-02-27 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Finding index of array of matrices, that is closest to each element of another matrix in R

I have an array Q which has size nquantiles by nfeatures by nfeatures. In this, essentially the slice Q[1,,] would give me the first quantile of my data, across all nfeatures by nfeatures of my data.
What I am interested in, is using another matrix M (again of size nfeatures by nfeatures) which represents some other data, and asking the question to which quantile do each of the elements in M lie in Q.
What would be the quickest way to do this?
I reckon I could do double for loop across all rows and columns of the matrix M and come up with a solution similar to this: Finding the closest index to a value in R
But doing this over all nfeatures x nfeatures values will be very inefficient. I am hoping that there might exist a vectorized way of approaching this problem, but I am at a lost as to how to approach this.
Here is a reproducible way of the slow way I can approach the problem with O(N^2) complexity.
#Generate some data
data = rnorm(n = 100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
list_of_matrices = list(matrix(data = data[1:25], ncol = 5, nrow = 5),
matrix(data = data[26:50], ncol = 5, nrow = 5),
matrix(data = data[51:75], ncol = 5, nrow = 5),
matrix(data = data[76:100], ncol = 5, nrow = 5))
#Get the quantiles (5 quantiles here)
Q <- apply(simplify2array(list_of_matrices), 1:2, quantile, prob = c(seq(0,1,length = 5)))
#Q should have dims nquantiles by nfeatures by nfeatures
#Generate some other matrix M (true-data)
M = matrix(data = rnorm(n = 25, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
#Loop through rows and columns in M to find which index of the array matches up closest with element M[i,j]
results = matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
for (i in 1:nrow(M)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(M)) {
true_value = M[i,j]
#Subset Q to the ith and jth element (vector of nqauntiles)
quantiles = Q[,i,j]
results[i,j] = (which.min(abs(quantiles-true_value)))

Creating a matrix with random entries with given probabilities in R

I want to create a 100x100 matrix A with entry a_ij being randomly selected from the set {0,1} with P(a_ij=1)=0.2 and P(a_ij=0)=0.8.
This is what I’ve tried so far:
for(i in 1:100){
for (j in 1:100){
matrix[i,j]<-sample(mynumbers, 1, replace=TRUE, prob=myprobs)
I’m not sure about the sample size being 1, but this way only seems to work if I choose size=1... Is this the correct way to do it? Thank you in advance!
As #akrun noted there are much easier ways. A matrix of 100 x 100 means 10,000 entries. prob = .2 is saying success = 1 = P(a_ij=1)=0.2, size in this case means one trial at a time. The matrix parameters should be pretty self-evident.
trials <- rbinom(n = 10000, size = 1, prob = .2)
my.matrix <- matrix(trials, nrow = 100, ncol = 100)
or to more closely resemble your code
n <- 10000
trials2 <- sample(x = mynumbers,
size = n,
replace = TRUE,
prob = myprobs)
my.matrix2 <- matrix(trials2, nrow = 100, ncol = 100)

R function with loop append avoiding for (using lapply instead)

I have heard that it is not recommended to use for loops in R mainly because it is slow. I have heard that I should use lapply instead because it's calling C for efficiency.
Question: Would it be possible to show me how to transform the following example into a lapply efficient code (or any other apply sapply from the same family)?
myFun <- function(loop){
result = data.frame() #init new df
for(iteration in 1:loop){
generateRnorm1 = matrix(data = rnorm(n = 1000000), nrow = 10000, ncol = 10000)
generateRnorm2 = matrix(data = rnorm(n = 1000000), nrow = 10000, ncol = 10000)
iterationResult = sum(generateRnorm1, generateRnorm2)
bindIterationResult = cbind(iteration, iterationResult)
result = rbind(result, bindIterationResult)
test = myFun(loop = 10)
Here is an lapply method:
myFun2 <- function(loop){
generateRnorm1 = matrix(data = rnorm(n = 1000000), nrow = 10000, ncol = 10000)
generateRnorm2 = matrix(data = rnorm(n = 1000000), nrow = 10000, ncol = 10000)
sum(generateRnorm1, generateRnorm2)
# run function over 1:10
myList <- lapply(, myFun2)
# rbind the resulting list
result2 <-, myList)
Note that there isn't much (if any) speed increase, because the body of your function takes a long time to execute. This swamps any potential speed up with lapply.
On my computer, both methods take about 20 seconds to run.
