Eror, camera locked on an axis in mobile - aframe

I hope you have an excellent day, it happens that in desktop mode it works perfectly but on mobile devices it only moves on a single axis and also does not detect gyroscopic sensors, the same thing happens in the latest version 1.0.4, which can it be and how can I solve it?
I was checking and not only happens with me, but also with all the examples from the official website and other people's recent projects...
Edit: I found the solution thanks to the first answer, if someone else has the same problem add the following code,
AFRAME.components["look-controls"].Component.prototype.onTouchMove = function (t) {
var PI_2 = Math.PI/2,
o = this.el.sceneEl.canvas,
i = this.yawObject,
j = this.pitchObject;
this.touchStarted && && (e = 2 * Math.PI * (t.touches[0].pageX - this.touchStart.x) / o.clientWidth, f = 2 * Math.PI * (t.touches[0].pageY - this.touchStart.y) / o.clientHeight, j.rotation.x += .3 * f, i.rotation.y += .5 * e, j.rotation.x = Math.max(-PI_2, Math.min(PI_2, j.rotation.x)), this.touchStart = {
x: t.touches[0].pageX,
y: t.touches[0].pageY

AFRAME.components["look-controls"].Component.prototype.onTouchMove = function (t) {
var PI_2 = Math.PI/2,
o = this.el.sceneEl.canvas,
i = this.yawObject,
j = this.pitchObject;
this.touchStarted && && (e = 2 * Math.PI * (t.touches[0].pageX - this.touchStart.x) / o.clientWidth, f = 2 * Math.PI * (t.touches[0].pageY - this.touchStart.y) / o.clientHeight, j.rotation.x += .3 * f, i.rotation.y += .5 * e, j.rotation.x = Math.max(-PI_2, Math.min(PI_2, j.rotation.x)), this.touchStart = {
x: t.touches[0].pageX,
y: t.touches[0].pageY


My Mandelbrot does not look like it should. Does anyone know why?

I recently found out about the Mandelbrot set and now I am trying to generate a Mandelbrot set in Processing 3.0. I found a tutorial on youtube about programming it and tried to impelement it in Progressing.
size(1280, 720);
void draw(){
int maxIteration = 100;
double reMid = -0.75;
double iMid = 0;
double rangeR = 3.5;
double rangeI = 2;
double xPixels = 1280;
double yPixels = 720;
for(int x = 0; x < xPixels; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < yPixels; y++){
double xP = (double)x / xPixels;
double yP = (double)y / yPixels;
double cReal = xP * rangeR + reMid - rangeR / 2;
double cIm = yP * rangeI + iMid - rangeI / 2;
double zReal = 0;
double zIm = 0;
int iteration = 0;
while(iteration < maxIteration && zReal * zReal + zIm * zIm <= 4) {
double temp = zReal * zReal - cIm * cIm + cReal;
zIm = 2 * zReal * zIm + cIm;
zReal = temp;
if(iteration >= maxIteration - 1){
point(x, y);
But when i generated the Mandelbrot set, it looked different than it should:
I have already compared my code with the one in the video, but i did not find a mistake in my code.
Does anyone know, what I did wrong?
I zoomed it out a bit, and the long tails keep extending to infinity. Since all |C| > 2 should diverge, this makes it easy to find a specific case that fails, such as cReal = 2; cImg = -1.5;
Your code says it converges, but doing it by hand shows it diverges very quickly:
Z0 = 0 + 0i
Z1 = (0 + 0i)^2 + 2 - 1.5i = 2 - 1.5i
Z2 = 2*2 - 2*2*1.5i - 1.5^2 = 1.75 - 6i
Stepping through your code gives zReal, zImg
-1.5, -0.25
-0.75, -0.1875
-1.21875, -0.21484375
-0.976318359375, -0.2038421630859375
-1.1019703075289726, -0.20844837254844606
In other words, your loop is wrong. The immediately suspect line of code is this:
double temp = zReal * zReal - cIm * cIm + cReal;
It's doing cIm*cIm, but there's not supposed to be any multiplication of any components of C: it's simply added at the end.
So what's happened is that you accidentally switched zIm for cIm.
Switch them back and you should get a better result:
double temp = zReal * zReal - zIm * zIm + cReal;

