WIKIDATA “instance of” end “subclass of” inheritance - wikidata

Are these two statements true?
if X is instance of Y and Y is subclass of Z then X is instance of Z?
if X is subclass of Y and Y is instance of Z than X is instance of Z?

Edit: Amedeo's comment below is correct. The following is incorrect (I'll leave it up as context for his reply).
No. Wikidata generally does not implement transitivity. You need to use the P:31/P279* selector to include all instances of subclasses.


Is the concept of equal subsets a fallacy?

A definition of subset that I found on the internet(In this web, 2nd point 3th paragraph) and in a book(set theory related topics by lipschutz, Page 3 - Def. 1-1) says or implies that:
A=B If at the same time A⊂B and B⊂A;
This would imply that A is contained in B, but it would also imply that B is contained in A.
Wouldn't this be a fallacy as demonstrated in Russell's paradox?
I imagine it would be something like that, it's this right?
This Img
Unfortunately, "contains" can be used in two very different ways for a set: "contains as a member" and "contains as a subset", so I would suggest avoiding it or being very clear which one you mean. I think the second one is less common to use "contains" for, but it still happens.
It's true that A can't be a member of B when B is a member of A (but not really related to Russell's paradox); but A can be a subset of B and B a subset of A. Just consider A={1} and B={1}. Then every member of A (i.e. 1) is a member of B, so A is a subset of B. And vice versa.
I imagine it would be something like that, it's this right? This Img
This would be if B is a proper subset of A (that is, a subset of A but not equal to A) and A is a proper subset of B.
A set X is contained in set Y if every element of X is in Y.
So, even if X is equal to Y, X is considered to be contained in Y.
At this point, it will be clear that if X is contained in Y and Y is contained in X as well in the same time, they should be equal.

Prolog arithmetic in foreach

So I'm learning Prolog. One of the things I've found to be really obnoxious is demonstrated in the following example:
This does not work. I am well aware that X+Y is not evaluated, here, and instead I'd have to do:
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result)
Except, that doesn't work, either. As near as I can tell, the scope of XPlusY extends outside of foreach - i.e., XPlusY is 1 + Y, XPlusY is 2 + Y, etc. must all be true AT ONCE, and there is no XPlusY for which that is the case. So I have to do the following:
innerCode(X, Result) :-
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result).
innerCode(X, Result)
This, finally, works. (At least, I think so. I haven't tried this exact code, but this was the path I took earlier from "not working" to "working".) That's fine and all, except that it's exceptionally obnoxious. If I had a way of evaluating arithmetic operations in-line, I could halve the lines of code, make it more readable, and NOT create a one-use clutter predicate.
Question: Is there a way to evaluate arithmetic operations in-line, without declaring a new variable?
Failing that, it would be acceptable (and, in some cases, still useful for other things) if there were a way to restrict the scope of new variables. Suppose, for instance, you could define a block within the foreach, where the variables visible from the outside were marked, and any other variables in the block were considered new for that execution of the block. (I realize my terminology may be incorrect, but hopefully it gets the point across.) For example, something resembling:
(X, Result){
XPlusY is X + Y,
somePredicate(X, XPlusY, Result)
A possible solution might be if we can declare a lambda in-line, and immediately call it. Summed up:
Alternate question: Is there a way to limit the scope of new variables within a predicate, while retaining the ability to perform lasting unifications on one or more existing variables?
(The second half I added as clarification in response to an answer about forall.)
A solution to both questions is preferred, but a solution to either will suffice.
library(yall) allows you to define lambda expressions. For instance
?- foreach(between(1,3,X),call([Y]>>(Z is Y+1,writeln(Z)),X)).
Alternatively, library(lambda) provides the construct:
?- [library(lambda)].
?- foreach(between(1,3,X),call(\Y^(Z is Y+1,writeln(Z)),X)).
In SWI-Prolog, library(yall) is autoloaded, while to get library(lambda) you should install the related pack:
?- pack_install(lambda).
Use in alternative the forall/2 de facto standard predicate:
While the foreach/2 predicate is usually implemented in the way you describe, the forall/2 predicate is defined as:
% forall(#callable, #callable)
forall(Generate, Test) :-
\+ (Generate, \+ Test).
Note that the use of negation implies that no bindings will be returned when a call to the predicate succeeds.
Lambda libraries allow the specification of both lambda global (aka lambda free) and lambda local variables (aka lambda parameters). Using Logtalk lambdas syntax (available also in SWI-Prolog in library(yall), you can write (reusing Carlo's example) e.g.
?- G = 2, foreach(between(1,3,X),call({G}/[Y]>>(Z is Y+G,writeln(Z)),X)).
G = 2.
?- G = 4, foreach(between(1,3,X),call({G}/[Y]>>(Z is Y+G,writeln(Z)),X)).
G = 4.
Thus, it's possible to use lambdas to limit the scope of some variables within a goal without also limiting the scope of every unification in the goal.

