Passing zsh command line arguments into xargs quotations - zsh

I have a zsh function, fvi (find vi), which recursively greps a directory searching for files with a pattern, collects them and opens them in vim (on the Mac):
function fvi { grep -rl $1 . | xargs sh -c '/Applications/ -g -- "$#" <$0' /dev/tty }
This looks bad but works fine (on the Mac). But I'd like to set the search pattern for vi to $1 with:
function fvi { grep -rl $1 . | xargs zsh -c '/Applications/ -c +/"$1" -g -- "$#" <$0' /dev/tty }
This of course does not work since xargs/zsh sees the $1 and translates it into a file name. I can manually say -c +/xyz and it will set the pattern to xyz. So I know the vim command syntax is working. I just can't get the shell command argument $1 to be substituted into the xargs string.
Any ideas?

I might just use find:
fvi () {
find . -exec grep -e $1 -- {} \; -exec $v -g +/$1 -- {} \;
The fact that you are opening each file in vim for interactive editing suggests there are not so many possible matches (or candidates) that running grep multiple times is really an issue. (At worst, you are just replacing each extra shell process started by xargs with an instance of grep.)
This also precludes any possible issue regarding file names that contain a newline.


dynamically pass string to Rscript argument with sed

I wrote a script in R that has several arguments. I want to iterate over 20 directories and execute my script on each while passing in a substring from the file path as my -n argument using sed. I ran the following:
find . -name 'xray_data' -exec sh -c 'Rscript /Users/Caitlin/Desktop/DeMMO_Pubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f {} -b "{}/SEM_images" -c "{}/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "`sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/' "{}"`"' sh {} \;
which results in this error:
ubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f {} -b "{}/SEM_images" -c "{}/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "`sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/' "{}"`"' sh {} \;
sh: command substitution: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: command substitution: line 0: `sed -e s/.*DeMMO.*[/](.*)_.*[/]xray_data/1/ "./DeMMO1/D1T3rep_Dec2019_Ellison/xray_data"'
When I try to use sed with my pattern on an example file path, it works:
echo "./DeMMO1/D1T1exp_Dec2019_Poorman/xray_data" | sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/'
which produces the correct substring:
I think there's an issue with trying to use single quotes inside the interpreted string but I don't know how to deal with this. I have tried replacing the single quotes around the sed pattern with double quotes as well as removing the single quotes, both result in this error:
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence
How should I extract the substring from the file path dynamically in this case?
To loop through the output of find.
while IFS= read -ru "$fd" -d '' files; do
echo "$files" ##: do whatever you want to do with the files here.
done {fd}< <(find . -type f -name 'xray_data' -print0)
No embedded commands in quotes.
It uses a random fd just in case something inside the loop is eating/slurping stdin
Also -print0 delimits the files with null bytes, so it should be safe enough to handle spaces tabs and newlines on the path and file names.
A good start is always put an echo in front of every commands you want to do with the files, so you have an idea what's going to be executed/happen just in case...
This is the solution that ultimately worked for me due to issues with quotes in sed:
for dir in `find . -name 'xray_data'`;
do sampleID="`basename $(dirname $dir) | cut -f1 -d'_'`";
Rscript /Users/Caitlin/Desktop/DeMMO_Pubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f "$dir" -b "$dir/SEM_images" -c "$dir/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "$sampleID";