Ionic basic function inside class is not executing fully

calculate_distance(lat1: number, lat2: number, long1: number, long2: number) {
console.log("Inside getting calculate_distance");
let p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180
let c = Math.cos;
let a = 0.5 - c((lat1 - lat2) * p) / 2 + c(lat2 * p) * c((lat1) * p) * (1 - c(((long1 - long2) * p))) / 2;
let dis = (12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a))); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km
return dis.toFixed(2);
calling this function inside other function and i am not getting the distance value.
i just added a promise return type to my function. So that it will return me the value.
calculateDistance(lat1: number, lat2: number, long1: number, long2: number):Promise<any> {
console.log("Inside getting calculate_distance");
let p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180
let c = Math.cos;
let a = 0.5 - c((lat1 - lat2) * p) / 2 + c(lat2 * p) * c((lat1) * p) * (1 - c(((long1 - long2) * p))) / 2;
let dis = (12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a))); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km
return dis.toFixed(2);
and called calculateDistance like this
this.calculateDistance(this.my_lat, this.proj_lat, this.my_long, this.proj_long).then(result=>{
this.distance = String(result)

How to make an animated wave in threejs

I am trying to make an animated 3D wave with Three.js and Points. It is kind of working. It is starting slow and then the applitude is increasing. But after some time it gets too high and unsteady.
This is how it should be looking. However after some time it is loosing it's shape. The problem is the decreasing period of the sine and increasing amplitude. But I am failing to fix it.
Here is some code.
Creating of the points mesh.
this.particleGeometry = new Geometry()
for (let ix = 0; ix < this.WIDTH; ix++) {
for (let iz = 0; iz < this.HEIGHT; iz++) {
let vert = new Vector3()
vert.x = ix * this.SEPERATION - ((this.WIDTH * this.SEPERATION) / 2)
vert.y = (Math.cos((ix / this.WIDTH) * Math.PI * 6) + Math.sin((iz / this.HEIGHT) * Math.PI * 6))
vert.z = iz * this.SEPERATION - ((this.HEIGHT * this.SEPERATION) / 2)
this.particleCloud = new Points(this.particleGeometry, this.material)
The initial generation is pretty good. But the updating is buggy.
animate() code:
render () {
let index = 0
let time = * 0.00005
let h = (360 * (1.0 + time) % 360) / 360
this.theta += 0.0008
this.material.color.setHSL(h, 0.5, 0.5)
for (let ix = 0; ix < this.WIDTH; ix++) {
for (let iz = 0; iz < this.HEIGHT; iz++) {
this.particleCloud.geometry.vertices[index].y = (Math.cos((ix * this.theta / this.WIDTH) * Math.PI * 6) + Math.sin((iz * this.theta / this.HEIGHT) * Math.PI * 6))
this.particleCloud.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true
this.theta starts at 0 and then slowly increasing.
Okay, got it working with (Math.cos((ix / this.WIDTH * PI * 8 + this.theta)) + Math.sin((iz / this.HEIGHT * PI * 8 + this.theta)))
Now it is steady. However will tweak it maybe more.