Prolog recursive accumulator

I am trying to make a knowledge base for college courses. Specifically, right now I am trying to make an accumulator that will take a course and provide a list of all classes that must be taken first, i.e. The course's prereqs, the prereqs to those prereqs, etc... Based on this chart.
Here is a sample of the predicates:
prereq(cst250, cst126).
prereq(cst223, cst126).
prereq(cst126, cst116).
prereq(cst105, cst102).
prereq(cst250, cst130).
prereq(cst131, cst130).
prereq(cst130, cst162).
prereq(anth452, wri122).
prereq(hist452, wri122).
And here is my attempt at an accumulator:
prereq_chain(Course, PrereqChain):-
%Get the list of prereqs for Course
findall(Prereq, prereq(Course, Prereq), Prereqs),
%Recursive call to all prereqs in X
forall(member(X, Prereqs),
(prereq_chain(X, Y),
%Combine current layer prereqs with deeper
append(Prereqs, Y, Z))),
%Return PrereqChain
PrereqChain = Z.
The desired output from a query would be:
?- prereq_chain(cst250, PrereqList).
PrereqList = [cst116, cst126, cst162, cst130]
Instead, I get an answer of true, and a warning about Z being a singleton.
I have looked at other posts asking on similar issues, but they all had a single lane of backward traversal, whereas my solution requires multiple lanes.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
The problem with using forall/2 is that it does not establish bindings. Look at this contrived example:
?- forall(member(X, [1,2,3]), append(['hi'], X, R)).
If a binding were established for X or R by the forall/2, it would appear in the result; instead we just got true because it succeeded. So you need to use a construct that doesn't just run some computation but something that will produce a value. The thing you want in this case is maplist/3, which takes a goal and a list of parameters and builds a larger goal, giving you back the results. You will be able to see the effect in your console after you put in the solution below.
?- maplist(prereq_chain, [cst126, cst130], X).
X = [[cst116], [cst162]].
So this went and got the list of prerequisites for the two classes in the list, but gave us back a list of lists. This is where append/2 comes in handy, because it essentially flattens a list of lists:
?- append([[cst116], [cst162]], X).
X = [cst116, cst162].
Here's the solution I came up with:
prereq_chain(Class, Prereqs) :-
findall(Prereq, prereq(Class, Prereq), TopPrereqs),
maplist(prereq_chain, TopPrereqs, MorePrereqs),
append([TopPrereqs|MorePrereqs], Prereqs).

Tensorflow Graphs : Are Tensorflow graphs DAG? What happens in assignAdd operations in tensor Variables

How is this graph acyclic? assign add op adds x to itself.
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()
x = tf.Variable(1300,name="x")
y = tf.Variable(200, name="y")
z = tf.add(x, y,name="z")
b = x.assign_add(z)
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter("/tmp/logdir", sess.graph)
Clearly there is a bi-directional edge between AssignAdd and X.
Why is X depicted twice as a variable?
As Olivier points out, the graph for your program is a DAG. The graph visualizer takes some liberties when rendering the graph to make it easier to understand. In particular, there are no "bidirectional" edges in the runtime itself, but instead TensorFlow includes "reference edges" for variables, which are like passing a mutable value (like a pointer or a mutable reference) into a C/C++ function, as they allow the recipient to modify the same underlying storage used for the variable.
Note that it is legal for TensorFlow graphs to contain one or more cycles, or even nested cycles. The tf.while_loop() function provides a means of creating structured cycles to represent iterative computations, for which TensorFlow can compute gradients. However, for your use with a simple variable, you do not need a cycle.
Clearly there is a bi-directional edge between AssignAdd and X.
Each operation Assign or AssignAdd has two inputs and no output:
a tf.Variable: the variable to which we assign a value. Here you can see a bidirectional edge because the operation reads the old value from x and then writes back the new value
a tf.Tensor: the value assigned to the variable (or added to the variable)
Why is X depicted twice as a variable?
The variable x appears once in the graph in the big block named X, but is used twice:
in the operation tf.add(x, y): the graph reads the value of x as an input
in the AssignAdd operation: as said before, x is the tf.Variable input of the operation AssignAdd.
The graph is made acyclic because each operation wanting to update the value of x has the variable x as input, but not output. If the operation Assign had a variable as output, it would indeed lead to cycles.