find + sed, filename output

I have directory: D:/Temp, where there are a lot of subfolders with text files. Each folder has "file.txt". In some file.txt files is a word - "pattern". I would like check how many pattern words there are, and also get the filepath to that file.txt:
find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt" -exec basename {} cat {} \; | sed -n '/pattern/p' | wc -l
Output should be:
Or similar.
You could use GNU grep :
grep -lr --include file.txt "pattern" "D:/Temp/"
This will return the file paths.
grep -cr --include file.txt "pattern" "D:/Temp/"
This will return the count (counting the pattern occurences rather than the number of files)
Explanation of the flags :
-r makes grep recursively browse its target, that can then be a directory
--include <glob> makes grep restrict its recursive browsing to files matching the <glob>.
-l makes grep only return the files path. Additionnaly, it will stop parsing a file as soon as it has encountered the pattern.
-c makes grep only return the number of matches
If your file names don't contain spaces then all you need is:
awk '/pattern/{print FILENAME; cnt++; nextfile} END{print cnt+0}' $(find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt")
The above used GNU awk for nextfile.
I'd propose you to use two commands : one for find all the files:
find ./ -name "file.txt" -exec fgrep -l "-pattern" {} \;
Another for counting them:
find ./ -name "file.txt" -exec fgrep -l "-pattern" {} \; | wc -l
Previously I've used:
grep -Hc "pattern" $(find D:/temp -type f -name "file.txt")
This will only work if file.txt is found. Otherwise you could use the following which will account for when both files are found or not found:
searchFiles=$(find D:/temp -type f -name "file.txt"); [[ ! -z "$searchFiles" ]] && grep -Hc "pattern" $searchFiles
The output for this would look more like:
D:/Temp/abc1/file.txt 2
D:/Temp/abc2/file.txt 1
D:/Temp/abc3/file.txt 1
D:/Temp/abc4/file.txt 1
I would use
find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt" -exec dirname {} \; > tmpfile
wc -l tmpfile
cat tmpfile
rm tmpfile
Give a try to this safe and standard version:
find D:/Temp -type f -name file.txt -printf "%p\0" | xargs -0 bash -c 'printf "%s" "${#}"; grep -c "pattern" "${#}"' | grep ":[1-9][0-9]*$"
For each file.txt file found in D:/Temp directory and sub-directories, the xargs command prints the filename and the number of lines which contain pattern (grep -c).
A final grep ":[1-9][0-9]*$" selects only filenames with a count greater than 0.
The way I'm reading your question, I'm going to answer as if:
some but not all file.txt files contain pattern,
you want a list of the paths leading to file.txt with pattern, and
you want a count of pattern in each of those files.
There are a few options. (Always multiple ways to do anything.)
If your bash is version 4 or higher, you can use globstar to recurse through directories:
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/file.txt; do
if count=$(grep -c 'pattern' "$file"); then
printf "%d %s\n" "$count" "${file%/*}"
This works because the if evaluation considers a failed grep (i.e. zero occurrences) to be FALSE, and thus does not print results.
Note that this may be high impact because it launches a separate grep on each file that is found. A lighter weight alternative might be to run a single grep on the fileglob, and parse the results:
shopt -s globstar
grep -c 'pattern' **/file.txt | grep -v ':0$'
This also depends on bash 4, and of course if you have millions of files you may overwhelm bash's command line maximum length. The output of this will be obvious, but you'll need to parse it with care if your filenames contain colons. I.e. cut -d: -f2 may not cut it.
One more option that leverages grep instead of bash might be:
grep -r --include 'file.txt' -c 'pattern' ./ | grep -v ':0$'
This uses GNU grep's --include option which modified the behaviour of -r (recursive). It should work in Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OSX, but not with the default grep on OpenBSD or most SVR4 (Solaris, HP/UX, etc).
Note that I have tested none of these. No liability assumed. May contain nuts.
This should do it:
find . -name "file.txt" -type f -printf '%p\n' | awk '{print} END { print NR }'

UNIX feed $PATH to find

Is there any way I can search through all folders in my path for a file. Something like
for f in $PATH ; do ; find "$f" -print | grep lapack ; done
So that every folder in PATH is recursively searched for lapack
This should do it, I ran a few tests, seems to be working:
echo -n $PATH | xargs -d: -i find "{}" -name "*lapack*"
The -n in echo prevents it from writing a newline in the end (otherwise the newline would be passed as part of the last directory name to find(1)).
The -d in xargs(1) says that the delimiter is :. The -i makes it replace {} with the current path.
The rest is self-explanatory, I guess.

UNIX: rename files piped from find command

I basically want to add a string to all the files in a directory that are locked. I'm having trouble passing the filenames to a mv command:
find . -flags uchg -exec chflags nouchg "{}" | mv "{}" "{}"_LOCK \;
The above code obviously doesnt work but I think it explains what I'm trying to do.
I'm facing two problems:
Adding a string to the end of a filename but before the extension (001_LOCK.jpg).
Passing the output of the find command twice. I need to do this because it won't let me change the names of the files while they are locked. So I need to unlock the file and then rename it.
Does anyone have any ideas?
This should be a good start.
I assume you do not pipe chflags to mv, which doesn't make sense, but just rename the file if chflags fails. Processing the extension is more tricky but is certainly doable.
find . -flags uchg -exec sh -c "chflags nouchg \$0 || mv \$0 \$0_LOCK" {} \;
Edit: rename if chflags succeeds:
find . -flags uchg -exec sh -c "chflags nouchg \$0 && mv \$0 \$0_LOCK" {} \;

Shell script question

I want to execute following command in shell script
cp /somedire/*.(txt|xml|xsd) /destination/dir/
But this does not run inside shell script. Any quick help? line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `('
My shell is zsh.
Your use of parentheses and alternation is a zsh-specific construct. It doesn't work in other shells, including zsh in sh compatibility mode.
If you want to keep using this construct, you'll have to invoke zsh as zsh (presumably by replacing #!/bin/sh by #!/bin/zsh or something like that).
If you need your script to run on ksh, use #!/bin/ksh or #!/usr/bin/env ksh and
cp /somedire/*.#(txt|xml|xsd) /destination/dir/
If you also need to support bash, that same command with the # will work provided you run the following commands first:
shopt -s extglob 2>/dev/null ## tell bash to parse ksh globbing extensions
setopt ksh_glob 2>/dev/null ## tell zsh to parse ksh globbing extensions
If you need POSIX sh compatibility, you'll have to use three separate commands, and prepare for an error message if any of the three extensions has no match. A more robust solution would use find:
find /somedire -name /somedire -o -type d -prune -o \
\( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.xml' -o '*.xsd' \) \
-exec sh -c 'cp "$#" "$0"' /destination/dir {} +
No idea about zsh but Bash doesn’t know about regular expressions in paths, only wildcards.
You can try using find:
find -E . -regex '.*\.(txt|xml|xsd)' -exec cp {} /destination/dir \;
Have a look at the manpage for an explanation of the syntax of find.
This would work in bash, and probably zsh as well: cp /somedire/*.{txt,xml,xsd} /destination/dir/
It's not in POSIX, though, so it won't work with most /bin/sh's.