Deconstructing Google maps smarty pins animation

Updated fiddle to simplify what is going on:
added four buttons to move the stick, each button increments the value by 30 in the direction
plotted x and y axis
red line is the stick, with bottom end coordinates at (ax,ay) and top end coordinates at (bx,by)
green line is (presumably) previous position of the stick, with bottom end coordinates at (ax, ay) and top end coordinates at (bx0, by0)
So, after having my ninja moments. I'm still nowhere near understanding the sorcery behind unknownFunctionA and unknownFunctionB
For the sake of everyone (all two of you) here is what I've sort of learnt so far
function unknownFunctionB(e) {
var t = e.b.x - e.a.x
, n = e.b.y - e.a.y
, a = t * t + n * n;
if (a > 0) {
if (a == e.lengthSq)
var o = Math.sqrt(a)
, i = (o - e.length) / o
, s = .5;
e.b.x -= t * i * .5 * s,
e.b.y -= n * i * .5 * s
In the unknownFunctionB above, variable o is length of the red sitck.
Still don't understand
What is variable i and how is (bx,by) calculated? essentially:
bx = bx - (bx - ax) * 0.5 * 0.5
by = by - (by - ay) * 0.5 * 0.5
In unknownFunctionA what are those magic numbers 1.825 and 0.825?
Below is irrelevant
I'm trying to deconstruct marker drag animation used on smartypins
I've managed to get the relevant code for marker move animation but I'm struggling to learn how it all works, especially 2 functions (that I've named unknownFunctionA and unknownFunctionB)
Heres the StickModel class used on smartypins website, unminified to best of my knowledge
function unknownFunctionA(e) {
var t = 1.825
, n = .825
, a = t * e.x - n * e.x0
, o = t * e.y - n * e.y0 - 5;
e.x0 = e.x,
e.y0 = e.y,
e.x = a,
e.y = o;
function unknownFunctionB(e) {
var t = e.b.x - e.a.x
, n = e.b.y - e.a.y
, a = t * t + n * n;
if (a > 0) {
if (a == e.lengthSq)
var o = Math.sqrt(a)
, i = (o - e.length) / o
, s = .5;
e.b.x -= t * i * .5 * s,
e.b.y -= n * i * .5 * s
function StickModel() {
this._props = function(e) {
return {
length: e,
lengthSq: e * e,
a: {
x: 0,
y: 0
b: {
x: 0,
y: 0 - e,
x0: 0,
y0: 0 - e
angle: 0
var radianToDegrees = 180 / Math.PI;
StickModel.prototype = {
pos: {
x: 0,
y: 0
angle: function() {
return this._props.angle
reset: function(e, t) {
var n = e - this._props.a.x
, a = t - this._props.a.y;
this._props.a.x += n,
this._props.a.y += a,
this._props.b.x += n,
this._props.b.y += a,
this._props.b.x0 += n,
this._props.b.y0 += a
move: function(e, t) {
this._props.a.x = e,
this._props.a.y = t
update: function() {
this.pos.x = this._props.a.x,
this.pos.y = this._props.a.y;
var e = this._props.b.x - this._props.a.x
, t = this._props.b.y - this._props.a.y
, o = Math.atan2(t, e);
this._props.angle = o * radianToDegrees;
StickModel.prototype.constructor = StickModel;
Fiddle link with sample implementation on canvas:
Again, Everything works as expected, I'm just really curious to learn the following:
What could be the ideal names for unknownFunctionA and unknownFunctionB and an explanation of their functionality
What are those magic numbers in unknownFunctionA (1.825 and .825) and .5 in unknownFunctionB.
Variable o in unknownFunctionB appears to be hypotenuse. If that's the case, then what exactly is i = (o - e.length) / o in other words, i = (hypotenuse - stickLength) / hypotenuse?
First thing I'd recommend is renaming all those variables and methods until they start making sense. I also removed unused code.
adds wobble to the Stick model by creating new position values for the Stick that follows the mouse
Exaggerates its movement by multiplying its new position by 1.825 and also subtracting the position of an "echo" of its previous position multiplied by 0.825. Sort of looking for a middle point between them. Helium makes the stick sit upright.
overshooter minus undershooter must equal 1 or you will have orientation problems with your stick. overshooter values above 2.1 tend to make it never settle.
updates the seeker according to mouse positions.
The distance_to_cover variable measures the length of the total movement. You were right: hypothenuse (variable o).
The ratio variable calculates the ratio of the distance that can be covered subtracting the size of the stick. The ratio is then used to limit the adjustment of the update on the seeker in both directions (x and y). That's how much of the update should be applied to prevent overshooting the target.
easing slows down the correct updates.
There are lots of interesting info related to vectors on the book The nature of code.
function oscillator(seeker) {
var overshooter = 1.825;
var undershooter = .825;
var helium = -5;
var new_seeker_x = overshooter * seeker.x - undershooter * seeker.echo_x;
var new_seeker_y = overshooter * seeker.y - undershooter * seeker.echo_y + helium;
seeker.echo_x = seeker.x;
seeker.echo_y = seeker.y;
seeker.x = new_seeker_x;
seeker.y = new_seeker_y;
function seekerUpdate(stick) {
var dX = stick.seeker.x - stick.mouse_pos.x;
var dY = stick.seeker.y - stick.mouse_pos.y;
var distance_to_cover = Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
var ratio = (distance_to_cover - stick.length) / distance_to_cover;
var easing = .25;
stick.seeker.x -= dX * ratio * easing;
stick.seeker.y -= dY * ratio * easing;
function StickModel() {
this._props = function(length) {
return {
length: length,
lengthSq: length * length,
mouse_pos: {
x: 0,
y: 0
seeker: {
x: 0,
y: 0 - length,
echo_x: 0,
echo_y: 0 - length
StickModel.prototype = {
move: function(x, y) {
this._props.mouse_pos.x = x;
this._props.mouse_pos.y = y;
update: function() {
StickModel.prototype.constructor = StickModel;
// Canvas to draw stick model coordinates
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = window.outerWidth;
canvas.height = window.outerHeight;
var canvasCenterX = Math.floor(canvas.width / 2);
var canvasCenterY = Math.floor(canvas.height / 2);
context.translate(canvasCenterX, canvasCenterY);
var stickModel = new StickModel();
setInterval(function() {
}, 16);
$(window).mousemove(function(e) {
var mouseX = (e.pageX - canvasCenterX);
var mouseY = (e.pageY - canvasCenterY);
stickModel.move(mouseX, mouseY);
function draw() {
context.clearRect(-canvas.width, -canvas.height, canvas.width * 2, canvas.height * 2);
// red line from (ax, ay) to (bx, by)
context.strokeStyle = "#ff0000";
context.moveTo(stickModel._props.mouse_pos.x, stickModel._props.mouse_pos.y);
context.lineTo(stickModel._props.seeker.x, stickModel._props.seeker.y);
context.fillText('mouse_pos x:' + stickModel._props.mouse_pos.x + ' y: ' + stickModel._props.mouse_pos.y, stickModel._props.mouse_pos.x, stickModel._props.mouse_pos.y);
context.fillText('seeker x:' + stickModel._props.seeker.x + ' y: ' + stickModel._props.seeker.y, stickModel._props.seeker.x - 30, stickModel._props.seeker.y);
context.lineWidth = 1;
// green line from (ax, ay) to (bx0, by0)
context.strokeStyle = "#00ff00";
context.moveTo(stickModel._props.mouse_pos.x, stickModel._props.mouse_pos.y);
context.lineTo(stickModel._props.seeker.echo_x, stickModel._props.seeker.echo_y);
context.fillText('echo x:' + stickModel._props.seeker.echo_x + ' y: ' + stickModel._props.seeker.echo_y, stickModel._props.seeker.echo_x, stickModel._props.seeker.echo_y - 20);
context.lineWidth = 1;
// blue line from (bx0, by0) to (bx, by)
context.strokeStyle = "#0000ff";
context.moveTo(stickModel._props.seeker.echo_x, stickModel._props.seeker.echo_y);
context.lineTo(stickModel._props.seeker.x, stickModel._props.seeker.y);
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
canvas {
display: block;
p {
position: absolute;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Move your mouse to see the stick (colored red) follow</p>
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>