Prolog Recursion - Satisfying Both Directions (Simple)

I am very new to Prolog and I was given this assignment.
My code is as follows:
Simple enough. This shows that if:
?- isRelated(cindy,mike).
Prolog will return true. Now, I'm stuck on how to make it return true if:
?- isRelated(mike,cindy).
I've been trying to come up with ideas like if isRelated(Z,Y) returns false, then switch X and Y, and run isRelated again. But I'm not sure if Prolog even allows such an idea. Any hints or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So I added:
That will satisfy "direct" relationships, but simply enough I found out that it doesn't satisfy indirect relationships.
I really want to do something like, if the initial query:
fails, then try and see if the reverse is true by switching X and Y:
That will definitely return true. I just don't know how to do this syntactically in Prolog.
Further hint to those in the comments, as I can't leave comments yet: With your original set of rules and facts,
isRelated(cindy,tanya) is true, but isRelated(tanya,cindy) is not, so you need to make isRelated(X,Y) symmetric; what simple addition to isRelated would achieve that?
Also, you could try drawing a graph of the relation relatives(X,Y), with an arrow from X to Y for all your base facts, and see if that helps you think about how the Prolog interpreter is going to attempt to satisfy a query.
So to answer your last question, you don't switch the values of X and Y in Prolog, like you would call swap(x,y) in C, say. The value held by a logic variable can not be changed explicitly, only back-tracked over. But you can easily use Y where you would use X, and vice versa:
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y).
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(Y,X).
This defines somePred predicate as a logical disjunction, an "OR". It can be written explicitly too, like
somePred(X,Y):- is_it(X,Y) ; is_it(Y,X).
Note the semicolon there. A comma , between predicates OTOH defines a conjunction, an "AND" (a comma inside a compound term just serves to delimit the term's "arguments").
YOu're almost there, you're just trying, I think, to cram too much stuff into one predicate.
Write the problem statement in English and work from that:
A relationship exists between two people, X and Y
if X and Y are directly related, or
if any direct relative of X, P, is related to Y.
Then it gets easy. I'd approach it like this:
First, you have your set of facts about relatives.
related( cindy, tanya ).
related( james, alan ).
Then, a predicate describing a direct relationship is terms of those facts:
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(X,Y) % if X is related to Y
. % ... OR ...
directly_related( X , Y ) :- % a direct relationship exists
related(Y,X) % if Y is related to X
. %
Finally, a predicate describing any relationship:
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,Y) % if a direct relationship exists between them
. % ... OR ...
is_related(X,Y) :- % a relationship exists between X and Y
directly_related(X,P) , % if a direct relationship exists between X and some other person P
is_related(P,Y) % and [recursively] a relationship exists between P and Y.
. %
The solution is actually more complicated than this:
The facts about relationships describe one or more graphs. More on graphs at What you're doing is finding a path from node X to Node Y in the graph.
If the graphs described by the facts about relationships have one or more paths between X and Y, the above solution can (and will) succeed multiple times (on backtracking), once for every such path. The solution needs to be deterministic. Normallly, having established that two people are related, we're done: just because I have two cousins doesn't mean I'm related to my aunt twice.
If the graph of relationships contains cycles (almost certainly true) such that a "circular" path exists: A → B → C → A …, the solution is susceptible to unlimited recursion. That means the solution needs to detect and deal with cycles. How might that be accomplished?