how to detect point on/around a line (with some offset)

Drawn a line from a point A to point B. Let d be offset. Let C be point to be tested.
I am going to do a kind of hit testing around the line with offset.
How can i do the hit testing around the line with the given offset.
Ex: A = (10,10), B (30,30), offset = 2. choose C as any point. Please Refer the image in the link please.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Find offset for C.
e.g. dx1 and dy1. If dy1/dx1=dy/dx then your C hits the line.
For segment you should also check if whether dx1 < dx or dy1 < dy.
In other words, you want to check if that point C is inside a certain rectangle, with dimensions 2*d and |A-B|+2*d. You need to represent the line as u*x+v*y+w=0, this can be accomplished by
u = A.y-B.y
v = B.x-A.x
w = A.x*B.y - A.y * B.x
Then the (signed) distance of C from that line would be
d = (u*C.x + v*C.y +w) / sqrt( u*u+v*v)
You compare abs(d) to your offset.
The next step would be to check the position of C in the direction of the line. To that end you consider the orthogonal line u2*x+v2*y+w2=0 with
u2 = v
v2 = -u
w2 = -u2*(A.x+B.x)/2 - v2*(A.y+B.y)/2
and the distance
d2 = (u2 * C.x + v2 * C.y + w2 ) / sqrt( u2*u2+v2*v2 )
This distance must be compared to something like the length of the line+offset:
abs(d2) < |A-B| / 2 + offset
A convenient trick is to rotate and translate the plane in such a way that the segment AB maps to the segment (0, 0)-(0, L) (just like on the image), L being the segment length.
If you apply the same transform to C, then it a very simple matter to test inclusion in the rectangle.
That useful transform is given by:
x = ((X - XA).(XB - XA) + (Y - YA).(YB - YA)) / L
y = ((X - XA).(YB - YA) - (Y - YA).(XB - XA)) / L
maybe you can use this function to count the shortest distance of the point to the line. If the distance is <= offset, then that point is hitting the line.
private double pointDistanceToLine(PointF line1, PointF line2, PointF pt)
var isValid = false;
PointF r = new PointF();
if (line1.Y == line2.Y && line1.X == line2.X)
line1.Y -= 0.00001f;
double U = ((pt.Y - line1.Y ) * (line2.Y - line1.Y )) + ((pt.X - line1.X) * (line2.X - line1.X));
double Udenom = Math.Pow(line2.Y - line1.Y , 2) + Math.Pow(line2.X - line1.X, 2);
U /= Udenom;
r.Y = (float)(line1.Y + (U * (line2.Y - line1.Y ))); r.X = (float)(line1.X + (U * (line2.X - line1.X)));
double minX, maxX, minY , maxY ;
minX = Math.Min(line1.Y , line2.Y );
maxX = Math.Max(line1.Y , line2.Y );
minY = Math.Min(line1.X, line2.X);
maxY = Math.Max(line1.X, line2.X);
isValid = (r.Y >= minX && r.Y <= maxX) && (r.X >= minY && r.X <= maxY );
//return isValid ? r : null;
if (isValid)
double result = Math.Pow((pt.X - r.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - r.Y), 2);
result = Math.Sqrt(result);
return result;
else {
double result1 = Math.Pow((pt.X - line1.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - line1.Y), 2);
result1 = Math.Sqrt(result1);
double result2 = Math.Pow((pt.X - line2.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pt.Y - line2.Y), 2);
result2 = Math.Sqrt(result2);
return Math.Min(result1, result2);
